Jordan Hotels Association

Country: Jordan


The Jordan Hotel Association (JHA), a non-profit organization, was founded in 1969 and is currently registered at the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities of Jordan under article 14 of the tourism law No. (20) of year 1988, works with the Jordanian government and regulatory authorities to ensure a unified voice for the Hospitality sector and a positive operating environment for the hotel industry to thrive in, particularly during economically challenging times. JHA is a member of several national and global tourism associations and activities, such as the International Federation of Hotels & Restaurants and Arab federation of Hotels & Tourism. It is one of the official supporters of the Jordan Tourism Board and its programs and activities. The JHA is dedicated to serving its members that represent a variety of hotel establishments, through effective communication and active participation in identifying their needs, while directing the hotel service towards greater creativity and passion through the generation of ideas that can be adapted to different tourism scenarios.