Tourism and Community Welfare by Vasan Dental Care
As a part of our Community Social Responsibility Initiative, Vasan Dental Care along with Club FM,Deccan Chronicle,District Tourism Promotion Council, Young Indians ,Student Police Cadets and Kudumbashree will be organizing a Walkathon in F.Cochin on the occasion of The United Nations World Tourism Day on 27th September, 2014. The Walkathon will commence from the Corporation office near F.Cochin Bus Stand. The Theme for this Year's United Nations World Tourism Day is Responsible Tourism and Community Development, focusing on the ability of Tourism to empower people and provide them with skills to achieve change in their local communities. Tourists are encouraged to contribute to the local community in the places of their visit by way of buying local goods , make minimal impact on the environment, and conservation of heritage,art and culture. The Walkathon symbolises these themes to raise awarenes among local communities and visiting tourists alike. We take this opportunity to invite you to be a part of the Event and lend support to Community Development by active participation. Venue : Cochin Corporation Office,Near F.Cochin Bus Stand,F.Cochin Date : 27th September, 2014 Time : 9.00 am For more information please contact : 8943342266