World Tourism Day - Career Event

FINANCING CLIMATE MITIGATION AND ADAPTION: Empowering Hoteliers to Adapt and Thrive in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

International Finance Corporation (IFC) | Online


Challenges in the Hospitality Sector: Nicola Madden-Greig, Immediate Past President of CHTA, will present the unique challenges hoteliers face in high-risk areas, including rising repair costs and insurance premiums.

How Architects Help Clients Adapt: Arlen Stawasz, Senior Associate and Design Resilience Leader at Gensler, will talk about what designers are doing today to help clients prepare for increasingly intense climate conditions, and the challenge of presenting the business case for investing in climate adaption and retrofit projects.

IFC’s Support and Investment in Hotels: Andrei Tomilin, IFC Sector Lead, Tourism, will share how IFC’s $3.2 billion investment across 335 hotel projects in 95 countries supports hotels facing climate challenges.

IFC’s Innovative Climate Tools: Michelle Farrell, Senior Operations Officer, IFC Climate Business, will introduce IFC’s green and resilient applications that help businesses tackle climate risks.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain insights from experts and discover how financing solutions can enhance your sustainability journey.


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