Commitment Signatory: Asociación de Hoteles, Restaurante, Confiterías y Cafés (AHRCC)

Commitment Signatory: Asociación de Hoteles, Restaurante, Confiterías y Cafés (AHRCC)

On behalf of Asociación de Hoteles, Restaurante, Confiterías y Cafés, its President, Mr. Camilo Suarez, signed the Private Sector Commitment to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism on 4 December 2014 during the Closing of the working session of the Argentine Chamber of Tourism.

Mr. Camilo Suarez, President of Asociación de Hoteles, Restaurante, Confiterías y Cafés, signing the Private Sector Commitment to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism in the presence of UNWTO Director-Executive Secretary for Member Relations Mr. Carlos Vogeler, the Minister of Tourism of Argentina Mr. Enrique Meyer and the President of the Argentine Chamber of Tourism Mr. Oscar Ghezzi, in San Carlo de Bariloche on 4 December 2014.

See also:

Private Sector Commitment to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism

List of Signatory Companies and Associations

Global Code of Ethics for Tourism