Western Balkans Regional Tourism Event
September 20-21, 2011
This event will be hosted by the USAID/SIDA FIRMA Project from Bosnia and Herzegovina and in partnership with the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the USAID Regional Competitiveness Initiative (RCI). The summit will bring together all tourism leaders and stakeholders from the whole region to discuss and push forward an agenda for regional collaboration in tourism as a key sector for coming out of the economic crisis and enhancement of competitiveness of each country and the whole region. Invitees are tourism related Ministers/Ministries, National Tourism Organizations, Associations, leading businesses and donors.
To register for the event and download the last version of the agenda please visit: http://registration.bcserdon.com/. You can also make reservation for accommodation at this web-page.
FIRMA project
Mr. Pavlin Delchev (RCI)