145 key tourism statistics

145 key tourism statistics

Data are collected from countries by UN Tourism through a series of yearly questionnaires that are in line with the International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics (IRTS 2008) standard led by UN Tourism and approved by the United Nations.

The latest update took place in 31 January 2024.

Access the data by clicking on the sections below:


Total employees in tourism industries
2022 or latest available year
Totals may include different industries depending on the reporting country

Total employees by tourism industries
Dark red line indicates reported total
Select Country on the top to display data

Number employees by tourism industry

Number employees by tourism industry

Total number of employees, disaggregated by tourism industry. Tourism industries include: Accommodation, Food and Beverage, Passenger transportation, Travel Agencies and reservation services, Other

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Inbound Tourism


Arrivals (in thousands)
2022 or latest available year

Total Arrivals in country over time
Please select a country on the map above to display data below

Arrivals in country by region of origin*

* Determined by residence or citizenship of visitor

Arrivals in country by Transportation Mode

Arrivals in country by Main Purpose of trip

Inbound Tourism


Accommodation: Guests and Overnights
Please select series on top
2022 or latest available year

Total Guests in country

Total Overnight stays in country

Inbound Expenditure


Inbound Expenditure (in million USD)
2022 or latest available year

Total Inbound Expenditure in country

Inbound Expenditure in country by type of expenditure

Total arrivals

Total arrivals

Total international arrivals. Data disaggregated by: Overnight, Same-day (of which, cruise passengers)

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UNWTO Inbound - Expenditure Data

Total inbound tourism expenditure, disaggregated by: Travel, Passenger Transport

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Total arrivals by region

Arrivals by region

Total international arrivals, disaggregated by region of origin. Regions include: Africa, Americas, East Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Middle East, South Asia

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Total arrivals by Main Purpose

Arrivals by Main Purpose

Total international arrivals, disaggregated by Main Purpose of the trip. Main Purpose categories include: Personal (holiday and vacation, other personal), Business and professional

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Total arrivals by Mode of Transport

Arrivals by Mode of Transport

Total international arrivals, disaggregated by Mode of Transport of the trip. Modes of Transport include: Air, Water, Land (railway, road, other)

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Accommodation: Guests and Overnights


Total number of Guests and Nights spent in accommodation establishments. Data disaggregated by: All establishments, Hotels and similar establishments.

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Domestic Tourism


Domestic Trips (in thousands)
2022 or latest available year

Domestic Trips over time:
Select Country on top

Domestic Trips vs International Arrivals:
Select Type of Trip / Arrival on top


Domestic Tourism in Accommodation
2022 or latest available year

Domestic Tourism in Accommodation over time:

Variable displayed: Overnights
Select Country on top

Variable displayed: Guests
Select Country on top

Domestic vs Inbound Tourism in Accommodation

Overnights in Hotels and similar
Select Country on top

Overnights in All Establishments
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Guests in Hotels and similar
Select Country on top

Guests in All establishments
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Total trips

Total trips

Total domestic tourism trips, disaggregated by: Overnight, Same-day

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Total number of Guests and Nights spent in accommodation establishments by domestic tourists. Data disaggregated by: All establishments, Hotels and similar establishments

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Outbound Tourism


Departures (in thousands)
2022 or latest available year

Departures over time

Outbound Expenditure

Tourism outbound expenditure (in million USD)
2022 or latest available year

Oubound expenditure over time
Select a Country on top

Outbound expenditure by type of expenditure
Select Country on top

Total Inbound vs Outbound Tourism Expenditure
Select Country on top

Total departures

Arrivals by region

Total international departures. Data disaggregated by: Overnight, Same-day

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UNWTO Inbound - Expenditure Data

Total outbound tourism expenditure, disaggregated by: Travel, Passenger Transport

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Tourism Industries

Tourism Industries

2022 or latest available year

Total number of Bed-places
Select Country on top

Total number of Hotels and similar establishments
Select Country on top

Total number of Rooms in Hotels and similar
Select Country on top

Occupation rate by bed-places and rooms
Select Country on top

Average length of stay in hotels and similar
Select Country on the top

Accommodation in hotels and similar establihsments

Accommodation in hotels and similar establihsments

Non-monetary data related to accommodation activities. Indicators include: total number of establishments, total number of rooms, total number of bed-places.

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Other indicators

Other indicators

Other relevant indicators related to performance of tourism industries. Indicators include: Occupancy rate (rooms, bed-places), Average length of stay, Available capacity

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Based on additional data collected from several international sources, a number of macroeconomic indicators are compiled:

Gross travel propensity

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Inbound tourists over population

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Outbound tourism expenditure over GDP

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Tourism balance (inbound minus outbound tourism expenditure) over GDP

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Tourism openness (inbound plus outbound tourism expenditure) over GDP

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Tourism coverage (inbound over outbound tourism expenditure)

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Inbound tourism expenditure over exports of goods

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Inbound tourism expenditure over exports of services

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Inbound tourism expenditure over exports of goods and services

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Inbound tourism expenditure over current account credits

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Outbound tourism expenditure over imports of goods

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Outbound tourism expenditure over imports of services

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Outbound tourism expenditure over imports of goods and services

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Outbound tourism expenditure over current account debits

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Outbound tourism expenditure over GDP

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Detailed information on the metadata, country notes and methodologies used in the compilation of these data can be found in the Methodological Notes.

Publications on tourism statistics

UN Tourism´s flagship annual publications in the field of tourism statistics are the Compendium of Tourism Statistics and the Yearbook of Tourism Statistics. They contain the main data and indicators compiled by UN Tourism in e-book format (PDF).

The Compendium provides statistical data and indicators on inbound, outbound and domestic tourism, as well as on the number and types of tourism industries, the number of employees by tourism industries, and macroeconomic indicators related to international tourism.

Please click here to see the Index of indicators and basic data that form the Compendium. 

The 2023 edition presents data for 194 countries from 2017 to 2021, with methodological notes in English, French and Spanish.

Understanding, for each country, where its inbound tourism is generated is essential for analyzing international tourism flows and devising marketing strategies, such as those related to the positioning of national markets abroad. The Yearbook focuses on data related to inbound tourism (total arrivals and overnight stays), broken down by country of origin.

The 2023 edition presents data for 187 countries from 2017 to 2021, with methodological notes in English, French and Spanish.


The 2023 editions of the Compendium of Tourism Statistics and the Yearbook of Tourism Statistics were the last editions of these eBooks publications. From now on the same information and future updates will continue to be available in downloadable digital form through the eLibrary and on this webpage.

To be able to obtain data from the UN Tourism database free of charge you should send a formal request by writing (letter from your University, Faculty... and signed by your professor/tutor; pdf is acceptable) in accordance with special arrangement to support students and university researches.