Slovakia Matching Priorities

Tourism Data and Matching Priorities - Slovakia


Education/training & promotion

(Match: Based on the development strategy of Slovak Tourism; educated and qualified human resources together with the promotion of destinations are top priorities)

  • UNWTO.Academy: Organization of dedicated trainings on efficient promotion and marketing of destinations for destinations officials/Assist destinations on the development of marketing & promotion strategy of destinations.
  • Training: Possibility to organize tailored-made training on the elaboration of a tourism strategy, development of tourism products, marketing strategy, promotion, etc.
  • Tourism education: UNWTO.Academy can provide support in the development of tourism educational programmes / New tourism university
  • QUEST: UNWTO can support destinations in the creation of DMOs and assessment of existing ones
  • Support in the organization of the Students League on the national level
  • Support in organizing youth tourism events on the national level
  • Possibility to open an International Center with the UNWTO.Academy, where we could offer Tailored-made training
  • Human workforce development: Opportunity to support the formation of young tourism professionals through traineeship and official on-loan programmes 

Measurement and Statistics:

(Match: The lack of an integrated Statistics system is identified as a challenge by Slovak development strategy.)

  • Technical cooperation: UNWTO could provide dedicated training and workshops to support the country in the collection and monitoring of tourism data.
  • UNWTO Amadeus Masterclass: Possibility to organize a Masterclass delivered by Amadeus experts on the analysis of data for better tourism decision-making.
  • Introduce MST (Measuring Sustainable Tourism)

Innovation and Digital Transformation

(Match: Necessity of implementation of new information technologies like reservation systems, tourist network information centers, etc.).

  • Introduce the UNWTO Start-up Competition, the world’s largest startup competition in tourism
  • Introduce the Innovation Hubs Network worldwide
  • Potential to collaborate on the advancement of SDGs through innovation.

Sustainable tourism development and enhancement of key tourism segments

(Match: One of Slovakia’s main objectives in tourism is to enhance the development of its strategic segments, including rural tourism)

  • Segments of interest: Support Slovakia in the enhancement of its tourism segments of interest through capacity-building activities and the exchange of best practices with other destinations.
  • Explore the possibility of organizing joint initiatives on this occasion, in particular on a regional scale. 
  • G20 Guidelines on Strengthening MSMEs and Communities as Agents of Transformation in Tourism
  • UNWTO Rural Tourism Development Programme - Best Tourism Villages of the World: International Label; Tourism Villages Upgrade Programme; Best Tourism Villages Network
  • UNWTO One Planet Sustainable Tourism Programme:
    • Global Plastic Initiative
    • The Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism

International tourism

Arrivals per region

Main Source Markets:


Main Outbound Markets:


Travel and Tourism Contribution


International Tourism arrivals


International Tourism Receipts

Tourism Strategy

In Spring 2021 Slovakia has launched a public procurement for the elaboration of a Mapping study of Tourism in Slovakia. The aim is to clearly define the most attractive tourism products for foreign visitors; define target market segments; define an effective communication strategy for individual countries. 
The Mapping Study includes:

  • The potential of tourism in Slovakia - mapping the current perception of Slovakia as a tourist destination, proposals for branding and communication adjustments in order to improve its position in the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report. 
  • Tourism product of Slovakia - analysis of current tourism products attractive to domestic clients and foreign markets, proposal for new products in accordance with new trends and changes after the COVID-19 pandemic. 
  • Target markets and segments for Slovakia - analysis of current target markets and proposal of target countries with the highest potential to visit Slovakia. The study also defines target market segments according to the motive of the visit.
  • Master plan of tourism in Slovakia - which includes: 
  1. Identification of target foreign markets with the highest potential for a visit to Slovakia. 
  2. Identification of market segments in accordance with the latest trends in tourism - separately for each target country.
  3. Proposal for suitable tourism products and product lines for strategic target markets and market segments - separately for each target country. 
  4. Proposal for creative concepts and communication strategy, which is suitable for addressing selected target countries and market segments - types of media and forms of promotion for individual market segments, including setting priorities and a proposal for foreign representations. 

Source: Ministry of Transport and Construction of Slovakia