IREST - UNiversité Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Country: France


The Institute for Research and Advanced Studies in Tourism (L’Institut de recherche et d’études supérieures du tourisme, IREST), is a multidisciplinary institute and part of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University.

The institute offers a variety of programs and specializations at both the undergraduate and master’s level, in French and in English, in the city of Paris as well as across the globe (Egypt, Greece, Switzerland...). The education programs include a mix of theoretical and practical instruction. In addition to classes, students also undertake field workshops, apprenticeships, and internships, which provide real-world professional experience. The degrees offered by IREST lead to job opportunities in both the private and public sectors of tourism and hospitality, in France and around the world.

The academic team of IREST is comprised of professors and university researchers of anthropology, economy, geography, and management. In addition, professionals who are active in the tourism industry contribute time and expertise to the different educational programs. IREST is also involved in tourism research and development, and contributes to the global research field of tourism, culture and hospitality through conferences, symposiums, publications and more.