Sixth meeting of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics
Highlighting the significance of responsible tourism
Madrid, Spain, 14 March 2008: The Members of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics underscored the importance of promoting values that form the foundation of sound, responsible and sustainable tourism, while avoiding potential damages of “opportunistic and unguided forms of tourism” at their sixth meeting (Madrid, Spain, 13-14 March 2008).
Members of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics at their sixth meeting, held in Madrid in March 2008
Dr. David de Villiers, former UNWTO Deputy Secretary-General and newly elected Chairman of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics said, “The Global Code of Ethics for Tourism is designed to help the industry achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals. It is a practical framework to maximize the positive cultural economic and humanizing potential of tourism”.
For more information on the World Committee on Tourism Ethics, please click here