ENAT NTOs' Learning Group Event, Edinburgh, Scotland
At the ENAT NTOs' Learning Event: - The focus will be on “Aiming for Inclusive Growth” - We will show how accessible tourism can contribute to your destination’s growth, in terms of turnover, income, reputation and sustainable community development - We will explore with you the barriers to working in this area and how to overcome them, using case studies and examples - We will show which kinds of incentives work, when you want to get business on board - We will not re-invent the wheel: NTOs can take the advice of those who are already in the process - We will set some achievable goals and benchmarks, which we will report on to measure our progress. These will be designed by the NTO’s for the NTO’s - they won’t be imposed by others…! - We will give you useful documentation and references to take away with you. The ENAT NTOs’ Learning Event is open to all national and regional NTOs in Europe. NTOs and RTOs must become ENAT Members, if they are not already, so they can take part in the NTO Learning Group Forum and use the ENAT NTO Resource Database. NTOs and RTOs from outside Europe may join and take part, subject to availabile space. We anticipate a maximum of 45 participants. THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO ENAT MEMBERS ONLY. The Registration Fee is 100 EURO. Please make sure your ENAT membership subscription is up-to-date. Contact us if you need a specified invoice or download your invoice from your members' profile page after logging in at www.accessibletourism.org Participants must cover their own hotel and travel expenses. Programme starts at 10:00 on Tuesday 20th September Programme ends at 13.30 on Wednesday 21st September Optional dinner at the APEX Grassmarket Hotel at 19.30 on Tuesday 20th September. Visit ENAT - The European Network for Accessible Tourism non-profit association www.accessibletourism.org