University of Donja Gorica

Country: Montenegro


University of Donja Gorica is a research-entrepreneurial university. That is why developing research and entrepreneurship among students is one of the priorities of this University. University of Donja Gorica (UDG) is a university whose primary aim is to awake its students with UDG Mission: UDG student - Responsible citizen of a global world! And UDG Motto: Be a part of the History of the Future! It was founded in 2007 with two faculties. It offers courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate level of education, including Bachelor, Master’s and PhD level of studies. Currently, it has around 3500 students and around 300 professors from whole world. Today, UDG includes twelve faculties and more than 50 programs. The UDG is an active international university engaged in worldwide collaboration projects and partnerships. UDG has participated in over 50 different international projects including Horizon2020, IPA, COST, EFSA, Erasmus+, Tempus, Eureka, World Bank grants and many others. UDG tends to adapt to megatrends of development, both at local and global level. Similarly, we tend to be the University which creates new markets rather than adopting to today’s market. On that idea we establish “Entrepreneurial Nest”, with 70 positions for student companies’ development, and great investments in laboratories for students’ research work (Laboratory for food quality and safety, Laboratory for chemical analyses, 3D Laboratories, IT laboratory, Design...).

University actively communicates with companies and business sector so that it can adjust its study programs to market and labor market demand. Complete accomplishment of principles of Bologna declaration is enabled by the policy of limited number of enrolled students, work in small groups, individual and mentoring work. UDG's practice has shown that this policy works very well and gives good results. Also, University of Donja Gorica (UDG) Joins Global Alliance and Partners with America’s Most Innovative University to Become Center for Innovation, Transformation, and Internationalization in the Balkans Region. Powered by Arizona State University, UDG joins the Cintana Alliance to provide Montenegro and Balkans students with access to world-class degree programs and cutting-edge research.

The key goal of this cooperation is to develop the UDG as a research-entrepreneurial university, that is, to contribute, that the university is not only educational, but an institution that integrates education, research and development, an institution that in the future should be one of the key drivers of the development of the community in which it lives and works.

The University of Donja Gorica is becoming part of a community of about 1,500 institutions in 147 countries working with the United Nations to promote global priorities. The United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) is an initiative that connects higher education institutions with the United Nations in order to support and contribute to the realization of the goals and mandate of the United Nations. The support is aimed at the promotion and protection of peace and human rights, the provision of high quality and accessible education, and special emphasis is placed on issues of sustainable development and effective conflict resolution.