Zagreb School of Economics and Management

Country: Croatia


ZSEM was founded in 2002 in Zagreb, Croatia, and provides undergraduate and graduate education in economics, management, finance, marketing, accounting and tourism. It is Croatia's largest private, non-profit, institution of higher education. ZSEM enrolls 200 students annually, and has approximately 1000 students overall, and around 50 full-time members of staff/faculty. The institutions’ internationalization strategy emphasizes student exchange programs and mobility that ultimately results in 20% of the student body being international. ZSEM strives to reach that whilst forging outreach and partnerships, collaborating with student unions, inclusion-focused organizations, and unions advocating for people with fewer opportunities. Thus, ZSEM is the leading business school in Croatia and Southeastern Europe. ZSEM has been accredited by the AACSB since 2013 and re-accredited in 2019, currently in the process of its second re-accreditation. With over 150 partner universities and more than 20% of its student body composed of international students, ZSEM is the most international HEI in Croatia. Besides ZSEM’s accreditation by AACSB, the institution has also longstanding memberships in HERMES, MIPRO, and Erasmus Mundus, emphasizing its commitment to high standards in business education and international collaboration. ZSEM leads and participates in many EU projects, to name only a few: - Erasmus Mundus for Responsible Tourism Management and Entrepreneurship design measures project, developing joint international Erasmus Mundus Programme (Master Degree) in collaboration with esteemed institutions MCI | The Entrepreneurial School (Austria), Technical University of Košice (Slovakia), Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (Finland) and Zagreb School of Economics and Management (Croatia). The programme represents a collaborative effort to shape the future of responsible tourism management and entrepreneurship. - Erasmus Mundus Master in Impact Entrepreneurship (EMMIE) whereas a partner, ZSEM focuses on impact entrepreneurship, attracting candidates globally, primarily from developing countries. - Micro Learning Entrepreneurship for Athletes (MLEA) led by ZSEM tackles dual-career challenges faced by athletes at the end of their sports careers by offering micro-learning for entrepreneurial steps. - 4InnoPipe with which ZSEM participates in the EIT HEI Initiative, and contributes to enhancing awareness and competencies in innovation, digitalization, and entrepreneurship at both institutional and academic levels. - Recognition and Exposure of Disinformation – New Technologies, Experience, and Knowledge as Tools. This new project led by ZSEM focuses on developing tools and skills to identify and combat disinformation and fake news through new technologies. - Organisation, Preparation and Hosting EU Studies - ORPHEUS” (Jean Monnet Action - Modules) with delivering knowledge about the European Union to the EU membership (potential) candidates and 3rd country nationals. By applying UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals ZSEM is a strong promoter of sustainability in student projects as well as EU projects with partners all around the world. ZSEM is also a strong promoter of sustainability in business, with in-depth understanding of sustainable tourism, thus implementing such approach in developing an entire MBA programme in Tourism, Hospitality and Events through strong partnerships with tourism stakeholders such as Hotel Esplanade Zagreb, Impresia - association of Croatian unique hotels, Blue Sun-Hotels and Resorts, and others.