World Tourism Day Celebration 2021- Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Faculty of Management Studies, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Mihintale, Sri Lanka Google map:
Background of the Program
The Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Faculty of Management Studies, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka is organizing a series of events align with the World Tourism Day 2021 celebration with the participation of the undergraduates, lectures, and the other stakeholders.
The tourism industry being one of the most affected industries due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it is necessary to encourage the stakeholders to continue to recover and for the growth of the industry. Through this program, it is expected to enhance the knowledge, competencies, and soft skills of the undergraduates of the department. At the same time Department is anticipated to strengthen the existing relationship with the industry further to open more avenues to accomplish the career objectives of the graduates. Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic situation, these events are conducted online.
The expected outcomes of the program
Encourage youths to use their creativity to promote the tourism industry in Sri Lanka.
Make the public aware of the importance of tourism
Improve knowledge, certain soft skills and attitudes of the undergraduates
Recognize the graduates of the department working in the industry
Description of the Program
1. Tourism Catchy Pixel in beautiful Sri Lanka: Facebook Photography Competition (10th Sep. -15th Oct. 2021)
Objective: Encourage youths to use their creativity to promote the tourism industry in Sri Lanka
Description: Sri Lankan university students are welcome to send a photograph (uncopied) related to tourism with unique quotations related to tourism. The photograph will be posted on the TOHOMA Facebook page during the given time period and the most popular photograph will be selected based on the positive reactions, and the winner will be awarded a 5000 LKR prize award. The most talented photographer will be selected by a panel nominated by the department, and the winner will be awarded a 5000 LKR prize award.
2. Grow Green, Go Green: Tree Planting Program (1st Sep.-15th Oct. 2021)
Objective: Encourage youths to raise awareness in the society about the importance of protecting nature.
Description: The participants are requested to plant a tree at the home garden and send a short video or a photograph of planting a tree.
3. Seekers of the Hidden Attractions: Video Competition (1st Sep.-15th Oct. 2021)
Objective: Encourage youths to use their creativity to promote the tourism industry in Sri Lanka.
Description: Sri Lankan university students are welcome to create a video (1 minute) including the information of one hidden attraction in Sri Lanka. A panel nominated by the department will evaluate the best video and a 5000 LKR prize will be awarded to the winner.
4. Broadcasting Group Song (15th. Oct. 2021)
Objective: To build teamwork and harmony among the undergraduates
Description: The undergraduates of the department get together to create a video for the group song.
5. Live in Colours: Online Art Exhibition (1st Sep.-15th Oct. 2021)
Objective: Encourage youths to use their creativity to promote the tourism industry in Sri Lanka.
Description: Hand paintings / digital paintings related to tourism are welcome to conduct an online art exhibition.
6. Publishing Graduate Testimonials (1st Sep.-15th Oct. 2021)
Objective: to recognize the graduates of the department.
Description: University graduates are invited to create a video to send their tourism day message/ their good wishes to the tourism day celebration.
7. Webinar: Tourism for Inclusive Growth: Promoting Women and People with Disabilities participate in the Value Chain (15th Oct. 2021)
Objective: To discuss the empirical glitches faced by Sri Lankan Tourism when promoting the "Inclusive Growth".
Description: 90 minutes webinar discussion with the following renowned panel members;
• Mr. S. Hettiarachchi, Secretary of Tourism, Tourism Ministry, Sri Lanka.
• Professor Erdinc Cakmar, Breda University, Netherlands.
• Professor MSM Aslam, Sabaragamuwa University, Sri Lanka.
• Mr.Surender Singh, Employment Manager in Muskaan-PAEPID, India.
• Ms.Marina Umesh, Regional Manager - Skills for Inclusive Growth (Australian embassy).
• Moderator: Dr. WHMS Samarathunga, Senior Lecturer, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.
8. Closing Ceremony of the World Tourism Day 2021 (15th Oct. 2021)
Objective: to showcase the outcomes of all the programs.
Description: The outcomes of all the events will be showcased through an online program.
*The main event will be taking place on 15th October 2021 since the Semester examination begins on 21st September 2021.
All the information related to these events are published on the TOHOMA Association Facebook page;
For further information you may contact the event coordinator:
Mrs. Edina Wiligas Biyiri
Department of Tourism & Hospitality Management
Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
Contact : +94714548794