UNWTO Tourism Definitions | Définitions du tourisme de l’OMT | Definiciones de turismo de la OMT

As an outcome of the work of the Committee on Tourism and Competitiveness (CTC), the 22nd Session of the General Assembly held in Chengdu, China (11–16 September 2017), adopted as Recommendations (A/RES/684 (XXII)) some operational definitions used in the tourism value chain, as well as a set of operational definitions on some selected tourism types. Along with the operational definitions the Committee has also focused on identifying the key quantitative and qualitative factors for tourism competitiveness under two categories: 1. Governance, management and market dynamics; and 2. Destination appeal, attractors, products and supply. It is aimed that these operational definitions provide UNWTO members and other tourism stakeholders with a comprehensive and concise, operational, applicable and globally relevant conceptual framework on some concepts used in the tourism value chain and on some selected tourism types to set the scene and contribute to establish a common ground for a harmonized understanding.
ISBN: 978-92-844-2085-8