In 2011, UNWTO formulated a Private Sector Commitment to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, for the signature of private enterprises worldwide. In signing the commitment, companies pledge to uphold, promote and implement the values of responsible and sustainable tourism development championed by the Code. They further undertake to report on their implementation of the Code's principles in their corporate governance to the World Committee on Tourism Ethics

A special focus on social, cultural and economic matters is one of the main objectives of the Commitment, which draws particular attention to issues such as human rights, social inclusion, gender equality, accessibility, and the protection of vulnerable groups and host communities.

Signatories are required to report on the implementation of the Code’s principles in their corporate governance at least once every two years. For requesting the corresponding reporting questionnaire, kindly contact

Bulgarian Hotel & Restaurant Association

Bulgarian Hotel & Restaurant Association - SUSPENDED
Date signed: 29 May 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria
Event: Official visit of the Secretary-General to Bulgaria
Signed by: Ms. Elena Ivanova, Vice Chair of the Managing Board
Photo of the signing: please click here

Bulgarian Tourist Chamber

Bulgarian Tourist Chamber
Date signed: 29 May 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria
Event: Official visit of the Secretary-General to Bulgaria
Signed by: Mr. Stoian Lazarov, Chariman
Photo of the signing: please click here

Bulgarian Union of Balneology and SPA Tourism

Bulgarian Union of Balneology and SPA Tourism - SUSPENDED
Date signed: 29 May 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria
Event: Official visit of the Secretary-General to Bulgaria
Signed by: Mr. Ilia Paskov, Vice Chair of the Managing Board
Photo of the signing: please click here

Buró de Convenciones de Guatemala

Buró de Convenciones de Guatemala
Date signed: 17 March 2015
Event: Official Visit of the Secretary-General
Signed by: Mr Juan Fermín Gurrola Bustillo, President
Website: Buró de Convenciones de Guatemala

Cámara Argentina de Alquiladores de Autos (CADEA)

Cámara Argentina de Alquiladores de Autos (CADEA)
Date signed: 4 December 2014
Event: Closing of the working session of the Argentine Chamber of Tourism
Signed by: Mr. Alberto Vélez, President
Photo of the signing: please click here

Cámara Argentina de Centros de Ski y Turismo de Montaña

Cámara Argentina de Centros de Ski y Turismo de Montaña
Date signed: 4 December 2014
Event: Closing of the working session of the Argentine Chamber of Tourism
Signed by: Mr. Nestor Carral, President
Photo of the signing: please click here

Cámara Argentina de Tiempo Compartido (CATC)

Cámara Argentina de Tiempo Compartido (CATC)
Date signed: 4 December 2014
Event: Closing of the working session of the Argentine Chamber of Tourism
Signed by: Mr. Jorge Schettini, President
Photo of the signing: please click here

Cámara Argentina de Turismo (CAT)

Cámara Argentina de Turismo
Date signed: 4 December 2014
Event: Closing of the working session of the Argentine Chamber of Tourism
Signed by: Mr. Oscar Ghezzii, President
Photo of the signing: please click here

Cámara Boliviana de Hotelería

Cámara Boliviana de Hotelería
Date signed: 7 October 2014
Event: 1er Encuentro Internacional de Turismo Comunitario y Social de la UNASUR
Signed by: Mr. Henry Juan Dueri Saba, President
Photo of the signing: please click here

Cámara de Hostels

Cámara de Hostels
Date signed: 4 December 2014
Event: Closing of the working session of the Argentine Chamber of Tourism
Signed by: Ms. Beatriz Sidders, President
Photo of the signing: please click here

Cámara de Turismo de Guatemala (CAMTUR)

Cámara de Turismo de Guatemala (CAMTUR)
Date signed: 17 March 2015
Event: Official Visit of the Secretary-General
Signed by: Mr. Diego Díaz, President
Photo of the signing: please click here

Cámara de Turismo Médico (CIAPSA)

Cámara de Turismo Médico (CIAPSA)
Date signed: 4 December 2014
Event: Closing of the working session of the Argentine Chamber of Tourism
Signed by: Mr. Miguel Canéi, President
Photo of the signing: please click here

Cámara de Turismo, Camino Franciscano (COTUR)

Cámara de Turismo, Camino Franciscano (COTUR)
Date signed: 9 October 2014
Event: Official Inauguration of the International Tourism Fair in Paraguay (FITPAR) 2014
Signed by: Ms. Olga Diniz Ferreira, Vice President
Photo of the signing: please click here

Cámara Nacional de Comercio

Cámara Nacional de Comercio
Date signed: 7 October 2014
Event: 1er Encuentro Internacional de Turismo Comunitario y Social de la UNASUR
Signed by: Mr. Fernando Cáceres Pacheco, President
Photo of the signing: please click here

Cámara Nacional de Ecoturismo y Turismo Sostenible - CANAECO

Cámara Nacional de Ecoturismo y Turismo Sostenible - CANAECO - SUSPENDED
Date signed: 13 May 2013, San Jose, Costa Rica
Event: 55th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for the Americas
Signed by: Mr. Glenn Jampol Levine, President and Legal Representative
Photo of the signing: please click here

Cámara Nacional de Empresarios Gastronómicos (CANEG)

Cámara Nacional de Empresarios Gastronómicos (CANEG)
Date signed: 7 October 2014
Event: 1er Encuentro Internacional de Turismo Comunitario y Social de la UNASUR
Signed by: Ms. Cecilia Butrón Urquidi, President
Photo of the signing: please click here

Cámara Nacional de Operadores de Turismo Receptivo - Bolivia (CANOTUR)

Cámara Nacional de Operadores de Turismo Receptivo - Bolivia (CANOTUR)
Date signed: 7 October 2014
Event: 1er Encuentro Internacional de Turismo Comunitario y Social de la UNASUR
Signed by: Ms. Paola Arias, CFO
Photo of the signing: please click here

Cámara Nacional de Turismo - CANATUR

Cámara Nacional de Turismo - CANATUR - SUSPENDED
Date signed: 13 May 2013, San Jose, Costa Rica
Event: 55th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for the Americas
Signed by: Ms. Isabel Vargas Rodríguez, Presidente de la Junta Directiva
Photo of the signing: please click here

Cámara Nacional de Turismo de Honduras (CANATURH)

Cámara Nacional de Turismo de Honduras (CANATURH)
Date signed: 20 March 2015, Honduras
Event: During the Offical visit of the Secretary-General to Honduras on 20th March 2015
Signed by: Epaminondas Marinakys
Photo of the signing:please click here
Website: Cámara Nacional de Turismo de Honduras (CANATURH)

Cámara Paraguaya de Turismo de Las Misiones Jesuíticas (Ruta Jesuítica)

Cámara Paraguaya de Turismo de Las Misiones Jesuíticas (Ruta Jesuítica)
Date signed: 9 October 2014
Event: Official Inauguration of the International Tourism Fair in Paraguay (FITPAR) 2014
Signed by: Ms. Olga Beatriz Fischer Agüero, President
Photo of the signing: please click here

Camping "Lo Monte"

Camping "Lo Monte"

Date signed: 14 December 2016, Spain
Event: Private Sector Commitment to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism in Valencia
Signed by: Mr. Raimundo Martín Benedicto, Director
Photo of the signing:please click here

Canareef Resort Maldives

Canareef Resort Maldives
Date signed: 3 June 2015
Event: 27th Joint Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for East Asia and the Pacific and the UNWTO Commission for South Asia
Signed by: Mr. Hussain Shiyam, Resident Manager
Photo of the signing: please click here



Casa Luna Hotel & Spa

Casa Luna Hotel & Spa  - SUSPENDED
Date signed: 13 May 2013, San Jose, Costa Rica
Event: 55th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for the Americas
Signed by: Mr. Paul Valenciano Herrera, General Manager
Photo of the signing: please click here

Casadoca Hoel Boutique

Casadoca Hotel Boutique
Date signed: 20 June 2014
Event: Official visit of the Secretary-General to Chile
Signed by: Mr. Servaas Kerssemakers Boex, Owner
Photo of the signing: please click here

Cascada Expediciones

Cascada Expediciones
Date signed: 20 June 2014
Event: Official visit of the Secretary-General to Chile
Signed by: Mr. Yerko Ivelic, Owner and Director
Photo of the signing: please click here

CAST Central America

CAST Central America
Date signed: 13 May 2013, San Jose, Costa Rica
Event: 55th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for the Americas
Signed by: Ms. Alejandra F. Corriols, Executive Manager
Photo of the signing: please click here

Casual Hoteles

Casual Hoteles

Date signed: 14 December 2016, Spain
Event: Private Sector Commitment to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism in Valencia
Signed by: Mr. Juan Carlos Sanjuan, Founder and CEO
Photo of the signing:please click here

Caucasus Travel Ltd

Caucasus Travel Ltd

Date signed: 4 April 2017, Tbilisi, Georgia
Event: 3rd Euro-Asian Mountain Resorts Conference
Signed by: Saba Kiknadze, CEO
Photo of the signing: Please click here

Rios Tropicales

CEASED OPERATION | Rios Tropicales
Date signed: 13 May 2013, San Jose, Costa Rica
Event: 55th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for the Americas
Signed by: Mr. Fernando Esquivel De Sola, Vice President
Photo of the signing: pelase click here


CEAV – Confederación Española de Agencias de Viajes
Date signed: 7 November 2013, Spain.
Event: 1st Summit of Presidents of Travel Agencies Associations
Signed by: Mr. Rafael Gallego Nadal
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: CEAV