Health and Security

Health regulations and precautions: It is not necessary to be vaccinated against any disease in order to travel to Uzbekistan.

Medical services: Samarkand has networks of private clinics and polyclinics offering a variety of medical services.

Reference hospital:

  • Clinic "Bionur Med Servis"
    st. Katta Uzbek Trakt, 16, Samarkand
    Emergency services: Monday-Sunday 08:00-17:00
  • Clinic "Zarkent Pratiksha"
    st. Isaeva 20, Samarkand
    +998 55 702 10 63
    Emergency services: 24 hours
  • Regional Cardiology Center
    Samarkand, st. Mirzo Ulugbek, 144
    +998 66 234 04 03
    +998 97 891 10 90
    Emergency services: Monday-Friday 08:00-17:00
  • Samarkand Regional Infectious Diseases Hospital
    st. Dagbitskaya, house 7, Samarkand
    Emergency services: Monday-Friday 08:00-17:00

Useful telephone numbers:

  • Emergency: 1050
  • Police: 102
  • Ambulance: 103
  • Fire: 101
  • In the event of any emergency during the days of the General Assembly, you can also contact the UNWTO Security Officer: Mr. Antonio García. Tel.: +34 699976040.