Evento final de la competición mundial de la OMT de startups para los ODS
Martes, 18 de mayo de 2021 | A partir de las 10:00 (hora de Madrid) | Inglés

La Organización Mundial del Turismo (OMT) le invita a participar en el evento final de la Competición Mundial de la OMT de Startups para los ODS organizada con el fin de encontrar a los mejores innovadores que puedan ofrecer soluciones para alcanzar la sostenibilidad a través del turismo.
Las 25 startups ganadoras, seleccionadas entre 100.000 participantes de 138 países, presentarán sus proyectos ante un público mundial entre expertos que compartirán sus perspectivas sobre el futuro del sector.
Preliminary Programme
Registration of attendees
Master of Ceremonies:
- Natalia Bayona, Director of Innovation, Education and Investments, UNWTO
- Marcelo Risi, Chief of Communications, UNWTO
Welcome remarks
Welcome Message from UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres
- H.E. Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary- General, UNWTO
- Fernando Valdés Verelst, Secretary of State for Tourism, Spain
Keynote speech
Empowering youth through the Tourism innovation ecosystem and sustainability: two essentials for our sector´s success.
Ms. Natalia Bayona, Director of Innovation, Education and Investments, UNWTO
Musical Interlude by Jadel
Javier Luis Delgado, known as Jadel, is a singer from Vistabella (Tenerife), Canary Islands, Spain will offer participants his own pop style with touches of R&B, dance music with a mix of Latin flavor.
Startups Panel 1: People
Opening: H.E. Hon. Prasanna Ranatunga Minister of Tourism of Sri Lanka
Introduction: Lisandro Menu-Marque Director Int’. Development, Globalia and Wakalua
- SDG 1 (No poverty) - Etnica (Guatemala)
- SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) - Ifarm Agritech (Kenya)
- SDG 5 (Gender Equality) - Sisterwave (Brazil)
Startups Panel 2: Planet (energy + decarbonization)
Opening: HE Abdalla Al-Hamar Ambassador of the State of Qatar, Spain
Introduction: Juan José Güemes Chair Entrepreneurship, IE University
- SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy):
- BeFC (France)
- Enexor BioEnergy (United States of America)
- SDG 13 (Climate action):
- ClimateTrade (Spain)
Musical Interlude by Jadel
Key intervention by the Government of Panama:
Ivan Eskildsen, Minister of Tourism Panama
Signature of MoU between UNWTO and the Government of Panama
- Ivan Eskildsen, Minister of Tourism Panama
- Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary- General, UNWTO
Startups Panel 3: Planet
Introduction: Miguel Arias Global Entrepreneurship Director, Telefónica
- SDG 6 (Clean water and sanitation):
- ECOLOO Greentech Malaysia SDN BHD (Malaysia)
- Source (United States of America)
- SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) - Metrica6 (Spain), Tobadaa (Egypt)
Intervention: ICF´s vision on entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development Goals.
- Jared Harckham, VP Managing Director, Aviation & Tourism, ICF
- Yolanda Perdomo, Global Tourism Strategist, ICF
Expert panel:
Private sector insights on tourism recovery leveraging the power of technology
Moderator: Clara Pombo, CEO, ClarkeModet
- Christian Zahorski-Philippe, Head of Sales Pan EU, Amazon Web Services
- Natalia Moreno Rigollot, Director Global Institutional Relations, Telefónica
- Luis Ureta, Country General Manager, Globant
- Charoula Gkioka, Senior Advisor Industry Affairs, Amadeus
Signature of MoU between UNWTO and Telefonica
María Jesús Almazor, Consejera Delegada Cyber&Cloud, Telefónica Tech
Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary- General, UNWTO
Musical Interlude by Jadel
Startups Panel 4: Prosperity
Introduction: Sustainable Development in resource rich context Anas Abdulaah Alshaaer, General Manager, Innovators & Entrepreneurs Support, Government of Saudi Arabia
- SDG 8 (Good jobs and economic growth) - Clio Muse Tours PC (Greece)
- SDG 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions) - Impulse Travel (Colombia)
- SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals)
- Nibi (Colombia)
- Siliconbali (Portugal)
Signing Ceremony UNWTO & Basque Culinary Center
- Joxe Mari Aizega, Director, Basque Culinary Center
- Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary- General, UNWTO
Apolitical and Mastercard Top 100 in Tourism Policy
- Nicola Villa, Senior Vice President of Strategic Growth, Mastercard
- Ivan Eskildsen, Minister, Tourism Authority of Panama
Reducing risk of Covid-19: i-on by Alteria Automation
Mario Alfonso Sureda, Socio, Alteria
Closing intervention
Ignacio Ybarra Aznar, President, Grupo Vocento
Awards delivery, Closing & Institutional Photograph
- José Luis Martínez-Almeida, Mayor of Madrid
- Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary- General, UNWTO
Musical Interlude by Jadel
Networking Cocktail by Ramon Freixa


