UNWTO Affiliate Members elect new Chair
Following the elections held at 5 November 2013 on the sidelines of the 2013 World Travel Market (London, UK), the Instituto Para La Calidad Turística Española, ICTE (Spain), represented by Mr. Miguel Mirones Díez, has been voted to the position of Chairman of the Affiliate Members Board for the next two years. The previous chair was held by the Association for Greek Tourism Enterprises (SETE), represented by Mr. Georgios Drakopoulos.
Updated list of Board Members of the Affiliate Members Board:
Instituto Para La Calidad Turística Española (Spain)
Regional Vice Chairs
Kenya Utalii College (Kenya)
Kwela Fleet Management (South Africa)
Cámara Argentina de Turismo (Argentina)
George Washington University (United States of America)
Kerala Institute of Tourism and Travel Studies (India)
Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) (Republic of Korea)
Azerbaijan Tourism Association - AZTA (Azerbaijan)
Middle East
Egyptian Tourism Federation (ETF) (Egypt)
Vice Chairmen
Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises - SETE (Greece)
Asociación Mundial Para La Formación Profesional Turística (AMFORT) (Mexico)
Bundesverband Der Deutschen Tourismuswirtschaft (BTW) e.V. (Germany)
Destino Punta del Este (Uruguay)
FITUR – Feria Internacional de Turismo (Spain)
Instituto Polo Internacional Iguassu - (POLOIGUASSU) (Brazil)
Madrid Visitors and Convention Bureau (Spain)
Exceltur – Alianza Para La Excelencia Turística (Spain)
Russian Travel Guide Co. Ltda. (Russian Federation)
Sociedad Estatal Para La Gestión de la Innovación y Las Tecnologías Turísticas S.A. (SEGITTUR) (Spain)
St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics (Russian Federation)
Turisme de Barcelona (Spain)
Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey – TOBB (Turkey)
Universitat de Valencia (Spain)
UNWTO Senior Media Officer: Marcelo Risi
Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60
UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme
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Fax: +34 91-567-8218