Successful Amber Conference, 26-27 June 2012 Vilnius, Lithuania
UNWTO in close cooperation and collaboration with the Lithuanian State Department of Tourism successfully organized an international conference on the theme “Past – Present – and Future: Cooperation along the Historical Amber Road” on June 26th -27th 2012, in Vilnius, Lithuania. The conference was attended by representatives from several European countries, the European Commission and the European Institute of Cultural Routes, as well as high officials and amber experts.
The participants agreed that the cultural, historical and natural assets of the cities, countries and regions provide abundant opportunities for the creation of different tourism products and services connected to amber. The need for close cooperation between the involved Member States, regions, cities, public and private entities in creating tourist Amber Road was emphasized during the international conference.
As a result of this significant event, the Declaration has been developed in order to encourage the creation of the European Amber Road which can further develop into a worldwide Amber Road Initiative. The Declaration is foreseen the creation of an Executive Committee with the basic aim of elaborating an Action Plan for the future development of the European Amber Road project under the political support and umbrella of UNWTO.