PT IndonesiaWISE

Country: Indonesia, Republic of


IndonesiaWISE is an emerging market focused strategic advisory and management
consulting company. For over a decade we have pioneered many projects in sustainability
including related to Sustainable Tourism in Bali, Lombok, Java and North Sumatra. We are
reputed for capacity building, ESG, policy support and execution. Our clients include public
and private sector entities and there is a special focus on micro SMEs. We have also worked
with international agencies like UN PRI, The World Bank, CDP, ILO etc in helping ASEAN
countries transition to international standards of environment and social compliance.
Though we are a for profit entity several of our projects are undertaken on non-profit basis
as we are committed to collaborative multi-stakeholder program implementation. One of
our unique strengths is bridging industry and academia and we are actively in the skills and
competency development of youth and young professionals.