The UNWTO workshop in Lithuania finished on 25th November
The UNWTO workshop in Lithuania on Tourism Marketing: from products to experiences, organized by the World Tourism Organization, its UNWTO.Themis Foundation and Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania, was closed on 25th November in Birštonas by Sonia Figueras, UNWTO.Capacity programme manager at the UNWTO.Themis Foundation, the facilitators of the course: Valeria Croce and Montserrat Peñarroya and officials from Lithuania.
This workshop, delivered by Valeria Croce and Montserrat Peñarroya, aimed at providing the participants with knowledge, skills, tools and a forum for discussion and reflection on Tourism Marketing: from products to experience. With this objective, the international facilitators delivered presentations on key concepts and elements on concepts and processes on state-of-the-art approaches to assess the performance of their destination, evaluate markets’ potential, and transform insights into actionable and targeted marketing tactics.
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