New UNWTO Silk Road Action Plan 2014/2015 now available
UNWTO Silk Road Programme is pleased to announce that the new Action Plan for 2014/2015 is now available. The Action Plan presents the objectives, vision for Silk Road tourism as well as providing an overview of what has been achieved since the launch of the first Action Plan in 2010.
This latest edition looks at the global trends that will impact Silk Road tourism over the coming years and outlines the priority actions for 2014/2015 based on the existing three key areas of work: i) marketing and promotion ii) destination management and capacity building and iii) travel facilitation.
The UNWTO Silk Road Action Plan 2014/2015 was developed taking into consideration feedback provided by over 20 UNWTO Member States via a survey distributed in 2013. It is designed to inspire engagement, collaboration and input from all stakeholders, ultimately making a strong contribution to the sustainable growth of Silk Road tourism.
The Action Plan has been launched in the year that celebrates the 20th Anniversary of the Samarkand Declaration on Silk Road Tourism. UNWTO invites all stakeholders to take an active role in celebrating this milestone by collaborating on the Plan’s goals and priority actions.
To download the Action Plan please click here