Launch of UNWTO.Volunteers online network
Since the beginning of this month, an online network has become available to all members of the UNWTO Volunteer Corps with the aim at facilitating the exchange of knowledge and opportunities and at strengthening ties between the members.
This network provides space for suggestions, job opportunities and exchange of documents and photographs. In addition, forums are available for volunteers to discuss different topics of their interest.
Specific forums have been opened for each volunteer working in the field, starting with Ghana, Nicaragua and soon to come, Guatemala. The aim of these forums is to give volunteers the opportunity to share their field experiences and if necessary, the possibility to ask for advice from other network members.
The UNWTO Volunteers’ network will evolve constantly, and new issues for discussion will be raised thus making it a self-sustained network through its members.
The UNWTO Volunteer Corps currently has over 130 members who have participated in different editions of the University Course in Tourism and Development Cooperation, a basic requirement to join the Corps.
People who are not part of the UNWTO Volunteer Corps can visit the network under "Networks" from the main menu.
For more information about the UNWTO.Volunteers programme click here.