Second Meeting of the Working Group of Experts on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism
The second meeting of the Working Group of Experts on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism was held on 24-25 October 2018, in UNWTO Headquarters, Madrid, Spain.
Session 1. Sustainable Tourism: a cornerstone of UNWTO's agenda
- Mr. John Kester (UNWTO): Milestones of the Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (MST) Project
Session 2. Advancing the Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism
- Mr. Carl Obst (UNWTO consultant): Updated draft of the Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (SF-MST) and outcomes of the 1st consultation
- Mr. Calvin Jones (Cardiff Business School): Main issues identified by the sub-group on Employment
- Contributions from the Sub-group to the Working Group of Experts on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism: “Tourism employment”
- Mr. Cesare Costantino (UNWTO consultant): The demand perspective in measuring the sustainability of tourism with specific focus on environmental aspects (doc) (ppt)
- Mr. Carl Obst (UNWTO consultant): Using Ecosystem Accounting for MST
- Mr. Rodrigo Oliver (Argentina): “Measuring the social sustainability of tourism"
- Contributions from the Sub-group to the Working Group of Experts on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism: “The Social Dimension of Sustainable Tourism”
- Mr. Raúl Figueroa (Mexico): Ecosystem and cultural services in Mexico
- Mr. Raúl Hernández (Universidad La Laguna): Reflections on measuring the sustainability of tourism at the destination scale
- Mr. Dirk Glaesser (UNWTO): International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories
Session 3. From theory to practice: initial steps towards implementation by countries
- Mr. Martin Balas (Univ. Sustainable Development) and Ms. Franziska Neumann (Diw Econ): Development of an Indicator-System for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism in Germany
- Ms. Vivian R. Ilarina (Philippines): Measuring Sustainable Tourism: The Philippine Experience
- Mr. Faisal Abdullah Al-Saleemi (Saudi Arabia): Environmental measures for tourism based on the TSA when you don’t have environmental accounts (SEEA)
- Ms. Demi Kotsovos (Canada): Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism: Implementation Strategy
- Ms. Nour Barnat and Mr. Anton Sudzik (UNCTAD): Measuring travel and tourism in Western African countries - Implementation and issues
Session 4. MST’s connections to sustainable development
- Mr. Peter Laimer (Austria): Tourism indicators for monitoring the sustainability of tourism (doc) (ppt)
- Ms. Jennifer Iduh (ETC): Questionnaire on Measuring Sustainable Tourism Indicators (STIs): Preliminary Results
Session 5. Communicating MST: what to tell to whom and when?
- Mr. Marcelo Risi (UNWTO): Towards a communication plan for MST
Session 6. The way forward and closing
- Ms. Leandry Moreno (UNWTO): Next steps
- Mr. Peter Laimer (Austria): Conclusions
Background documents:
- Linking the TSA and the SEEA: A Technical Note
- IAEG/SDGs - Contribution from the countries in the Committee on Tourism Statistics and Tourism Satellite Account of the UNWTO (April 2018)
- Measuring Sustainable Tourism: A Call for Action – Report of the 6th International Conference on Tourism Statistics, Manila, Philippines, 21 – 23 June 2017
- Manila Call for Action on Measuring Sustainable Tourism

Pictures of the meeting
Pictures of the meeting

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Pictures of the meeting

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Pictures of the meeting

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Pictures of the meeting