Compliance with the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism shall become mandatory from July 2013 for those who obtain or renew the UNWTO.TedQual Certification
IUBH Bad Honnef ∙ Bonn (IUBH), Germany – 22-24th May 2013
During the 2013 Annual UNWTO.TedQual Auditors Meeting, held at the University IUBH Bad-Honnef-Bonn (Germany - 22 to 24 May) progress was made on updating the aspects to be evaluated by the UNWTO.TedQual Certification and the decision was that, from July 1, 2013, compliance with the Code of Ethics for Tourism will be mandatory for all programmes that obtain or renew the UNWTO.TedQual Certification.
Thus, those institutions undergoing certification for the first time, will have to write-up a specific work plan to improve those weaknesses found by the UNWTO.TedQual audit team during the in-situ audit regarding the implementation of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. The final evaluation of their compliance to the Code of Ethics will then be evaluated during the renovation process aimed at conserving the UNWTO.TedQual Certification. All Institutions/Programmes that have been certified to-date will also have to satisfy this requirement.
During the meeting, the UNWTO.TedQual audit team also agreed on the points of the Code of Conduct for UNWTO.TedQual Auditors, which will have to be ratified during this first semester by all those belonging to the UNWTO.TedQual Auditors team.
UNWTO.TedQual is an International Quality Certification for Higher Tourism Education Programmes awarded by the World Tourism Organization.