Pakistan Association of Tour Operators - PATO

Country: Pakistan


Pakistan Association of Tour Operators. It is a legal trade body to represent tour operators on an All-Pakistan basis. Registered as trade association. PATO is licensed by Director General Trade Organization, Ministry of Commerce Pakistan, and is duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. PATO is a member of the National Tourism Coordination Board and Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry. We keep in close coordination with Pakistani Embassies abroad, PTDC, and all provincial tourism authorities and stakeholders for the betterment of the tourism industry and for the promotion of Pakistan as a tourist destination. PATO has currently over 200 member tour operating companies. V. AIMS & OBJECTIVES:The aims and objects for which the Association has been established are, inter-alia; (1) To establish an all Pakistan based Association comprising members from tour services, to represent and deal with the affairs pertaining to commercial and industrial relations of Pakistan’s Civil Aviation Industry, & Tourism (domestic & foreign), all fields of operation and activities specified by the Controller/Regulator or The Department of Tourist Services (DTS), from time to time, under the Tour Agencies Laws and Rules, thereof; (2) To unite and organize its members for their fraternity, common welfare and development of the tour agencies, on modern professional lines in the country to uplift the industry be they related to any aspect of tour / safety aspects for the activity visit. (3) To promote nationally and internationally fair business interests of members, enhance and sustain the professional standing of the members with emphasis placed on the development of tour and tourism, safeguard and defend the legal rights and genuine interests of members, locally and globally, wherever the need may arise; (4) To enlist members from all over Pakistan and top promote and encourage collaboration in the tour industry for the common good of its members; (5) To protect, promote and develop the interests of the members engaged in tourism industry specifically comprising tour, consultants/advisors, tour operators, , railway and shipping passage on land, destination management agencies and companies, tour management companies, hospitality management agencies, directly or indirectly related to; (6) To promote, develop, protect, stimulate and encourage all kinds of tourism, bilateral tourism relations between Pakistan and friendly countries in the sphere of influence of the Pakistan Association of Tour Operators and its association/involvement/alliance with Pakistani and Foreign apex organizations/entities; (7) To promote, develop and maintain unity, fraternity, goodwill and good mutual understanding among its members based on mutual respect, honour and ethical practices; (8) To raise and advocate before the Government and other regulatory, administrative and official bodies the views of the members on matters affecting the interests of industry and services in general and tourism sector particular;Detailed Memorandum and article of associations can be shared upon request.