World Tourism Day - Career Event



This is a charitable, responsibility, values creation, impact and purpose driven. Person-centered, community-aligned, empowerment-inspired and transformation-oriented World Tourism Day celebration intercultural, interpersonal, civic, public, social, humanitarian, livelihoods improvement, networking, advocacy and activism event. Planned, organized, actualized and amplified free of charge for Persons Living with Disability and Special Needs in Ghana.

“EPIK Persons with Disability Adventure” is about elevating, strengthening, amplifying, showcasing, illuminating and perpetuating inclusion, equality, integration, equity, accessibility, diversity management, offering opportunities and support systems. Public education, information dissemination, storytelling, visibility, positioning, publicity, awareness raising, sensitization, activism and advocacy. Practical demonstration and extension of solidarity, goodwill, benevolence, generosity, love, compassion, emotional and physical relief, wellbeing, care, support and attention.

Provision of formidable platform for establishing and fostering, sustainable and transformational carrier, professional, personal, intercultural and interpersonal. Civic, public, social and community companionship, sense of belonging, acceptance, friendships, contacts, links, networking, communication, relationships building and livelihoods improvement. Special interest domestic, community, local, eco, farm, factory and rural tours, field trips, sightseeing, excursions, adventure, outdoors, recreation, leisure and pleasure. Educational, entertainment, sportive, healthy, active living and lifestyles activities, experiences, courtesies, services and assistance.

As part of series of the event originator, conceptualizer, developer, author and his Social Enterprise (SE), Kra Travel’s (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) innovative, creative, dynamic, sustainable and transformational corporate, business, entrepreneurial, economic, career, professional and personal. Civic, public, community, social, cultural and humanitarian. Sustainable and inclusive living, lifestyles, livelihoods improvement and developmental projects, initiatives, engagements, assistance, services and courtesies. Responsibility, values creation, impact and purpose driven intrinsic motivation, passions, desire, zeal, enthusiasm, determination, commitments and poise.

To strive to transform the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) World Tourism Day Celebration.
Into something meaningful, remarkable, positive, useful, valuable, laudable, desirable, worthwhile, acceptable, reliable, commendable, prudent, justifiable, impactful and of mutual benefits. That creates the leverage to Engage, Support, Motivate, Entertain, Rejuvenate and Impact Persons Living with Disability and Special Needs in Ghana.


One of the most vulnerable, marginalized, underprivileged, deprived, under-served, disadvantaged and minority groups in Ghana. Who much too-often, are taken for granted, neglected or ignored segment within communities and society. And regrettably, are predominantly confined to the periphery of social, cultural, community, family and households. Economic, political, civic, public, fundamental human rights and developmental structures and bottom of societal pyramids to break the detrimental glass ceilings and also, thrive.

By providing and engaging them in variety of intercultural, interpersonal, inclusion, equality, integration, equity, accessibility and diversity management. Civic, public, social, humanitarian, livelihoods improvement, networking, educational, advocacy and activism experiences, activities, services, courtesies and assistance.

Including free food, water, drinks, music, entertainment, talents discovery performances and recognition or awards for exceptionalism. Special interest domestic, community, local, countryside, eco, rural, farm and factory tourism, travel, tours, field trips, sightseeing and excursions. Adventure, outdoors, recreation, leisure, pleasure, educational, sportive, healthy, active living and lifestyles.

“EPIK Persons with Disability Adventure” is planned, organized, hosted and amplified in commemoration of World Tourism Day.

To create a unique platform to showcase, celebrate, amplify, illuminate, perpetuate, win and inextricably embed the tremendous contributions of Tourism, Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) Nine (9): Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Ten (10): Reduced Inequalities and Seventeen (17): Partnerships for the Goals.

As a powerful source of sustainable and transformational corporate, business, entrepreneurial, economic, career, professional and personal. Civic, public, community, social, cultural and humanitarian. Sustainable and inclusive living, lifestyles, livelihoods improvement and developmental good. In the hearts and minds of Persons Living with Disability and Special Needs, communities, society, people, humanity and generations yet unborn.

As well as support, stimulate and boost special interest inbound, outbound, domestic, community, local, country side, eco and rural destination, tourism, travel, vacation, holidays and hospitality. Tours, field trips, sightseeing, excursions, adventure, outdoors, recreation, leisure and pleasure. Sportive, active, healthy living, lifestyles and events conceptualization, development, planning, management, organizing and promotion in Ghana.

And further, strive to become not just a national, domestic and/or community, but also, an internationally recognized, reputable and acclaimed iconic World Tourism Day celebration special interest inclusion, equality, integration, equity, accessibility and diversity management. Tourism, travel, vacation, holidays, hospitality, gastronomy, tours, field trips, sightseeing and excursions. Adventure, outdoors, recreation, leisure, pleasure, sportive, active, healthy living and lifestyles. Civic, public, social, intercultural, interpersonal, livelihoods improvement, networking, entertainment, educational, advocacy and activism event in Ghana.

Engage. Support. Motivate. Entertain. Rejuvenate. Impact.

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