GreenStep Solutions Inc.

Country: Canada


GreenStep was founded in 2008 to help change the world by improving the social, environmental, and economic performance of small and medium sized enterprises. To date, we have worked with thousands of businesses and organizations within several sectors, including private, public, non-profit and academic institutions; in a variety of industries such as tourism and hospitality, retail, professional services, and manufacturing; and with organizations of all sizes, from owner-operated businesses to publicly traded companies. We practice what we preach. GreenStep is a Certified B Corporation, we’re powered by 100% renewable energy with Bullfrog Power, and we’ve been Designated Carbon Neutral with Ostrom Climate since 2011. GreenStep provides sustainability assessments, software, and certifications to help businesses and organizations measure and improve their sustainability performance. Through our Sustainable Tourism Division, we have designed programs and services specifically for tourism businesses and destinations to support them on their sustainability journey. Programs and Services Specific to the Tourism Industry:
GreenStep has developed criteria for both tourism businesses and destinations, which have each achieved “Recognized” status with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council. These criteria are used in a variety of ways to help organizations measure their current performance, develop action plans for the future, and ultimately pursue certification if they wish. Our core services for the tourism sector include:

  • Comprehensive sustainability assessments for tourism businesses and destinations
  • Engagement programs for tourism businesses
  • Sustainability strategies and and climate action plans
  • Carbon footprint measurement (Scopes 1-3)
  • Energy, water, and waste audits
  • Sustainable Tourism Intelligence Dashboard
  • Sustainable Tourism 2030 Pledge
  • Certification for tourism destinations
  • Certification for tourism businesses
  • GreenStep EcoFund program to fund large carbon reduction projects for tourism businesses
  • Training, workshops, and facilitation for tourism destinations and businesses
  • Global Sustainable Tourism Council training
  • Custom program development

GreenStep is interested in networking, learning from, and collaborating with other affiliate members and member states to help advance the UN Sustainable Development goals. We would love opportunities to share our knowledge, tools, and expertise related to sustainable tourism, as we work to continuously improve these offerings as part of our company's purpose to help save the world through business