UNWTO Knowledge Network Kick-off Meeting
The UNWTO Knowledge Network (UNWTO.Know) is a worldwide web of innovation institutions or centres willing to work collaboratively to set and put into use research and knowledge management standards on tourism policy, governance, and operations. The network’s scope includes scientific and technological, business, and governmental organizations, programmes and projects.
From its inception, in the Autumn of 2010, the UNWTO.Know has already enlisted some 80 members worldwide, and this number will be growing over the next months; they will be working as UNWTO Knowledge Institutions, UNWTO Strategic Centres, and UNWTO Tourism Think-Tanks.
The UNWTO Knowledge Network Kick-off Meeting is the first opportunity for existing and prospective members of the network to meet personally and establish principle operative links.
On this occasion, several lines of research and innovation will be preliminary presented by UNWTO.Know members in the Americas, in Asia-Pacific, and in Europe. This is intended as inspiration on road-maps for action and collaboration. Participants will also be able to introduce themselves and briefly express their strategic views on innovation relating to tourism.
Finally, the UNWTO.Know will be honoured to have full participation of high representatives of Tourism Portugal and the University of Algarve. Together, they are hosting the first global conference of the network on 1-3 June 2011, designed to disseminate programmes and projects of members, and to serve as a liaison to bilateral and multilateral cooperation organizations and other international big-league players.
UNWTO Knowledge Network is pleased to welcome its existing and prospective members to the Kick-off Meeting on 19 January. If you have not already completed your registration for this key meeting please do it through our registration system.