Guilin Tourism University

Country: China, People's Republic of


Founded in 1985, Guilin Tourism University (hereinafter “GTU”) was upgraded to an ordinary undergraduate university with the approval of the Ministry of Education in 2015. It is a full-time public undergraduate university in tourism in China. GTU consists of two campuses with a total area of 1.2572 million square meters and 12,205 full-time enrolled students, among who 9,235 are undergraduate students. GTU is the “Excellent Partner for High-end Tourism Talent Training” with the Asian Development Bank, and Member of the “Five Star Alliance” of China’s tourism universities. It is the China-ASEAN Tourism Talent Education and Training Base, the carrier unit of Asean Tourism Research Center of China Tourism Academy, also the initiative member and secretary unit of the China ASEAN Tourism Education Alliance. It is also a National Continuing Education Base for Professionals and the only university awarded as “National Tourism Poverty Alleviation Training Base” in China.