European Tourism Day
The conference will discuss how the preservation and promotion of the European industrial heritage may contribute to the diversification of the tourism offer in Europe, and how – at the same time - tourism development strategies may be key alternatives to avoid job-losses and economic depression in abandoned industrial areas.
It will bring together a number of high level speakers, EU Ministers, representatives from the Member States and International Organisations, projects leaders, policy officers, local and regional authorities, universities, tourism operators, specialised press and other stakeholders.
The conference will be opened by Vice President Antonio Tajani and will run around 4 panels:
- Industrial tourism strategies and international key players
- Industrial heritage promotion and new tourism solutions
- Industrial tourism: local development and sustainable policies
- Industrial tourism: local development: "niche" markets and innovative tourism products.
A presentation of the European Destinations of Excellence (EDEN) awarded in 2011 in the category "Tourism and Regeneration of Physical Sites" will also take place and awarded destinations will be present alongside the conference with an exhibition.
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