
Leading Mexican tourism companies and associations commit to the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics

PR No.: PR12063

Eleven of Mexico’s major tourism companies and associations have signed commitments to the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, joining the growing number of private sector players that have pledged to promote and implement the values of responsible and sustainable tourism as championed by the Code (Campeche, Mexico, 24-25 October).

The signing, held on the occasion of the 94th Session of the UNWTO Executive Council, was witnessed by UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai, the Minister of Tourism of Mexico, Gloria Guevara, and the Members of UNWTO Executive Council.  

“Today you are committing your company to the integration of ethical norms and responsible practices in all its operations and policies,” said Mr. Rifai. “Without the private sector committing to economic, social and ethical responsibility, tourism cannot achieve its goals,” he added.

“The Code is the basis for sustainability in tourism around the world and central for tourism development in Mexico,“ said Minister Guevara. “The Code is vital in several areas, but most importantly because it protects people, particularly those less favored such as children and women, against exploitation and promotes social inclusion.”

Adopted in 1999 by the UNWTO General Assembly and endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2001, the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism is a set of principles designed to guide the development of tourism in a way that maximizes the socio-economic benefits of the sector, while minimizing any negative impacts.

UNWTO promotes the adherence of private tourism enterprises and associations to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. A special focus on social, cultural and economic issues is one of the main objectives of the Private Sector Commitment to the Code. The Commitment seeks to draw particular attention to issues such as human rights, social inclusion, gender equality, accessibility, and the protection of vulnerable groups and host communities.

Note to editors:

Companies to sign the Private Sector Commitment to the UNWTO Code of Ethics for Tourism:

Aeroméxico; Asociación de Empresarios Mayoristas; Asociación Femenil de Ejecutivas de Empresas Turísticas; Asociación Mexicana de Desarrolladores Turísticos; Asociación Mexicana de Hoteles de Campeche, A.C.; Asociación Mexicana de Hoteles y Moteles; Confederación de Cámaras Nacionales de Comercio, Servicios y Turismo; Consejo Empresarial Turístico de Campeche; Corporativo Cedis - Grupo Palace Resorts; Hoteles Misión; and RCI – Latin America & Caribbean


Relevant links:

The Global Code of Ethics for Tourism



UNWTO Principal Media Officer: Marcelo Risi

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60


UNWTO Communications Programme

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Tourism makes vital contribution to economy of Argentina says President

PR No.: PR12049

The President of Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, has underlined the importance of tourism as a sector able to “generate decent work and wealth across the entire country” on receiving the UNWTO/World Travel &Tourism Council (WTTC) Open Letter on Tourism (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 28 August 2012).

“The travel and tourism industry in Argentina makes an important contribution to the national economy and is a powerful path towards territorial development, given its ability to generate decent work and wealth across the entire country,” said President Fernández. 

The President pointed to “economic development with social inclusion and the conservation of heritage” as the cornerstone of Argentina’s tourism policy. “We are driven by the vision of becoming South America’s tourism destination of reference for our diversity and quality of supply, based on the balanced development of the habitats and identities of our people,” she said.

Meeting with the President on the occasion of the presentation of Argentina’s new Marketing Plan 2012-2015, UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai and WTTC President & CEO, David Scowsill presented an Open Letter which calls on global leaders to support tourism as a driver of economic growth and development.

“International tourist arrivals to Argentina have almost doubled over the past decade making the country the most visited destination in South America, with international tourism accounting for over US$ 5 billion a year in exports,” said Mr. Rifai. “This is due not only to the country’s enviable natural and cultural resources, but also thanks to the correct tourism policies and the political support awarded to the sector at the highest level. This was evidenced in 2010 when the President created the first Ministry of Tourism in Argentina, and again today on accepting the Open Letter.”     

Mr. Scowsill said: “Latin America is a strong engine of growth to the global Travel & Tourism industry. The new Marketing Plan for Argentina will ensure that Argentina is one of the leading destinations driving this growth. It was an honour to meet with President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Her acceptance of the Open Letter underlines Argentina’s commitment to support the development of the Travel & Tourism industry.”



Principal Media Officer: Marcelo Risi

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60


WTTC Media Relations Manager: Anja Eckervogt

Tel: (+44) 20 7481 6484

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Tourism deserves increased political recognition - Prime Minister of Jamaica

PR No.: PR12037

Tourism is delivering jobs, income and well-being around the world and deserves increased support from political leaders in these challenging economic times, said Prime Minister of Jamaica, Portia Simpson Miller on meeting UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai and WTTC President & CEO, David Scowsill (Montego Bay, Jamaica, 16 June 2012).

“Tourism has grown over the years to become one of the world’s most powerful economic sectors – delivering jobs, income and well-being around the globe,” said Prime Minister Miller.

“Having served as Minister of Tourism and Sports of Jamaica – a country in which tourism plays a crucial and ever-growing role in the national economy – I am well aware of the need to raise the profile of tourism higher among decision-makers. Without recognition and support at the highest level, tourism is often blocked from delivering on its full potential, especially when policies on issues such as infrastructure and taxation are made in isolation of the sector. This is even more critical in these challenging economic times,” she continued. 

Attending the 2012 Caribbean Tourism Summit, Mr. Rifai and Mr Scowsill praised the Prime Minister for her commitment to the sustainable expansion of the country’s tourism sector.

“There is a clear recognition within the Jamaican Government of the importance of tourism as a driver of economic growth, job creation and sustainable development. Already welcoming close to two million international tourists a year, who generate US$ 2 billion for the Jamaican economy, the Prime Minister’s words today will ensure the country remains firmly on the international tourism map.” , said Mr Rifai.   

Mr. David Scowsill, President & CEO, WTTC, said: “Jamaica has a unique character and sets itself apart from the other Caribbean islands historically and culturally.

“I’m delighted that the Government of Jamaica is reiterating its long term commitment to tourism, and demonstrates the country’s leadership role in the Travel & Tourism industry. The government truly understands the impact on job creation and the positive economic impact that Travel & Tourism brings to global GDP. In 2011 the Jamaican Travel & Tourism industry supported almost 300, 000 jobs and directly contributed JMD100 billion to the country’s GDP.”



Principal Media Officer: Marcelo Risi

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60


WTTC Media Relations Manager: Anja Eckervogt

Tel: (+44) 20 7481 6484

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UNWTO welcomes regional tourism cooperation in Mexico and Central America

The five countries that share the legacy of the Mayan culture have committed to work together to promote tourism attractions around this pre-Columbian civilization, which flourished between ca. 250 to 900 AD.

The year 2012 marks the end of a cycle in the Mayan calendar and Mexico, Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras are working to capitalize on the growing interest in this ancient civilization by coordinating their promotion efforts under a regional tourism brand, Mundo Maya (Mayan World).

Mundo Maya promotes and offers information on Mayan attractions throughout southeastern Mexico and Central America, making it easier for tourists to travel between the different countries and, as a result, stimulates regional tourism integration.

This new tourism cooperation project was praised by UNWTO, which has long encouraged a regional approach to tourism development. With tourists increasingly opting for multi-destination trips, cooperation between neighboring countries has proven an extremely effective means of increasing tourist arrivals, as has been the case in regions such as Europe, the Caribbean or Central America where regional tourism bodies work to promote shared itineraries. 

Mundo Maya was congratulated by UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai, who called on other countries to work towards facilitating border crossings and to embark on joint promotion as a means to further enhance tourism development.




Principal Media Officer: Marcelo Risi

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60


UNWTO Communications Programme

Tel: +34 91-567-8100

Fax: +34 91-567-8218


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