SCBP Europe - IV Workshop
IV Workshop, Vienna, Austria, 18-20 November 2009
- Agenda
- List of participants
- Domestic Tourism
- Outbound Tourism
- Albania
- Bulgaria
- Georgia
- Kazakhstan
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Montenegro
- Poland
- Romania
- Russian Federation
- Slovakia
- Turkey
- Accommodation
- Inbound Tourism
- TSA Implementation
- Other issues
- Conclusions and Looking Ahead
- agenda_5.pdf
- albania_bop.pdf
- albania_domestic_0.pdf
- albania_outbound_0.pdf
- austria_accom.pdf
- austria_tsa.pdf
- bulgaria_accom.pdf
- bulgaria_domestic_2.pdf
- bulgaria_inbound_0.pdf
- bulgaria_outbound_1.pdf
- bulgaria_tsa_1.pdf
- eurostat_accom.pdf
- eurostat_tsaproject.pdf
- eurostat_tsaresults.pdf
- georgia_accom.pdf
- georgia_bop.pdf
- georgia_conclusions.pdf
- georgia_domestic.pdf
- georgia_inbound_0.pdf
- georgia_outbound_2.pdf
- georgia_tsa_1.pdf
- kazakhstan_bop_0.pdf
- latvia_accom.pdf
- latvia_bop.pdf
- latvia_conclusions.pdf
- latvia_domestic_out.pdf
- latvia_inbound_1.pdf
- lithuania_accom.pdf
- lithuania_bop.pdf
- lithuania_conclusions.pdf
- lithuania_domestic_2.pdf
- lithuania_inbound_2.pdf
- lithuania_outbound_2.pdf
- lithuania_tsa_1.pdf
- montenegro_accom.pdf
- montenegro_bop.pdf
- montenegro_conclusions.pdf
- montenegro_domestic_0.pdf
- montenegro_inbound_2.pdf
- montenegro_outbound_2.pdf
- montenegro_tsa_1.pdf
- participants_11.pdf
- poland_accom.pdf
- poland_bop.pdf
- poland_domestic.pdf
- poland_inbound_1.pdf
- poland_outbound_2.pdf
- poland_tsa_1.pdf
- romania_accom.pdf
- romania_bop.pdf
- romania_conclusions.pdf
- romania_domestic_1.pdf
- romania_inbound_2.pdf
- romania_others01.pdf
- romania_others02.pdf
- romania_outbound_2.pdf
- romania_tsa_1.pdf
- russia_bop.pdf
- slovakia_accom.pdf
- slovakia_domestic_1.pdf
- slovakia_inbound_2.pdf
- slovakia_outbound_1.pdf
- slovakia_tsa_1.pdf
- turkey_accom.pdf
- turkey_bop.pdf
- turkey_dom_out.pdf
- turkey_inbound_1.pdf
- turkey_tsa_0.pdf
- unwto_0.pdf