ST-EP projects in Ghana and in Bosnia and Herzegovina successfully completed
Two ST-EP projects in Ghana and in Bosnia and Herzegovina were successfully completed in mid-December 2016. The two are part of the ST-EP project portfolio implemented through the generous support from the Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) and the ST-EP Foundation.
In Ghana, activities focused on improving visitor facilities and services in the Nzulezu stilt village. The project built 10 toilets stalls with flush-system, for use by visitors and locals alike, and implemented a training programme on cultural dance performances for 36 youth of the village. The village walkway and performance stage was also upgraded and about 20 litter bins were installed in the village to discourage waste disposal into the water. Awareness-raising activities on sanitation and waste management were carried out, and other income generating opportunities identified with the community, such as the sales of handicrafts and the traditional meals by women’s group. In addition, the project mounted bill boards at two major road junctions en-route to Nzulezu.
A project closing ceremony was held in December 2016 with the presence of the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Arts of Ghana, Hon. Elizabeth Ofosu-Adjare.
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the ST-EP project built a small Adventure Park for children at the former Olympic site of Jahorina. The objective of the project is to attract visitation, tourists and school children alike, all-year around and thus create additional income generating opportunities for the community. The park consists of a tubing facility that provides another fun activity additional to skiing for families and children visiting the area.
All project activities were implemented successfully and the Adventure Park completed in time for the opening of the ski season in Jahorina in mid-December.