Country: Bahrain


Established in 2012 as a Category 2 Centre under the auspices of UNESCO, the Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage assists 19 Arab States Parties in the implementation of the 1972 World Heritage COnvention. The main vision of ARC-WH is to reinforce the implementation of the 1972 World Heritage COnvention in the Arab States Region. Acting as a relay to the WOrld Heritage Centre, ARC-WH contributes to the protection and promotion of cultural and natural heritage sites in the region.


- Redress imbalances and improve the representation of the Arab States properties on the World Heritage List;

- Create a network of local and regional experts in the region;

- Mobilize regional and international financial support for the preservation of properties;

- Increase and promote awareness of World Heritage in the region;

- Disseminate information, initiatives and programmes concerned with the World Heritage Convention.


- Tentative lists and nominations: improve how properties are identified, selected and proposed for inscription on the World Heritage List to ensure that this List is credible and representative of the Arab region's heritage;

- Legal and institutional frameworks: strengthen policy, legal and institutional frameworks for effective protection and management of heritage resources;

- Governance and management: promote good governance and inspire action to manage World Heritage properties effectively;

- Conservation and development: lead the regional debate on how to respond to conservation and development challenges in and around World Heritage properties;

- Conflict and political instability: catalyse support for safeguarding properties on the World Heritage List in Danger and enhance the capacity of Member States in emergency preparedness and disaste risk reduction;

- Information and knowledge: enhance access to the information and knowledge that professionals, institutions and decision-makers need to protect World Heritage better