UNWTO World Tourism Barometer and Statistical Annex, June 2018
International tourism remains strong in the first four months of 2018
International tourist arrivals grew 6% in January-April 2018 compared to the same period last year.
Results reflect a continuation of the strong trend seen in 2017 (+7%) and so far exceed UNWTO’s forecast of 4% to 5% for the year 2018.
Growth in the first four months of 2018 was led by Asia and the Pacific (+8%) and Europe (+7%), while Africa (+6%), the Middle East (+4%) and the Americas (+3%) also recorded sound results.
Confidence in global tourism remains strong according to the latest UNWTO Panel of Tourism Experts survey. The Panel’s outlook for the current May-August period is one the most optimistic in a decade, led by the particularly upbeat sentiment in Africa, the Middle East and Europe.
International tourism receipts grew 5% in 2017
International tourism receipts increased 5% in 2017 in real terms (local currencies at constant prices) to reach US$ 1,332 billion globally, some US$ 94 billion more than in 2016. Results are consistent with the solid trend in international tourist arrivals, which grew 7% in 2017.
The Middle East led growth in tourism receipts with a 13% increase in 2017, followed by Africa and Europe which both recorded 8% growth. Receipts grew 3% in Asia and the Pacific and 1% in the Americas. Europe recorded the highest growth in absolute terms, with an increase of US$ 50 billion to reach US$ 512 billion, or 38% of the world’s international tourism receipts.