Développement international et coopération
Le département du développement international et coopération (IDC) connexes de ONU Tourisme ont pour but de répondre à des besoins spécifiques des États membres et de les aider dans leurs efforts pour développer et promouvoir le secteur du tourisme entendu comme un moteur de la croissance socioéconomique et de la réduction de la pauvreté grâce à la création d’emplois.
50 projects under implementation benefiting 38 countries

Objectifs stratégiques
- Bâtir un secteur du tourisme plus fort, plus sain et plus efficace
- Optimiser les bienfaits socioéconomiques du tourisme
- Faire reculer la pauvreté au niveau local
- Promouvoir des moyens d’existence durables
- Préserver, conserver et valoriser le patrimoine culturel et naturel
- Faire participer les communautés locales au processus de développement
- Renforcer le partenariat public-privé
Mise à exécution
À la demande des États membres, le développement international et coopération connexes de ONU Tourisme conduisent une large gamme de projets, à court aussi bien qu’à long terme, visant à promouvoir et à développer le tourisme dans les pays en développement et en transition.
Ces projets sont réalisés grâce aux financements en provenance de divers grands organismes donateurs tels que le Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD), la Banque mondiale, l’Union européenne, la Banque asiatique de développement, différents donateurs bilatéraux, entre autres. Le développement international et coopération connexes de ONU Tourisme font appel aux experts et aux entreprises les plus en vue à l’échelle mondiale pour mettre en œuvre les missions et les projets de coopération technique.
Notre assistance technique recouvre de nombreux domaines qui sont importants aujourd’hui et qui intéressent nos États membres, par exemple :
- Identification et évaluation de possibles régions de développement du tourisme ;
- Établissement de cadres cohérents en vue du développement du tourisme durable à long terme ;
- Préparation de plans directeurs de développement du tourisme aux échelons national et régional ;
- Développement du tourisme communautaire ;
- Réduction de la pauvreté grâce au tourisme ;
- Développement du tourisme rural et de l’écotourisme ;
- Mise en valeur des ressources humaines du tourisme ;
- Formulation et mise en œuvre de stratégies appropriées de marketing et de promotion ;
- Renforcement des capacités institutionnelles des administrations nationales du tourisme ;
- Mise en adéquation et amélioration de la réglementation touristique existante conformément aux normes internationales ;
- Encouragement et promotion des partenariats public-privé ;
- Mise en place de systèmes de classement hôtelier ; et
- Déploiement des technologies de l’information dans le tourisme.
Activités à l’échelle mondiale
Les missions sont conduites à la demande de pays ou de groupes de pays et ont pour but d’identifier, d’évaluer et de décrire leurs besoins spécifiques en matière d’assistance technique et de fournir des orientations sur la politique à mener face aux problèmes qu’ils rencontrent. Ces missions sont souvent de courte durée et débouchent sur de nouvelles propositions de projets à financer et, parfois, sur des recommandations émises directement par ONU Tourisme à l’intention des Membres qu’ils peuvent mettre à exécution eux-mêmes.
Les projets sont généralement de longue durée. Ils visent à aider les gouvernements à acquérir le savoir-faire technique voulu pour formuler les politiques et les stratégies dans les domaines de la planification, du développement de produits, du marketing et du développement des ressources humaines dans le tourisme.
Les projets s’inscrivent dans une démarche de recherche de la durabilité et portent sur la planification du tourisme à tous les niveaux, l’établissement d’instituts de formation au tourisme, la formulation de la réglementation, l’élaboration de programmes de marketing et le renforcement des capacités nationales.

Coopération économique régionale pour l’Asie centrale (CAREC) : œuvrer pour un secteur du tourisme durable et prospère en Asie centrale
Des responsables gouvernementaux, des professionnels du tourisme et des représentants du secteur privé des 10 pays membres du CAREC se sont réunis à Istanbul (Türkiye), du 25 au 27 juin, pour débattre de l’avenir de la coopération régionale dans le domaine du tourisme, du développement de produits touristiques régionaux et des stratégies, notamment aux fins de la modernisation du portail du CAREC #VisitSilkRoad, avec des experts et des conférenciers d’ONU Tourisme, de la BAD et GIZ.

Stratégie de marketing du tourisme à l’international pour la province du Gansu (Chine)
ONU Tourisme est allée sur le terrain pour tenir des réunions d’étude et de concertation dans la province du Gansu (Chine) et démarrer le travail à accomplir sur place en vue de l’élaboration d’une stratégie de marketing du tourisme à l’international pour la province du Gansu (Chine)

Lancement de la deuxième édition des prix du tourisme du Qatar
ONU Tourisme a assisté au lancement de la deuxième édition des prix du tourisme du Qatar avec Qatar Tourism au Rexios Premium Qetaifan Island North de Doha. Cette initiative permet de récompenser l’excellence dans le secteur du tourisme en mettant en valeur les réussites, les innovations et les personnalités les plus marquantes qui contribuent à faire du Qatar une destination mondiale de tout premier ordre.

Le projet d’autonomisation des femmes en République de Moldavie se conclut par un dernier atelier pour faire le bilan
Le 24 juin 2024, le projet intitulé “Empowering Young Women: sustainable livelihoods through tourism in the Republic of Moldova” (L’autonomisation des jeunes femmes : des moyens d’existence durables grâce au tourisme en République de Moldova) s’est terminé par un dernier atelier de synthèse des enseignements tirés et des principaux résultats.

ONU Tourisme présente sa vision du développement du tourisme halal
ONU Tourisme a présenté ses idées sur la manière de développer le tourisme halal lors d'un atelier en ligne organisé par le Centre de recherches sociales et de formation pour les pays islamiques (SESRIC), le Ministère de la Planification du développement national de la République d'Indonésie et le Centre islamique pour le développement du commerce (CIDC).

Histoire d'une réussite : Redressement du tourisme et autonomisation des femmes au Timor-Leste
Le projet de relance du tourisme et d'autonomisation des femmes au Timor-Leste s'est achevé avec succès en 2023. Il comprenait une évaluation du tourisme et de l'égalité des sexes, un séminaire de formation de formateurs pour 15 formateurs d'instituts de formation nationaux, et la mise en place d'un programme de formation professionnelle pour 245 femmes travaillant dans le secteur du tourisme

Qatar Tourism Awards : Continuer à naviguer vers l'excellence !
Suite à une collaboration fructueuse entre ONU Tourisme et Qatar Tourism, un nouveau projet d'organisation de la deuxième édition des Qatar Tourism Awards est actuellement en cours. Ces prix visent à récompenser l'innovation et la distinction dans le secteur qatarien du tourisme tout en veillant à mieux faire connaître le Qatar en tant que destination touristique durable.

Vers un horizon durable : élaborer une politique de tourisme durable en République dominicaine
Élaborer une politique de tourisme durable en République dominicaine pour promouvoir les pratiques compatibles avec un tourisme responsable permettant de réduire à un minimum les impacts négatifs sur l’environnement, de préserver le patrimoine culturel et de contribuer au développement socioéconomique des populations locales
Lancement du projet d’innovation et de redynamisation du Gansu
Renforcer et relever les normes dans le domaine du tourisme dans la province chinoise du Gansu grâce à la mise en place de stratégies touristiques ciblées et l’organisation de formations aux fins du renforcement des capacités

Élaboration de la stratégie en matière de ressources humaines pour le secteur du tourisme aux Seychelles
Conduire des ateliers de validation dans trois îles des Seychelles pour s’assurer que la nouvelle stratégie en matière de ressources humaines préparée par ONU Tourisme tient compte de la diversité de points de vue et des priorités de toutes les parties prenantes.

Développement et promotion du tourisme au Grand Gaborone
Réaliser une étude complète des cinq sites touristiques prioritaires du Grand Gaborone identifiés lors d'une précédente mission de cadrage afin de rédiger une future étude visant à développer des modèles d'investissement et des lignes directrices pour ces sites basés sur les principes du tourisme durable.

Formation aux compétences touristiques destinée aux femmes entrepreneures dans les zones rurales de République de Moldavie
Autonomiser les femmes dans le secteur du tourisme par la formation professionnelle et une éducation de qualité tout en promouvant l'égalité des sexes et le travail collectif pour la justice.
Régulation du Tourisme D´aventure en Èquateur
Renforcer le secteur du tourisme d´aventure de l´Èquateur en améliorant les cadres réglementaires conformément au paysage touristique du pays, en fournissant une formation sur mesure aux fonctionnaires et aux prestataires, et en développant un modéle de consentement éclairé basé sur des normes internationales.

Èlaboration du Plan de Destination Touristique International de Jinan
Notre objectif a été de guider parties prenantes de Jinan pour développer avec succés le tourisme, conforme aux normes internationales et meilleures pratiques. Cela a impliqué le développement d´une stratégie touristique compléte adaptée aux caractéristiques uniques de la ville.
Impressions de 2023-2024 :
Bulletin d'information – SUR LE TERRAIN Le tourisme au service du développement
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1986)
- Tourism Statistics (1987)
- Study for setting up an international centre for alternative tourism at Tamanrasset (1989)
- International centre for alternative tourism at Tamanrasset (follow-up mission) (1989)
- Study for the establishment of a system for the collection, processing and publication of tourism statistics (1991)
- Programme for Privatization and Tourism Development (1998)
- Project formulation mission for Master Plan (2000)
- Preparation of a Strategic Plan for Sustainable Development (2001)
- Assistance in negotiations for Algeria’s entry into the World Trade Organization (2003)
- Evaluation of the National Statistics System for the Elaboration of TSA (2014)
- Revision of the Hotel Classification System (2014)
- Training of trainers in the field of tourism (1978-1986)
- Rehabilitation and renovation of hotel establishments (1997)
- Tourism Marketing and Promotion (2017-2018)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1980)
- Restructuring of the NTA (1989)
- Terms of reference for a tourism master plan (1994)
- Programme on National Tourism and Hotel Statistics (1998)
- Tourism training and development (2000)
- Project Formulation Mission for a Tourism Master Plan for Institutional Capacity Building (2006)
- Strengthening of the National Tourism and Hotel Directorate (1992-1994)
- Tourism sector assistance (1999)
- Tourism statistics (1979)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1980)
- Tourism statistics (1987)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1994)
- Tourism statistics (1999)
- Project Formulation Mission for a Marketing Plan (2006)
- Promotion and Sustainable Development of Tourism in the Buffer Zone of Park W (2011)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1981)
- Strategic action plan for the tourism sector (1991)
- Tourism capacity and tourism statistics (1998)
- Tourism statistics and TSA implementation (2002)Project Formulation Mission for a Community-based Tourism Strategy (2007)
- Formulation Mission for the Preparation of National Tourism Strategy and Master Plan (2018)
- Tourism statistics (1999-2000)
- Tourism development in the areas of statistics and marketing (2001)
- Strengthening tourism statistics: Implementing a Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) (2004)
- Implementation of a Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) (2004-2007)
- Formulation of a Tourism Policy (2008)
- Implementation of the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) (2010-2011)
- Development of Tourism Clusters (2016)
- Updating the 2009 Tourism Satellite Account (2017-2018)
- The Revision of the Hotel Classification Scheme (2018)
- The Updating of Botswana Tourism Organization Strategy (2018)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1980)
- Tourism and hotel training (1981)
- Tourism development planning (1988)
- Terms of reference for a tourism master plan (1999)
- Project Formulation Mission for a Tourism Development Plan (2006)
- Sustainable Development of Tourism in the District of Tambaga, Province of Tapoa (Park W) (2011-2012)
- Tourism statistics (1979)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1981)
- Tourism development planning (1988)
- National Strategy for the Sustainable Development of Tourism (2010-2011)
- Enhancing Participation of Youth and Women in the Tourism Sector (in pipeline) (2012)
- Formation of an Action Plan for NSSDT (2012)
- Inventory of Tourism Resources (2014)
- Identification and Evaluation of Tourism (2015)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1980)
- Establishment of a tourism and hotel training centre (1981)
- Tourism marketing (1981)
- Tourism marketing (follow-up mission) (1982)
- Tourism statistics (1986)
- Preparation of guidelines for tourism investments (1989)
- Transformation of Ngaoundere National School into a sub-regional tourism and hotel training centre (1992)
- Tourism development master plan (1993)
- Preparation of a master plan (1998)
- Elaboration of a system of tourism statistics (2001)
- Development of sustainable tourism pilot projects for poverty alleviation (2003)
- Formulation of a National Tourism Development Master Plan (2005)
- Formulation Mission for Tourism Statistics and TSA (2017)
Ecotourism Development at Kribi (2011-2016)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1981)
- Tourism statistics (1988)
- Assessment of the tourism sector (1990)
- Project formulation mission for a strategic tourism development plan (2000)
- Technical Assistance Mission for the Revision of the Tourism Development Plan Project Formulation (2006)
- Formulation Mission for the Strategic Plan for Tourism Development (2014)
- Technical assistance to the Directorate General for Tourism (1992-1995)
- National action plan (2000)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1980)
- Terms of reference for a tourism master plan (1996)
- Definition of a strategic framework for the mobilization of financial resources for the execution of projects in the tourism development master plan (2000)
- Tourism Master Plan (1997-1999)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1986)
- Project formulation mission for a tourism development master plan (1993)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1981)
- Strengthening the institutional capacity of the NTA and training (1985)
- Needs Assessment for Tourism Sector (2017)
- Training on Tourism Planning, Marketing of Tourism Destinations and Statistics (2018)
- Strengthening the institutional capability of the State in the field of tourism and training
- Tourism statistics (1980)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1980)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism
(follow-up mission) (1981) - Organization of a seminar on tourism statistics (1983)
- Assistance in tourism and hotel training (1985)
- Strengthening of the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Tourism, Leisure and
Environment (1985) - Establishment of a hotel training school in Brazzaville (1986)
- Tourism development and marketing plan (1994)
- Pilot action to develop tourism in line with the recommendations of Agenda 21 (1996)
- Sustainable Tourism Development Plan (2014-2017)
- Needs Assessment for the Training of Staff in Hotels in Brazzaville (2016)
- Development of a Hotel Classification System (2015-2018)
- Tourism Strategy (2017-2018)
- Tourism Statistics Needs Assessment (2017)
- Feasibility study on creation of a regional tourism training institute (1980)
- Creation of a regional tourism training institute (follow-up mission) (1981)
- Second follow-up mission for regional tourism training institute (1982)
- Definition of a programme approach for the tourism sector and establishment of a system for the collection, computer processing and publication of tourism statistics (1992)
- Tourism statistic (1995)
- Implementation of an integrated tourism information system, TSA account and tourism server centre (1996)
- Evaluation of tourism and hotel training (1999)
- Measurement of tourism’s economic impact and action plan to boost tourism (2003)
- Project Formulation Mission for Hotel Classification (2014)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1980)
- Tourism development training (1981)
- Tourism development in Kivu-Haut Zaire region (1984)
- Evaluation of the possibilities for developing convention tourism in Kinshasa (1988)
- Tourism development planning (1989)
- Redefinition of the competencies of the Tourism General Secretariat and the National Tourism Office (2003)
- Tourism development plan for the Kivu-Haut region (1984-1985)
- Assistance to small and medium-sized tourist enterprises (1986-1987)
- Sustainable Tourism and Conservation of Great Apes (2017-2018)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1981)
- Follow-up mission on the above (1982)
- Strategic plan for tourism development (1998)
- Tourism development plan (1998)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1982)
- Assistance to the National Tourism Administration (1985)
- Assistance with the arrangements for the organization of the Central-African Customs and Economic Unions (UDEAC) General Assembly (1986)
- Preparation of a tourism brochure (1986)
- Needs assessment of the tourism sector (1996)
- Project document on tourism planning (1994)
- Institutional and capacity strengthening support to the tourism Sector (2003)
- Institutional and capacity strengthening support to the tourism sector (2003)
- Tourism development master plan (1994)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1980)
- Assistance to the Catering and Tourism Training Institute (1984)
- Preparation a tourism development plan (1986)
- Tourism statistics (1986)
- Follow-up mission on assistance to the Catering and Tourism Training Institute (1987)
- Hotel classification standards (1989)
- Hotel management (1989)
- Revision of the National Programme Document on Scenic Resources Development (1994)
- Project Formulation Mission for the Development of a Destination Management Plan in Lalibela (2007)
- Project formulation mission for the Development of the System of Tourism Statistics (2011)
- Review and Development of the Hotel Classification System (2012)
- Tourism development master plan (1986-1989)
- Assistance to the Tourism Training and Catering Institute (1988-1990)
- National tourism development planning (1989-1994)
- Hotel classification (1994)
- Konso Community Tourism (2011)
- Chencha-Dorze Tourism and Handicrafts Development (2011-2012)
- Implementation of Hotel Classification Scheme (2014-2016)
- Gap Assessment for the Tourism Sector and Formulation of a Project Document (2018)
- Tourism statistics (1980)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1980)
- Convention tourism (1982)
- Assistance in the establishment of a marketing and promotional entity (1987)
- Possibilities for the creation of a holiday and recreation village for visitors from low-income groups (1987)
- Study for the establishment of a bilingual School for Hotel and Tourism Training and follow-up mission (1989)
- Study for the establishment of a system for the collection, computer processing and publication of tourism statistics (1992)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1981)
- Tourism development planning (1983)
- Technical assistance to the tourism sector (1990)
- Follow-up mission on technical assistance to the tourism sector (1991)
- Preparation of a project document on tourism strategy and preparation of a 10 year master plan (1992)
- WTO/UNESCO Slave Route cultural programme (Senegal-Gambia-Guinea) (1997)
- Tourism statistics (1998)
- Assessment of sustainable development with special focus on eco-tourism (2003)
- National Statistics Capacity Building Programme (2012)
- Formulation Mission for Training of Trainers for Youth Empowerment Project (2017)
- Kartong Ecotourism Project (2014-2016)
- Needs Assessment for the Development of Tourism Statistics (2015)
- Design and Implementation of Tourism Statistical Surveys (2018)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1980)
- Tourism and hotel training (1981)
- Assistance in tourism development (1985)
- Assessment of hotel and tourism training needs (1989)
- Preliminary recommendations for a 5 year tourism development plan (1990)
- Tourism development plan (1990)
- Revision of the tourism component of the project on hotel and tourism training and development (1993)
- Finalization of the project document on tourism planning and training (1994)
- Information management system (1996)
- Review of information management system (1996)
- Technical Assistance Mission on Tourism Branding (2007)
- Workshop on Development of a National Tourism Marketing Strategy (2008)
- Project formulation mission for the review of the National Tourism Master Plan (2011)
- Project Formulation Mission for the Implementation of Tourism Master Plan (2014)
- Integrated tourism development programme (1994-1996)
- Savannaland Destination Tourism Programme (2008-2016)
- West Coast Tourism Destination Area (2011)
- Tourism Master Plan (2012)
- Improving Visitor Facilities and Interpretation of Nzulezu Village on Stilts (2016)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1981)
- Rehabilitation and development of the tourism sector (1988)
- Study for the preparation of terms of reference for an outline plan of tourism development (1992)
- WTO/UNESCO Slave Route cultural programme (Senegal-Gambia-Guinea) (1997)
- Strategy for sustainable tourism development (1998)
- Terms of reference for a tourism master plan (1998)
- Tourism development strategic plan (1998-2000)
- Tourism development and institutional strengthening (2000)
- Formulation of a National Tourism Strategy (2018)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1981)
- Identification of priority needs in the field of tourism and formulation of a project document (1992)
- Tourism planning (1998)
- Tourism statistics (1998)
- Review of the Tourism Sector (2016)
- Formulation Mission for the Preparation of a Tourism Strategy and Master Plan (2018)
- Formulation Mission for the Revision of a Hotel Classification Scheme (2018)
- Tourism development strategic plan (2001)
- Evaluations on Tourism Strategy and Hotel Classification (2017)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1981)
- Tourism and hotel training (1981)
- Regionalization of the Kenya Utalii College (1981)
- Tourism statistics (1984)
- Assessment of Kenya’s needs in institutional development and capacity building for the Ministry / Department of Tourism (1992)
- Improvement of the structure and training programmes of Kenya Utalii College (1992)
- Preparation of the project document for a national tourism development plan (1993)
- Terms of Reference for a Long-Term Advisor to the Ministry of Tourism of KENYA (2009)
- Seminar on Community-Based Tourism (2017)
- Viability and feasibility study for a Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) (2002)
- Enhanced Market Access for Community-based Tourism Products (2011-2012)
- Enhancement of Local Employment in Amboseli through Vocational Tourism Training (2011-2012)
- Kenya Coast Beach Management and Local Livelihoods (2011-2012)
- Enhanced Market Access for Community-based Tourism Products (2015)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1981)
- Assistance in the restructuring of the tourism institutions (1982)
- Rehabilitation of hotels and lodges (1987)
- Tourism development planning and training (1988)
- Tourism legislation (1992)
- Tourism statistics (1998)
- Tourism planning and development (1998)
- Training Programme for Tourism Officials (2007)
- Support to Lesotho Round Table process (1995)
- Formation of national tourism policy (2000)
- Institutional Support and Capacity Strengthening of the Tourism Sector (2006)
- Kome Rural Homestays (2011-2017)
- Support to Formulation of Tourism Policy and Master Plan (2017-2018)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1980)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1981)
- Tourism development planning (1982)
- Study of the economic credibility of tourism (1987)
- Evaluation of present and future hotel and tourism training needs (1989)
- Land planning of tourism areas (1994)
- Village eco-tourism (Amber Mountain-Ankarana) (1997)
- Tourism statistics (2000)
- Refresher course for staff and tourism statistics (1988-1989)
- Crisis Communications Strategy (2017-2018)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1981)
- Assistance in tourism development (1985)
- Updating of Malawi tourism master plan (1986)
- Classification of hotels and licensing of tourist services (1989)
- Tourism legislation (1993)
- Tourism development master plan (1980)
- Preparatory assistance to the Malawi Tourism Development Cooperation (1983)
- Strategic tourism development plan (1999-2002)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1981)
- Tourism statistics (1981)
- Training in tourism statistics (1985)
- Tourism statistics (1985)
- Definition of a marketing plan for tourism product (1989)
- Management techniques for small hotels (1990)
- Seminar for the validation of legislative and regulatory texts (2000)
- Formulation of a National Tourism Development Master Plan (2005)
- Strategic tourism development plan (2002)
- Strengthening the Capacities of Tourism Stakeholders at Douentza and d'Hombori (2011)
- Supporting Women Entrepreneurs through the Development of Handicrafts and Agrobusiness in the Region of Mopti (2011-2012)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1981)
- Strengthening of the Government’s capability in the field of tourism (1985)
- Tourism statistics (1989)
- Formulation of a National Tourism Strategy (2016-2017)
- Setting up and management of the Mauritanian Offic of Handicrafts and Tourism (OMAT) (1980)
- National tourism development plan (2002)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1981)
- Seminar on management techniques for small hotels (1987)
- Tourism development impact and policy strategy formulation (1989)
- Terms of reference for a tourism master plan (1996)
- Recommendations for the regulation and development of pleasure navigation (1998)
- Tourism and hotel training (1981)
- Preliminary study for the use of “foundouks” (inns) for tourism purposes (1989)
- Study on utilization of the Kasbas in South Morocco for tourism purposes (1989)
- Study on the updating of hotel and tourism training courses (1992)
- Tourism development programme (1996)
- Tourism statistics (1998)
- National Strategy for the development of rural tourism (2001)
- Economic study of tourism investments (Phase I and II) (1979-1980)
- Strategic development of rural tourism (2001-2003)
- Implementation of a New Classification System for Tourism Accommodation (2013-2018)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1981)
- Rehabilitation of the tourism sector (1986)
- An assessment of the tourism sector identifying priority areas for assistance (1992)
- Project document for training in tourism (1998)
- Updating of hotel classification system (2003)
- Tourism development programme (1983)
- Tourism planning and training (1991-1994)
- Tourism development programme (1997)
- Supporting Platform for Inhambane Tourism Initiatives (2011)
- Community-based Lodges Training Programme (2011-2012)
- Human Resources and SME Development for the Tourism Sector in Inhambane Province (2011-2012)
- Institutional Strengthening of the Municipality of Maputo and Initiatives Fund for Women Entrepreneurs of Mafalala (2011-2012)
- Strategic Tourism Development Plan (2014-2016)
- Human resource and SME development for the tourism sector in Inhambane province (2011-2017)
- Vocational training and SME Development for the Tourism Sector in Maputo (2011-2017)
- Preparatory assistance mission on the identification of needs of the tourism industry (1992)
- Tourism planning and statistics (1998)
- Women empowerment and development through tourism related projects (1999)
- Mission for a Tourism Growth and Development Strategy (2014)
- Review of the Tourism Policy (2016)
- Promotion of tourism (1998)
- Training and Support for the Establishment of Small Tourism-related Businesses, especially for rural women (2011-2012)
- Initiatives Fund for Rural Women Entrepreneurs (2011-2012)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1980)
- Tourism statistics (1981)
- Tourism planning and development (1986)
- Computerization of tourism statistics (1989)
- Definition of a marketing strategy (1990)
- Preparation of a tourism programme for inclusion the Fifth Cycle (1991)
- Sustainable tourism development programme (1998)
- Private sector promotion (1999)
- Elaboration of preparatory documents for the holding of a sectoral consultation on tourism recovery and strengthening public-private partnership (2002)
- Hotel classification and control system (1982)
- Reinforcement of the operational capacity of the Tourism and Hotel Directorate in the field of computerization of tourism statistics (1990-1992)
- Nature and ecology preservation (1996)
- Valorisation of Tourism in the Buffer Zone of Park W by the Establishment of Microenterprises (2011)
- Tourism development master plan (1980)
- Tourism statistics (1981)
- Follow-up mission on tourism development master plan (1981)
- Tourism planning and training (1990)
- Participation in meeting with UNDP agencies for Nigeria’s 4th Programming Cycle (1991)
- Facilitation and tourism safety and security in tourism destinations (2003)
- Institutional and capacity strengthening support to the tourism sector (2004)
- Formulation of a Ecotourism Development Plan for the Farinruwa-Nasarawa State (2005)
- Training Programme for Tourism Officials (2006)
- Identification of tourism resources and assessment of basic training needs (1979-1980)
- Programme for external trade investment and tourism promotion (1993)
- Tourism master plan (2001)
- Tourism Master Plan (2005)
- Tourism Statistics (2018)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1981)
- Hotel management (1984)
- Tourism and hotel training (1987)
- Tourism development planning (1990)
- Tourism planning and tourism statistics (1998)
- Priority needs for tourism revival (2000)
- Project Formulation Mission for a Tourism Development Master Plan (2006)
- Master plan for tourism development (1989-1993)
- Plan of priority actions for the revitalization of tourism in Rwanda (2001)
- Congo-Nile Trail: Bringing tourism to one of Africa’s poorest and most beautiful regions (2011-2012)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1982)
- Identification of priority needs in the field of tourism (1987)
- Technical support programme for the implementation of the strategic tourism development plan (2000)
- Strategic plan for tourism development (2001)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1980)
- Tourism and hotel training (2 missions) (1981)
- Follow-up mission on tourism and hotel training (1985)
- Setting up a new Tourism and Hotel Training Centre (1986)
- Assistance in tourism marketing, quality control, classification of tourism facilities and hotel management contracts (1989)
- Setting up a tourism statistics unit (1989)
- WTO/UNESCO Slave Route cultural programme (Senegal-Gambia-Guinea) (1997)
- Tourism statistics (2000)
- Study on the impact of tourism on the Senegalese economy (2001)
- Facilitation and tourism safety and security in tourism destinations (2003)
- Project Formulation Mission for the Development of a National Statistics System (2014)
- Study on the impact of tourism on Senegalese economy (2001-2002)
- Promoting Initiatives and Cultural Industries in Senegal (2011-2012)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1981)
- Hotel and tourism training needs (1988)
- Updating of the 1985 Report on the Economic Impact of Tourism in Seychelles (1992)
- Revision of the project document on hotel and tourism training needs prepared in 1988 (1992)
- Terms of reference for a tourism master plan (1995)
- Regulation of tourism activities (1998)
- Facilitation and tourism safety and security in tourism destinations (2003)
- Implementation of a National Hotel Classification Scheme (2015)
- Establishment of a New System of Tourism Hotel Classification (2016-2018)
- Tourism Statistics Needs Analysis (2017-2018)
- Strengthening of Tourism Statistics (2018)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1983)
- National Tourist Board and industry training needs assessment (1994)
- Tourism planning and training (1996)
- Preparation of a tourism master plan (1996)
- Review of the tourism sector (1980)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1981)
- Hotel management (1982)
- Hotel training (1985)
- Tourism development planning and training (1989)
- Tourism planning and training (1989-1991)
- Preliminary assessment of the tourism sector, including general evaluation of the economic, social and environmental aspects of future tourism development (2003)
- Training Programme for Tourism Officials (2006)
- Technical Assistance Mission on Upgrading of Tourism Products (2007)
- Review and Evaluation of the System of Tourism Statistics and Tourism Satellite Account (2011)
- Tourism development plan (2001)
- Project formulation mission for tourism development (1996)
- Tourism master plan: Strategy for heritage and nature based tourism development (1996)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1981)
- Assessment of the overall tourism sector (1990)
- Tourism sector planning and capacity building (1996)
- Formulation Mission for Tourism Statistics and TSA (2017)
- Evaluation of the tourism sector (1981)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1981)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1993)
- Preparation of tourism development strategy (1993)
- Tourism planning and training (1999)
- Project Formulation Mission for a Tourism Development Master Plan (2006)
- Formulation Mission for a Tourism Development Master Plan (2009)
- Tourism strategy development programme (1998)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1980)
- Tourism legislation and regulations (1987)
- Evaluation of training needs for tourist guides and refresher course for tourist hostesses (1988)
- Tourism development master plan (1996)
- Tourism statistics and planning (1998)
- Convention tourism (Phase I) (1979)
- Hotel management and tourism marketing (Phase II) (1983)
- Evaluation of the education and training system in the hotel and tourism sector (1992)
- Training problems in the tourism and hotel sector (1992)
- Tourism statistics (1998)
- Women empowerment and development through tourism related project (1998)
- Formulation Mission for the Development of a New Hotel Classification System (2010)
- Needs Assessment for Review and Development of a Hotel Classification System (2016)
- Pilot programme on tourism and health at Korbous Spa (1983-1985)
- Image Campaign for Tourism Recovery (2016)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1979)
- Assistance in tourism development (1985)
- Revival and development of the tourism sector (1986)
- Rehabilitation of the tourism industry (1980)
- Tourism rehabilitation and development planning (1988-1991)
- Preparation of an integrated tourism master plan (1992-1994)
- Tourism capacity building for ground handling (1995)
- Improving Policies and Regulations to support Development of Markets in Tourism (2012)
- Improving Policies and Regulations to Support the Development of Markets in Tourism (2012-2014)
- Support for Development of Inclusive Markets for Tourism (2013-2015)
- Kisiizi Falls Tourism Development (2016-2017)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1979)
- Assistance in tourism development (1981)
- Tourism and hotel training (1981)
- Assistance to the National Tourism Administration (1985)
- Guidelines on hotel classification (1986)
- Tourism statistics (1989)
- Tourism marketing (1991)
- Tourism training (1995)
- Sustainable tourism development programme (1998)
- Strengthening the system of tourism statistics (2000)
- Formulation of a project for Tourism Development (2012)
- Establishment of a tourism and hotel training institute (1980)
- Tourism development plan for Zanzibar (1983)
- Uluguru Mountains Ecotourism (2011)
- Cultural Tourism Enhancement and Diversification Programme (2011-2012)
- Initiatives Fund for Women Entrepreneurs of Pangani (2011-2012)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1979)
- Tourism statistics (1982)
- Assistance to the National Tourism Administration (1985)
- Strengthening Zambia National Tourism Board (1992)
- Development of Cultural Centres for Community-Based Tourism (2008-2017)
- Livingstone Community Sustainable Tourism Resource Centre (2017-2018)
- Identification of needs for technical assistance in the field of tourism (1980)
- Tourism statistics (1982)
- Tourism marketing (1982)
- Reorganization of the National Tourism Administration (Phase I) (1982)
- Reorganization of the National Tourism Administration (Phase II) (1983)
- Assistance to the Ministry of Tourism (1985)
- Tourism development planning and tourism training (1987)
- Hotel and tourism training (1987)
- Capacity building in private and public sectors in areas of sustainable tourism development (1994)
- Formulation Mission for a Tourism Development Master Plan (2009)
- Review of Community-based Tourism Strategy (2017)
- Tourism development plan (1985-1986)
- UNWTO GA Park in Victoria Falls (2017)
- Enhancing Participation of Youth and Women in Tourism (2015-2017)
- Victoria Falls Community Swimming Pool Refurbishment (2017)
- Tourism Development, Wildlife Conservation and Sustainable Livelihoods (2018)
Countries of the Central-African Customs and Economic Union (UDEAC)
- Study on the establishment of a tour operation company (1984)
RETOSA (Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe)
Countries of the Central-African Customs and Economic Union (UDEAC)
- Study for a coordination and harmonization policy in the field of regional tourism (1979-1980)
28 countries
- Courses in hotel and tourism training (1980)
Countries of the West-African Economic Community (CEAO)
- Study on the development and integration of tourism activities (1981-1982)
Countries of the Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries (CEPGL)
- Feasibility study for the creation of a sub-regional Centre on Hotel and Tourism Training (1983)
Eastern and Southern Africa
Regional cooperation in tourism development (1988-1992)
Reduction of environmental impact from coastal tourism through introduction of policy changes and strengthening public-private partnerships (2004-2014)
RETOSA (Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe)
Project on National Statistical Capacity-Building Programme (2010 – 2012)
- Regional Workshops on Statistics and Tourism Satellite Account (2012)
National Statistical Capacity-Building Programme (NSCBP) to RETOSA Members (2010-2016)
Benin, DR Congo, Gabon, Guinea Conakry, Niger
- Capacity Building Workshops on Tourism Development and Biodiversity Protection in West and Central Africa (2017)
Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger
Development of Birdwatching Tourism at Regional Park W (2011-2012)
West Africa
Sustainable Tourism Development in a Network of Cross Border Parks and Protected Areas in Benin, Burkina Faso, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Sierra Leone (2011)
- Capacity Building on Tourism Development and Biodiversity Protection (2018)
- Consultancy on tourism and economic development (1991 and 1992)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1981)
- Tourism planning (1985)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1980)
- Setting up a Tourism Documentation and Information Centre (1981)
- Development of winter sports(1981)
- Development of thermal spas (1984)
- Feasibility of the Bariloche Convention Centre and tourism marketing and promotion in Europe (1986)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1989)
- Vocational training (1993)
- Vocational training (1994)
- Tourism statistics (1994)
- Human resource training (1996)
- Tailoring training to the hotel and tourism sector (1997)
- General recommendations for developing the tourism satellite account (TSA) (2000)
- Overview of air transport in relation to tourism development (2 phases) (2001)
- Project formulation mission for the updating of tourism training (2002)
- Updating tourism legislation (2002)
- Assessment and potential of cruise tourism (2003)
- Report on a model administration system for national parks (2004)
- Feasibility Study for Three Micro-projects in the Lanin National Park (2008)
- Improvement of the tourism product (1987)
- Formulation of a Tourism Satellite Account (2014-2015)
- Tourism Statistics – Phase I (2018)
- Tourism Statistics and TSA – Phase II (2017-2018)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1981)
- Hotel classification (1992)
- Review of the Bahamas Building Code (2016)
- Creation of an Addendum to the Current Bahamas Building Code (2017)
- Strengthening the National Tourism Administration (1981)
- Assessment of tourism and hotel training needs (1981)
- Follow-up mission on assessment of tourism and hotel training needs (1986)
- Tourist accommodation (1990)
- Master plan for tourism development of San Pedro Ambergris (1989-1990)
- Assessment of tourism and hotel training needs (1981)
- Tourism and hotel training (1980)
- Diversification of the tourism supply (1981)
- Cultural tourism development programme (1983)
- Tourism marketing and promotion (1986)
- Development of tourism product (1987)
- Tourism development of Tarabuco-Sucre-Potosi (Phase I and II) (1991)
- Draft report on tourism law (1998)
- Review of strategy for the sustainable development of tourism (2001)
- Preparation of a plan for community-based tourism, rural and ecotourism (2005)
- Tourism promotion and development (1989-1991)
- Strengthening Community-based Tourism (2011)
- Misterios del Titikaka (2012)
- Tourism planning (1980)
- Assessment of tourism investment projects (1984)
- Development and marketing of new tourist resorts in the North & North-East of Brazil (1989)
- Establishment of a centre for the higher training of tourism trainers (1992)
- Strengthening of the institutional capacity of the National Tourism Administration (1994)
- Rural and ecological tourism in the State of Matogrosso (1998)
- Improving the statistical system of Rio Grande do Sul (1999)
- Bases for introduction of a system of tourism statistics in the State of Rio Grande do Sul / Symposium on statistical systems of the tourism satellite account (TSA) (2000)
- Identification and economic delimitation of the tourism sector (1989-1991)
Adaptation of transport infrastructure to the requirements of current and future demand (1984)
- Assistance in tourism development (1985-1988)
- Tourism planning (1989)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1980)
- Development of demand and foreign investment (1981)
- Assessment of the socio-economic impact of tourism (1983)
- Handbook for a tourism information and documentation centre (1986)
- Restructuring of the NTA (1990)
- Operation of tourism promotional institutions abroad (1994)
- Preparation of a study on tourism employment and tourism satellite account (1999)
- Technical Assistance Mission on Establishing General Guidelines for Improvements in the Systematic Competitiveness of Inbound Tourism (2007)
- Development of international tourism demand (1983-1987)
- Strengthening the National Tourism Administration (1980)
- Sectoral planning and tourism marketing (1983)
- Collection and processing of tourism statistics (1984)
- Specialized university programme in tourism and hotel sector (1984)
- Hotel classification (1985)
- Evaluation of tourism’s contribution to the national economy (1986)
- Training in tourism marketing (1986)
- Tourism marketing (1991)
- Evaluation of current legislation and creation of a tourism promotional tool (1992)
- Appraisal of the tourism market (1993)
- Promotion of Colombian tourism on the North American market (1994)
- Quality of services (1999)
- Formulation a National Plan for beach development for the Colombian littoral (2005)
- Strengthening the National Tourism Administration (1981)
- Sectoral planning; tourism marketing (1982)
- Tourism marketing and promotion (1984)
- Tourism marketing and promotion strategies and systems (1989)
- Tourism marketing (1999)
- Technical, legal and training advisory mission on the fight against the sexual exploitation of children (2003)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1981)
- Setting up a tourism documentation centre (1981)
- Promotion and marketing of convention tourism (1982)
- Market research; electronic data processing (1983)
- Development of thermal spas (1984)
- Evaluation of tourism projects (1985)
- Tourism development of Villa Trinidad (1987)
- Regulation of tourism establishments; tourism in Varadero (1988)
- Tourism documentation centre (1991)
- Preparatory document on biodiversity (1996)
- Review of document on tourism development (1996)
- Formulation mission for the Implementation of a National Hotel Classification System and TSA (2016)
Tourism and hotel training (1978-1982)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1981)
- Tourism planning and marketing (1983)
- Specialized programme for tourism planning and marketing (1984)
- Tourism planning (1985)
- Tourism marketing (1985)
- Strategy for the development of the tourism sector (1994)
- Tourism planning for the Bocachica and Samaná areas (1997)
- Tourism promotion (1999)
- Course for parliamentarians (1999)
- Formulation of Trans-border Tourism Development in Haiti and Dominican Republic (2005)
- Computerization and regulation of tourism services (Phase I) (1987)
- Tourism development (Phase II) (1990-1992)
- Tourism planning (1980)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1980)
- Collection & processing of tourism statistics (1981)
- Assessment of the tourism sector (1985)
- Beach development (1990)
- Investment promotion and tourism credit fund (1991)
- Development of Machalilla-Los Frailes (Manabi) area for tourism purposes (1992)
- Drafting of the tourism law (1994)
- Hotel classification (1996)
- Tour prospects Amazonia (1996)
- Institutional capacity building (1999)
- Guidelines for decentralization of tourism responsibilities and study for developing Cuenca’s tourism heritage (2000)
- Complement to competitiveness plan – Sustainable tourism development plan (2001)
- Evaluation of tourism and hotel sector human resources needs (2001)
- Implementation and development of TSA (2001)
- Design of tourism products (2003)
- Rural tourism development (2003)
- Proposal for strategic development of community-based tourism (2004)
- Formulation of a Sustainable Tourism Development Master Plan (2005)
- Project Formulation Mission for a Tourism Management Plan for the Archaeological Site of Ingapirca (2007)
- Preparation of a master plan for tourism development (1981-1982)
- Strengthening of the NTA; beach area development and promotion (1986-1987)
- Tourism development plan (1998)
- Fostering Rural Community-based Tourism, Inclusive Business and Effective Destination Management along the Inca Trail (2011)
- Conservation and Sustainable Management of Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve (2011-2012)
- Development and Cultural Diversity to Reduce Poverty and Promote Social Inclusion (2011-2012)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1981)
- Institutional strengthening of the tourism sector; planning and marketing (1989)
- Institutional reinforcement (1991)
- Identification of areas for tourism planning, marketing and investment (1992)
- Identification of training needs (1993)
- Draft report on tourism law (1998)
- Finalization of draft tourism law (1998)
- Planning of area around Pasajera Island (2000)
- Development of Coffee Route for El Salvador (2004)
- Formulation of a Tourism Development Master Plan (2005)
- Tourism and hotel training; assessment of economic impact of tourism (1981)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1981)
- Domestic and international tourism; tourism statistics (1984)
- Assessment of the tourism sector (1986)
- Youth tourism (1987)
- Promotion of investments and evaluation of tourism projects (1989)
- Strengthening of tourism market research (1993)
- Technical assistance for the setting up of Posadas Mayas (1994)
- Tourism training (1995)
- Improvement of statistical system (1999)
- Human resource development (2002)
- Evaluation of the National Tourism Statistics System for the Elaboration of TSA (2014)
- Consolidation of the Tourism Satellite Account (2015)
- Promotion of international tourism (1985-1986)
- Domestic tourism statistic system (1985-1986)
- Tourism investment promotion in the Punta Manabique region (1986)
- Strengthening Community-based Tourism Destinations in Quiché (2011)
- In-depth analysis of the tourism operational sector (1991)
- Institutional support for a national tourism organization (1992)
- Follow-up mission on institutional support for a national tourism organization (1993)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1981)
- Tourism and hotel training (1982)
- Master plan for tourism development (1984)
- Tourism training (1995)
- Formulation of Trans-border Tourism Development in Haiti and Dominican Republic (2005)
- Updating the Terms of Reference for the Implementation of Phase II of the Project on Revising the Tourism Master Plan (2006)
- Awareness Campaign (2015)
- Tourism planning and marketing study on the potential development of European tourism in Haiti (1978-1981)
- Preparatory assistance in supporting the tourism sector (1988-1989)
- Enhancing Local Economic Impact from Tourism Development in Jacmel (2014-2017)
- Needs Assessment for Development of Tourism Statistics and Tourism Satellite Account (2016)
- Tourism development in Jacmel (2017)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1981)
- Tourism and hotel training (1983)
- Feasibility study for constructing tourism centres (1985)
- Tourism promotion (1985)
- Promotional strategy for international tourism (1989)
- Evaluation of the technical infrastructure for a TSA (2001)
- Análisis Técnico de la Propuesta de Implementación de la Estrategia Nactional de Turismo Sostenible elaborada por el Instituto Hondureño de Turismo (2007)
- National tourism marketing and promotion programme (1991-1992)
- Connecting Local Tourism Products and Services with the Marina Copan Hotel in Copan Ruinas (2011)
- Sales Increase through the Innovation of the Culinary Culture (2011)
- Establishing Linkages between Garifunas and Small Businesses at Bahía de Tela (2011)
- Creativity and Cultural Identity for Local Development (2011-2012)
- Review of Methodologies Used in the Compilation of Basic Tourism Statistics (2016)
- Development of Sample Surveys (2017)
- Revision of the Tourism Statistics Methodology – Phase II (2018)
- Revision of the Tourism Statistics Methodology – Phase III (2018)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1981)
- Computerization of tourism statistics (1982)
- Survey of training needs in the field of tourism (1982)
- Tourism and Hotel Training Institute (1982)
- Master plan for tourism development (1982)
- Economic impact of international tourism (1983)
- Hotel classification (1985)
- Conventions and incentive travel (1987)
- Marketing and small hotels (1990)
- Product development (1995)
- Contribution of international tourism to the national economy (1984-1987)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1981)
- Construction and management of domestic tourism centres (1984)
- Overview of air transport in relation to tourism development (2002)
- Improvement of management systems in holiday centres for population groups of low and middle income (1986-1987)
- Assessment of tourism and hotel training needs (1981)
- Tourism training (1995)
- Training in tourism promotion (1979-1980)
- Institutional strengthening; tourism planning; tourism promotion (1982)
- Hotel classification; tourism and hotel training; tourism statistics (1985)
- Strategic action plan (1990)
- Identification and development of an international tourism centre (1992)
- Development of a tourism master plan (1994)
- Legal standards in tourism (1996)
- Evaluation of the National Tourism Statistics System (2014)
- Enhancing Rural and Community-based Tourism Initiatives in Masaya and Granada (RENITURAL) (2011)
- Cultural Recovery and Creative Productive Development on the Caribbean Coast (2011-2012)
- National Development Capacities for Improving Employment and Self-Employment Opportunities for Young People (2011-2012)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1981)
- Master plan for tourism development (1982)
- Organization of IPAT’s Documentation Centre (1983)
- Market research, tourism promotion and marketing (1985)
- Formulation of a tourism master plan (1986)
- Follow-up mission on tourism master plan (1990)
- Tourism planning (1995)
- Rural tourism strategic plan (1998)
- Sustainable tourism development (1998)
- Report on the preparation of a tourism satellite accounts (TSA) (1999)
- Report on the preparation of a tourism satellite accounts (TSA)(follow-up mission) (1999)
- General recommendations for developing a draft TSA (2001)
- Seminar on TSA methodology (2001)
- Preparation of a Sustainable Tourism Development Master Plan (2005)
- Updating the Panama Master Plan for Sustainable Development of the Tourism Sector (2018)
- Entrepreneurial Opportunities Network for Poor Families (2011-2012)
- Tourism planning; tourism and hotel training (1980)
- Tourism legislation (1983)
- Regulations for travel agencies and hotels (1984)
- Tourism development plan (1989)
- Tourism marketing (1991)
- Development of a plan for the use of ecotourism resources (1993)
- Follow-up mission on the plan for the use of ecotourism resources (1994)
- Rural tourism in ranches (Phase I)(1997)
- Rural tourism in ranches (Phase II) (1998)
- Institutional capacity building (1999)
- Commercialization and development of rural tourism (Phase I) (2001)
- Assessment of the quality situation in the tourism sector (2002)
- Organization of the central booking system of APATUR and defining rural tourism promotion and dissemination actions (Phase II) (2002)
- Organization of the reservation centre of the Paraguay Rural Tourism Association (APATUR) and defining rural tourism promotion and dissemination actions (Phase III) (2003)
- Design and implementation of competitive tourism products (2005)
- Update of the Sustainable Tourism Development Plan (2016)
- Strengthening of Tourism Statistics (2016)
- Updating Tourism Master Plan (2017)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1980)
- Collection and processing of tourism statistics (1981)
- Planning and tourism area development (1982)
- Tourism marketing (1983)
- Seminar on tourism promotion (1987)
- Tourism price setting and control (1988)
- Tourism heritage management (1990)
- Hotel classification (1994)
- Draft report on tourism law (1998)
- Report on the preparation of TSA (1999)
- Preparation of TSA (follow-up mission) (1999)
- Rural tourism development (2003)
- Commercialization of tourism products (2003)
- Formulation of guidelines for rural and ecotourism development (2005)
- Project Formulation Mission for the Implementation of a Programme for Rural and Ecotourism in the Communities (2006)
- Technical Assistance Mission for the Assessment of Carrying Capacity at the Historic Site of Machu Picchu (2006)
- Inclusive creative industries: an innovative tool for alleviating poverty in Peru (2011-2012)
- Assessment of statistics and tourism and hotel training needs (1981)
- Assessment of planning and tourism and hotel training needs (1981)
- Design and implementation of a tourism marketing programme (1994)
- Tourism sector chapter of the National Development Plan (1985-1986)
- Vocational training for the tourism sector (1988)
- Assessment of planning and tourism and hotel training needs (1981)
- Assessment of planning and tourism and hotel training needs (1981)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1987)
- Tourism master plan (1990)
- Establishment of a Commission on National Parks and Tourist Sites (1994)
- Tourism development plan (1984)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1980)
- Development of thermal spas (1984)
- Institutional strengthening of the National Tourism Administration (1986)
- Promotion and support of small and medium-sized tourism enterprises (1986)
- Tourism statistics (1988)
- Tourism marketing and third-age tourism (1988)
- Tourism statistics (1990)
- Master plan for tourism development (1991)
- Preservation of the national heritage (1994)
- Product diversification in Punta del Este (1995)
- Development of health tourism (1995)
- Time-share bill report (1996)
- Project document on environmental heritage conservation (1997)
- Guidelines on tourism promotion, product diversification and transport systems (1998)
- Draft report on tourism law (1998)
- Strengthening activities to revitalize old section of Montevideo (1999)
- Master plan conservation, biosphere reserve “Bañados del Este” (1999)
- Elaboration of a Visitor Survey (2017)
- Development of the Arapey and Guaviyu thermal spas (1985)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1980)
- Marketing of domestic and international tourism (1983)
- Development, clean-up and maintenance of beaches; sanitation of the coast (1984)
- Tourism development plan for the Bolivar region (1985)
- Tourism statistics (1989)
- Tourism marketing strategy (1992)
- Tourism development in Tortuga Islands area (Phase I) (1996)
- Sustainable development plan for Tortuga Islands (Phase II) (1997)
- Tourism master plan for the State of Zulia (1998)
- Evaluation of human resource development in tourism activities (2001)
- Preparation of the tourism development plan of the Castilletes Area, Zulia State (2001)
JUNAC (Junta del Acuerdo de Cartagena)
- Identification of technical assistance needs for the sub-region of the Andes (1988)
LAIA (Latin American Integration Association)
- Technical report on the state of tourism statistical systems in LAIA countries (1991)
- Regional programme of tourism statistics (1992)
- Development of a regional statistical system for the Mundo Maya tourism itinerary (1991)
- Development of a sales manual for member countries of the Organizacion Mundo Maya (1994)
- Development and characteristics of a tourism market between these countries (1991)
CARIBBEAN REGION (28 countries)
- Assistance in preparing an economic impact study within the framework of the regional tourism development programme for the Caribbean (1992)
- Environmental conservation and tourism promotion for Isla Grande de Tierra de Fuego (1992)
(Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama)
- First Central American Conference on Tourism (1993)
- Consultancy on the impact of fiscal and revenue measures on tourism sector activities (1992)
- Sustainable tourism development within the West Indies (1993)
- Follow-up mission on sustainable tourism development within the West Indies and preparation of a project document (1994)
SICA (Secretaría General del Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana)
(Belice, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama)
- Workshop on updating and unification of statistical measurement systems of SICA (1999)
- Implementation of a tourism security system for Central America (2003-2004)
SITCA (Central America Tourism Association)
Regional Workshop on Statistics for SITCA Member States
CARIBBEAN REGION (28 countries)
- Caribbean regional tourism development programme (Phase I) (1980-1988)
- Caribbean regional tourism development programme (Phase II) (1988-1992)
- Caribbean tourism summit (2001)
(Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama)
- Preparatory assistance in tourism development for Central America (1989)
- Tourism facilitation (1992)
- Tourism training (1992-1993)
- Conservation of protected areas (1992-1993)
- Market Access for Rural Tourism SMEs Phase I, and Phase II (2011-2012)
- Tourism economic planning (1988-1989)
- Tourism statistics (1978)
- Review of the tourism sector (1978)
- Tourism policy (1980)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1980)
- Tourism development master plan (1981)
- Follow-up mission on tourism development master plan (1982)
- Tourism policy (1984)
- Tourism marketing (1985)
- Development of duty-free shopping facilities (1985)
- Development of safari tourism in the Sunderbans (1986)
- Development of Mangla and Sunderbans areas (1992)
- Development of village tourism (1994)
- Updating the tourism master plan and formulation of marketing strategy and image building (2000)
- Formulation of a Community-Based Tourism Development Plan in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (2005)
- Organization of a Conference on Developing Sustainable and Inclusive Buddhist Heritage and Pilgrimage Circuits in South Asia’s Buddhist Heartland (2015)
- Review of tourism plans for Cox’s Bazar region and revision of tourism master plan project document (1984)
- Preparation of a tourism development master plan (1986-1989)
- Updating tourism master plan and formulation of marketing strategy and image-building (2000)
- Tourism policy (1979)
- Assessment of technical needs in the field of tourism (1993)
- Review and assessment of the national tourism industry (2004)
- Formulation of a Sustainable Tourism Legislation (2005)
- Rapid Carrying Capacity Assessment (2016)
- Preparatory assistance on tourism development and training (1980)
- Tourism development (1981-1986)
- Manpower development in tourism (1984-1987)
- Sustainable Tourism Legislation (2005)
- Tourism development planning and training (1987)
- Evaluation of the tourism sector (1992)
- Follow-up mission on evaluation of the tourism sector (1993)
- Development of human resources for the tourism sector (2001)
- Capacity development in tourism (2002)
- Review and analyses of investment incentives in tourism (2002)
- Project Formulation Mission for Capacity Building and Strengthening of the Tourism Sector – ‘Sustainable Growth through Tourism’ (2006)
- National Statistics Workshop (2014)
- Preparatory assistance in the training of the tourism sector (1992)
- Tourism development and management (1994)
- Enhancing the Mekong Discovery Trail (2011-2012)
- Improving Community Based Ecotourism in Thala Barivat (ICBET) (2016-2017)
- Hotel and tourism training (1983)
- Establishment of a tourism documentation centre (1984)
- Tourism statistics (1984)
- Tourism legislation and regulations (1986)
- Evaluation of the tourism potential of Tibet and formulation of project proposals for its exploitation (1987)
- National tourism marketing (1993)
- Development of ski resorts in Northeast China (1994)
- Evaluation of national tourist resorts (1994)
- Resort marketing (1996)
- National training seminar on tourism planning at regional and local level (1997)
- Formulation of Sichuan Province tourism master plan (1997)
- Development of tourism in Lake Taihu area (1998)
- Formulation of a tourism development master plan for the Shandong Province (1999)
- Formulation of a tourism development master plan for the Yunnan Province (2000)
- Formulation of a tourism development master plan for the Gansu Province (2000)
- Formulation of a tourism development master plan for the Hainan Province (2000)
- Formulation of a tourism development master plan for the Guizhou Province (2000)
- Formulation of a tourism plan for “Two Mountains and One Lake” in Anhui Province (2001)
- Planning framework for the development of Qingdao Marine Park and Yangkou Holiday Resort, Shandong Province (2001)
- Formulation of a tourism development master plan for the Heilongjiang Province (2001)
- Marketing plan for Beijing (2002)
- Development of lake tourism at Changzhou (2003)
- Formulation of a coastal holiday tourism plan for Shandong Province (2004)
- Assistance in the transformation of the Guilin Institute of Tourism (2005)
- Formulation of a Sustainable Tourism Plan for the Hunan Province (2005)
- Formulation of a Sustainable Tourism Plan for the Xiangxi Prefecture Yunnan Province (2005)
- Development of the Shandong Provincial Tourism Industry 2016 – 2025 (2015)
- Development of an International Tourism Marketing Strategy for the Province of Yunnan (2016)
- Assessment Mission on Tourism Development Planning for Muping (2017)
- Assessment Mission on Tourism Development Planning for Changdao (2017)
- Formulation mission for Marketing Strategy Project Hainan (2017)
- Project formulation mission for the Inclusive Tourism Development Master Plan and the Tourism Development Plan for the Ice and Snow Tourism Industry in Heilongjiang (2018)
- Project Formulation Mission for the development of the Jinan International Tourism Destination Plan (2018)
- Hotel classification system (1987-1988)
- World Trade Centre staff development (1988-1991)
- Tourism planning and training for Tibet (1990-1991)
- Tourism development master plan for Sichaun province (1998)
- Tourism development master plan for Shandong province (2000-2001)
- Tourism development master plan for Yunnan province (2000-2001)
- Tourism development master plan for Hainan province (2001)
- Overall tourism plan for “Two Mountains and One Lake” in Anhui province (2001-2002)
- Tourism development master plan for Guizhou province (2002)
- Formulation of criteria for best tourism cities in China (2001-2002)
- Qingdao city tourism industry development master plan (2002)
- Tourism development master plan for Heilongjiang province (2002-2003)
- Tourism development and structure plan for the Wujin-Taihu Bay Holiday Resort (2003-2004)
- Coastal tourism development plan for Shandong Province (2004)
- Best Tourism Cities of China (2006 –2007)
- Design and Development of a Diploma Program in Hospitality Management for the Guilin Institute of Tourism (2006-2010)
- Community-based Tourism Development Plan for Junba Village and Tourism Marketing Development Plan for Tibet (2010)
- Tourism and Handicraft Production in Guizhou Province (2011-2012)
- Tourism Development Master Plan (Phase 1) and Marketing Strategies (Phase 2) Shandong (2017)
- Development of an International Tourism Marketing Strategy for the Province of Yunnan (2017-2020)
- Tourism Marketing Strategy for Hainan Province (2018 - on going)
- Inclusive Tourism Development Master Plan and Tourism Development Plan for the Ice and Snow Tourism Industry in Heilongjiang (2018 - on going)
- Nanxun District Tourism Development Strategy (2018)
- Terms of reference for tourism development master plan; setting up of a hospitality training institute (1990)
- Tourism marketing (1994)
- Training for the tourism sector (1993-1996)
- Tourism development and training (1988)
- Tourism development and training (1991)
- Mt. Kumgang development project (1994)
- Formulation of a tourism master plan for the Free Economic and Trade Zone (1995)
- Formulation, implementation and management of a tourism insurance system (1999)
- Formulation of a Country Cooperation Framework (2000)
- Formulation of a tourism development plan for Mt. Chilbo (2001)
- Formulation of a human resource development plan for Mt. Chilbo (2004)
- Market research workshop (2004)
- Workshop on product development in DPR Korea (2017)
- Assistance on tourism development and training (1993-1997)
- Sustainable tourism development in Mt. Chilbo (2002-2003)
- Preparatory assistance plan for sustainable tourism development in Mt. Kumgang, (2002)
- Capacity Building for Human Resource Development in Mt. Chilbo (2005 - 2006)
- Development of TSA (2001)
- Updating of the Fiji tourism master plan (2001)
- Review of tourism investment incentives (2003)
- Updating of the Fiji tourism development master plan (2004)
- Benchmarking and validation of a Tourism Satellite Account (2005)
- Development of a Sustainable Tourism Policy (2016)
- Assistance to Fiji’s Tourist Shopping Centre (1989)
- Tourism statistics (1978)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1980)
- Tourism policy (1980)
- Assessment of priority requirements (1982)
- Tourism training (1982)
- Convention tourism (1986)
- Tourism carrying capacity study in Goa (1989)
- Tourism development in Himachel Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh (1989)
- Tourism planning and training in Orissa (1990)
- Tourism development planning in Goa(1990)
- Development of Desert Triangle in Rajasthan State (1992)
- Tourism marketing (1992)
- Review of the tourism sector (1996)
- Tourism planning and human resource development (1997)
- Formation of a National Tourism Authority (1997)
- Tourism development programme for the State of Andra Pradesh (1998)
- Detailed review of India’s overseas marketing offices (1998)
- Development of Rana Pratap Sarovar, Himachal Pradesh (1999)
- Destination marketing for the State of Kerala (2001)
- Formulation of a sustainable tourism development plan for the State of Nagaland (2001)
- Long-term policy for tourism development and promotion (2001)
- Formulation of a rural tourism development plan for Sikkim (2002)
- Traffic management for Delhi (2004)
- Training Programme for Tourism Officials (2006)
- Project Formulation Mission for a Sustainable Community-Based Tourism Master Plan for the States of West Bengal, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh (2006)
- Technical Assistance Mission for the Preparation of a Development Plan for Buddhist Centres and Cultural Learning Centres in Bodh Gaya, Rajgir and Nalanda (2006)
- Project Formulation Mission for a Tourism Development Master Plan for the State of Punjab (2007)
- Project Formulation Mission for a Tourism Development Master Plan for the Sunderbans Region (2007)
- Training Programme in the State of Punjab on Managing Tourism Destinations – Strategies and Actions for Success (2008)
- Technical Assistance Mission for the Re-design of the Curriculum of the Indian Hotel Management and Catering Technology Schools (2008-2009)
- Formulation Mission for a Tourism Development Master Plan for GUJARAT (2009)
- Tourism Development Master Plan for Punjab (Phase II) (2011 – 2012)
- Formulation of a Tourism Development Master Plan for the city of Chandigarh (2015)
- Formulation mission for further implementation of the Punjab Tourism Master Plan (2017)
- Development strategy for environmentally sustainable tourism in the Andamans (1994-1997)
- Tourism development plan for the State of Andhra Pradesh (1998)
- Sustainable tourism development plan for Nagaland (2003-2004)
- Master Plan for Integrated and Sustainable Development of Tourism in the State of Uttarakhand (2007-2008)
- Master Plan for Integrated and Sustainable Development of Tourism in the States Orissa and West Bengal (2007-2008)
- Implementation of the Tourism Development Master Plan for Punjab (2008-2016)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1978)
- Tourism statistics (1979)
- Tourism policy (1980)
- Assessment of priority requirements (1981)
- Tourism development (1982)
- Tourism statistics (1983)
- Tourism impact on economic growth (1985)
- Development and regulation of travel bureaus (1985)
- Bali village tourism (1992)
- Development of community-based tourism (2000)
- Formulation of a tourism development master plan for the Banten and Bangka - Belitung provinces (2002)
- Evaluation of security of Bali - Ngurah airport (2003)
- National tourism development master plan (2003)
- Formulation Mission for a Sustainable Tourism Development Master Plan (2009)
- Formulation of a project on the Rehabilitation of Old Jakarta Town (2012)
- Study on Impacts Visa Free Policy (2017)
- Review of the Impact of Visa Free Policy (2017)
- Feasibility study for tourism development and its employment generation in Nusa Tenggara (1980-1981)
- Technical assistance for tourism development in Nusa Tenggara and other areas (1984-1988)
- Tourism sector programming and policy development (Phase I) (1988-1990)
- Tourism sector programming and policy development (Phase II) (1991-1992)
- Development of community-based tourism (2003)
- Tourism and hotel training (1991)
- Tourism development and management (1994)
- Establishment of a Hotel Training School (1998)
- Reorganization of tourism set up and development of wayside tourism facilities (1998)
- Formulation Mission to Update the Tourism Development Master Plan Policy (2017)
- Workshop on Tourism Statistics Policy (2017)
- Tourism development and management master plan (2000-2002)
- Tourism policy (1978)
- Tourism planning and development (1985)
- Tourism development and capacity building (1996)
- Assessment of the tourism sector (1980)
- Assistance to the development and promotion of tourism (1987)
- Tourism development and eco-tourism (1998-1999)
- Tourism policy (1979)
- Tourism statistics (1979)
- Hotel training (1982)
- Tourism development (1983)
- Tourism statistics (1983)
- Tourism marketing (1984)
- Tourism product development (1999)
- Assistance to the Institute for Tourism Studies of Macau (IFT) in its summer international exchange programme on “Tourism and Enviroment” (1999)
- Assistance to IFT in its summer international exchange programme on “e-Tourism” (2000)
- Assistance to IFT in its summer international exchange programme on “Tourism and Leisure” (2001)
- Assistance to IFT in its summer international exchange programme on “The Dynamics of MICE” (2002)
- Assistance to IFT in its summer international exchange programme“Casino and Gaming in South-east Asia – its role in tourism development” (2003)
- Assistance to IFT in its summer international exchange programme on “Sport Event Tourism ” (2004)
- Assistance to IFT in its summer international exchange programme on “Conference Industry” (2005)
- Tourism policy (1978)
- Tourism statistics (1978)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1978)
- Tourism policy (1980)
- Assessment of priority requirements (1981)
- Tourism manpower planning (1981)
- Tourism manpower planning (follow-up mission) (1982)
- Tourism manpower planning and training programmes (1985)
- Tourism planning and training for the Estate of Melaka (1988)
- Product development (1992)
- Development of agro-tourism (1992)
- Development of ecotourism strategy in the National Park of Taman Negara (1993)
- Development of small and medium size enterprises in tourism (1996)
- Formulation of a rural tourism master plan (1999)
- Tourism manpower planning and training programmes (1985-1986)
- Rural tourism master plan (2000-2001)
- Initial study on sustainable mass tourism in marine parks (2003)
- Preparation of a tourism master plan (1979)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1980)
- Assessment of priority requirements (1982)
- Training for the hotel sector (1982)
- Tourism legislation and regulations/resort classification (1985)
- Review of the tourism sector and preparation of a project proposal for setting up a hotel training centre (1986)
- Training course for tourist resort operators (1986)
- Resort landscaping guidelines (1987)
- Review/updating of the tourism master plan (1988)
- Tourism development, marketing and training assistance (1990)
- Development of management capacities (1996)
- Project formulation mission on a study of social, economic and environmental impacts of tourism (1998)
- Formulation of an effective marketing strategy for Maldives (1999)
- Legal framework to register weddings of foreign tourists (2003)
- Project formulation mission for a human resource development plan (2004)
- Classification and grading of resort properties and services (2004)
- Economic Impact of the Tsunami on the Tourism Industry in the Maldives (2005)
- Formulation of the Third Tourism Master Plan (2005)
- Tourism Marketing (2012)
- School of Hotel & Catering Services (1986-1989)
- Hotel and catering training (1990-1992)
- Resort management and tourism training (1992-1997)
- Study on social, economic and environmental impacts of tourism (1999-2000)
- Tourism planning and training (1988)
- Tourism and hotel training (1990)
- Tourism development (1996)
- Formulation of a tourism development master plan (2001)
- Formulation of a Tourism Development Master Plan (2005)
- Formulation of Tourism Destination Marketing Strategies for Mongolia in Key Regional Source Markets of China, Japan, and South Korea (2016)
- Tourism planning and training (1988-1990)
- Support to the Government for tourism development (2002)
- Community-Based Tourism Development (2006)
- Capacity Building for Tourism Employees (2015-2017)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1979)
- Tourism development study (1979)
- Tourism development study (follow-up mission) (1980)
- Tourism policy (1982)
- Tourism sector assessment (1993)
- Tourism development study (Phase I) (1982)
- Tourism development study (Phase II (1986-1988)
- Needs Assessment for Development of Tourism Statistics and Tourism Satellite Account (2016)
- Development of Tourism Statistics (2018)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1980)
- Tourism policy (1980)
- Assessment of priority requirements (1982)
- Tourism and hotel training (1982)
- Development of spas (1985)
- Tourism impact on environment and ecology (1985)
- Tourism planning for Palpa District; development of Srinagar Hill as a tourist resort (1988)
- Tourism marketing (1993)
- Formulation of a tourism development master plan (2001)
- Development of a National Tourism Strategy (2013-2014)
- Project Formulation Mission for Image Re-Building, Restoration of Market Confidence and Recovery of SME Activity in the Nepali Tourism Industry (2006)
- Eastern and far-western tourism development survey (1980-1981)
- Sustainable tourism development master plan (2002)
- Great Himalaya Trail Development in West Nepal: Linking enterprises to tourism markets (2011-2012)
- Tourism and private sector development programme (1996-1997)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1980)
- Assessment of priority requirements (1982)
- Tourism marketing (1982)
- Tourism transport (1984)
- National tourism marketing (1987)
- Tourism marketing programme (1991)
- Tourism marketing (1993)
- Formulation of a tourism master plan (1995)
- Advice on the restoration of tourist facilities in the earthquake-affected areas (2005)
- Tourism marketing (1984-1985)
- Assistance on tourism development and management (1998)
- Tourism development master plan (1999-2000)
- Needs assessment mission for the review of the tourism sector (2002)
- Project Formulation Mission for a Community-Based Tourism Development Plan (2006)
- Tourism statistics (1978)
- Tourism statistics (1979)
- Tourism policy (1980)
- Hotel and tourism training (1981)
- Hotel and tourism training (follow-up mission) (1982)
- Tourism development and environment (1985)
- Social cost-benefit analysis of tourism infrastructure projects (1987)
- Domestic tourism and community awareness (1988)
- Tourism sector training needs (1988)
- Domestic tourism and community awareness (1989)
- Investment in the tourism sector (1992)
- Integrated tourism cluster development plans for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao (1994)
- Conservation and restoration of historic sites (1996)
- National training programme in mountain guiding (1998)
- National training programme in spelunking guiding (1998)
- Updating the tourism master plan (2002)
- Evaluation and validation of Philippine tourism satellite account (TSA) (2002)
- Institutional strengthening support to the tourism sector (2002)
- Training Programme for Tourism Officials (2006)
- Project Formulation Mission for a Community-Based Tourism Plan (2006)
- Project Formulation Mission for a Human Resource Development Plan (2006)
- Review of the Draft National Tourism Development Plan (2016-2022)
- Tourism master plan (1989-1995)
- Institutional strengthening support to the tourism sector (2003)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1978)
- Tourism planning/development/marketing (1982)
- Tourism statistics (1983)
- Financing of projects (1983)
- Tourism development and training (1991)
- Improvement of tourist guidance and information systems (1994)
- Development of cultural heritage (1996)
- Assistance in the development and improvement of tourist resorts (1986)
- Tourism marketing and promotion (1984)
- Tourism policy (1978)
- Assessment of tourism resources (1979)
- Tourism policy (1980)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1981)
- Assessment of priority requirements (1982)
- Assistance to Ceylon Hotel School (1982)
- Tourism marketing (1983)
- Assistance to Ceylon Hotel School (1987)
- Convention marketing (1987)
- Formulation of a project proposal for a tourism master plan (1987)
- Review and proposal of tourism master plan project document (1989)
- Technical assistance needs for development and promotion of MICE tourism
- (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions) (1990)
- Review of project documents on tourism development planning and on Convention Bureau (1991)
- Follow-up mission on the tourism master plan (1993)
- Implementation of master plan (1996)
- Streamlining the duty-free shopping system (1997)
- Study on economic impact of tourism (1999)
- Formulation of a study on South West coast tourism infrastructure development (1999)
- Proposal to channel funds for the economic and operational recovery of SMEs affected by Tsunami (2005)
- Formulation of Green Belt Tourism Infrastructure Redevelopment (2005)
- Project Formulation Mission for a Tourism Development Master Plan (2007)
- Formulation Mission for a Tourism Development Master Plan (2009)
- Identification Mission for the Development of Project Proposals supporting the Sri Lanka Tourism Strategic Plan 2017-2020 (2018)
- International conventions and incentive travel (Phase I) (1978)
- International conventions and incentive travel (Phase II) (1983-1984)
- Hotel classification system (1980)
- Tourism master plan and convention business development (1991-1997)
- Tourism infrastructure development (1998)
- South West coast tourism infrastructure development study (1999-2000)
- Support to tourism sector (2003)
- Sustainable Redevelopment of Tourism Infrastructure along the Sri Lankan Coastline (2007)
- Tourism policy (1978)
- Tourism statistics (1978)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1978)
- Tourism policy (1980)
- Assessment of priority requirements (1982)
- Social, cultural, economic impact of tourism (1982)
- Financing of projects (1984)
- Energy conservation in hotels and resorts (1998)
- Seminar on TSA (1999)
- Project formulation mission for a tourism development master plan (2000)
- Seminar on homestay operations (2001)
- Workshops on homestay operations (2002)
- Training course on white water rafting (2002)
- Preparation of a national tourism development master plan (2004)
- Proposal to channel funds for the economic and operational recovery of SMEs affected by Tsunami (2005)
- Re-formulation of existing project document on Sustainable Tourism Development and Marketing of the Heritage Necklace Circuit (2005)
- Training Programme on Rescue Techniques in River Rafting (2005)
- Technical Assistance Mission on Review of Tourism Development at Inner Lake Boraphet (2006)
- Sustainable tourism development master plan (2000-2001)
- Formulation of a tourism development master plan (2003)
- Sustainable tourism sector development and institutional strengthening (2004)
- Review of the Tourism Policy (2016)
- Sustainable Tourism Development and Institutional Strengthening (2005 - 2006)
- Capacity Building for Tourism Employees in Dili (2011-2017)
- Marketing of Community-based Ecotourism (2016-2017)
- Tourism product development; strengthening of duty-free shopping; and classification of hotels (1990)
- Assistance to the National Tourism Office in tourism promotion, development and training (1989-1992)
- Tourism development master plan and institutional strengthening of government tourism agencies (1993-1996)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1982)
- Tourism policy (1983)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1988)
- Tourism management and training (1993)
- Policy advice on tourism organization, legislation and regulation (1997)
- Formulation of a national tourism marketing strategy (1997)
- Updating of the tourism master plan (1999)
- MICE Development in Ho Chi Minh City (2004)
- Formulation of a Strategy on Human Resource Development in Tourism (2005)
- Preparatory assistance for a tourism development master plan (1989)
- Tourism development master plan (1990-1991)
- Tourism Planning for Cua Lo Town, Nghe An Province (1998)
- Revised master plan for sustainable tourism development (2000)
- Sustainable tourism development plan for Phu Quoc Island (2003-2004)
- Drafting Vietnam’s first law on tourism (2003-2004)
ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)
- Formulation of sub-programme document on economic support services and infrastructure for tourism (1998)
- Mekong Regional Statistics Workshop (2014)
South Asia
Interactive CD-Rom on South Asia (2002)
South East Asia
(Cambodia, Lao PDR and Thailand)
- Project formulation mission on sustainable tourism and capacity development in the Emerald Triangle (2003)
South East Asia
(Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam)
- Project formulation mission for tourism development and promotion along the Heritage Necklace (2004)
Tumen River Area
(China, DPR Korea, Mongolia and Russian Federation)
- Compilation of tourism resource inventory and preparation of market analyses (1999)
- Formulation of HRD project in the tourism sector (2000)
- Marketing and training programme (2000)
ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)
- Preparatory assistance in regional cooperation in tourism development (1980)
- Tourism foreign markets study (Phase I) (1985-1986)
- Tourism foreign markets study (Phase II) (1986-1987)
- Preparatory assistance in tourism research, development and marketing (1986-1987)
- Development of ASEAN tourism marketing strategy (Phase I) (1988-1991)
SPTO (South Pacific Tourism Organisation)
- Establishing a standardised system for data collection and recording of tourism statistics for South Pacific countries (2005)
SRRP (Silk Road Regional Programme)
China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
- Preparation of a Strategy Paper and Action Plan for visa facilitation along the Silk Road (2005)
- Updating of UNWTO Study “Visa Facilitation in the Silk Road countries” (2005)
- First Regional Silk Road Investment Forum, Xi’an, China (2006)
- First Regional Silk Road City Mayors’ Forum, Tashkent, Uzbekistan (2006)
South Asia (10 countries)
- Preparatory assistance in regional cooperation in tourism training (1980)
- Preparatory assistance in regional cooperation in tourism training (1983)
- Regional cooperation in tourism training (Phase I – 10 countries) (1984-1987)
- Regional cooperation in tourism training (Phase II – 8 countries) (1989-1992)
- Training in tourism planning for South Asia (1986-1990)
South Pacific
- Preparatory assistance in regional training of hotel personnel (1980)
- Regional training of hotel personnel (1981-1983)
- Regional tourism development planning and training (Phase I) (1983-1984)
- Regional tourism development planning and training (Phase II) (1985-1987)
- Regional tourism development planning and training (Phase III) (1987-1991)
- Establishing a standardised system for data collection and recording of tourism statistics for South Pacific countries (2005)
Tumen River Area
(China, DPR Korea, Mongolia and Russian Federation)
- Support to tourism programme in Tumen region and North East Asia (1999)
- Support to Tumen River Area Development Programme (TRADP) for development of Tumen River Area (2000)Training Session in MDT Marketing - Hunchun Forum (2018)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1992)
- Development of coastal tourism, especially marinas and guidelines for the implementation of adequate legislation (1994)
- Draft maritime code (1995)
- Formulation of a Sustainable Rural and Ecotourism Development Plan (2005)
- Tourism Training Course (2008)
- Revision of the Tourism Law (2014)
- Training on Tourism Statistics (2014)
- Korca Region Tourism Destination Development and Management Programme (2011-2012)
- Development of a Hotel Classification System (2016-2017)
- Needs assessment for tourism development (1997)
- Preparation of a tourism master plan (2002)
- Revision of the draft Tourism Law (2012)
- Identification of technical assistance needs (1997)
- Improvement of Tourism Statistics and Development of a TSA (2015)
- Revision of the National Tourism Law (2015)
- Adventure Park of Children in Nature (2016)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1982)
- Tourism development support to the municipality of Veliko, Turnovo (2001)
- Development and improvement of hotel classification (1999)
- Tourism development plan for the Lara region (1980)
- Flood-lighting plan of historical monuments (1985)
- Tourism development plan for the Troodos plateau (1985)
- Establishment of an International Conference Centre in Nicosia (1985)
- Implementation of a flood-lighting plan of historical monuments (1986)
- Tourism development master plan (1986)
- Presentation and promotion of archaeological sites (1988)
- Proposed terms of reference for a review of the structure of the Cyprus Tourism Organization (1991)
- Infrastructure development (1995)
- Tourism development plan (1987)
- Project Formulation Mission for the Implementation of the National Sustainable Tourism Strategy (2008)
- National Tourism Development Strategy (2007 – 2012)
- Capacity Building in Tourism Statistics and Tourism Satellite Account (2016)
- Project Formulation Mission for a Tourism Development Master Plan and a Winter Ski Sub-Plan (2006)
- Updating tourism services to meet existing and future demand (1983)
- Review of the National Hotel Classification System (2011)
- Pre-feasibility study for the expansion of tourism in the regions of Arcadia, Ilia, Evritania & Fthiotida (1986-1987)
- Tourism promotion (1982)
- Investment promotion (1991)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1995)
- Preparation of a tourism development strategy (1997)
- Statistics, Value Chain Analysis and Development of Tourism Intelligence (2017)
- Understanding the travellers’ profile and developing tourism intelligence for Almaty (UNWTO / Visit Almaty / Almaty Tourism Authority) (2018)
- Tourism product development (1995)
- Tourism training needs analysis (1996)
- Formulation Mission for Tourism Marketing Strategy (2017)
- Mission Review of the Current Tourism Marketing Strategy for the Kyrgyz Republic (2017-2018)
- Eco-tourism development plan (1997)
- Tourism marketing and hotel training (1980)
- Development of tourism resources (1981)
- Development of beach resorts (1985)
- Hotel and catering training (1985)
- Tourism development master plan (1987)
- Establishment of the Institute of Tourism Studies (1987)
- Replenishment of sandy beaches (1991)
- Project Formulation Mission for a Human Resource Development Plan (2006)
- Assistance to the School of Hotel, Catering and Tourism Studies (1986-1987)
- Tourism development master plan (1988-1989)
- Assessment of the Desirability and Feasibility of Incorporating Guest Reviews into Hotel Classifications System (2014)
- Preservation and development of the cultural heritage of Cracow (1982)
- Organization of tourism activities in Cracow (1983)
- Restoration and tourism development of Cracow’s Old City (1984)
- Directions for tourism development (1990)
- Preparation of legal documents governing NTO’s cooperation with regions (1998)
- Historic conservation and tourism training (1987-1989)
- Tourism promotion of the Azores (1981)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1983)
- Elaboration of the country’s strategy for development of the tourism sector (1999)
- Formulation of a Sustainable Rural and Ecotourism Master Plan (2005)
- Revision of the National System of Tourism Statistics (2014)
- Sustainable tourism development strategy (2001-2003)
- Development of spa resorts (1981)
- Tourism development plan (1981)
- Assistance to the Hotel and Tourism Training Centre in Bucharest (1991)
- Project Formulation Mission for a Tourism Development Master Plan (2006)
- Integrated Urban Development for the Rehabilitation and Modernization of Borsec, Baile Herculane and Sulina (2011 – 2012)
- Analysis of the existing government policies relating to the implementation of the tourism sector (2012)
- Review of the National System of Tourism Statistics (2015)
- National Tourism Development Master Plan (2007)
- Integrated Urban Development for the Rehabilitation and Modernization of Borsec, Baile Herculane and Sulina (2011)
- Development of Destination Management Organizations (2017)
- Policy advice to NTA on developing nature tourism and preparation of a pilot projects proposal on sustainable tourism development (1994)
- Ecotourism development (1996)
- Mission to Russia’s Southern Region to evaluate the potential of tourism and recreational facilities (2001)
- Review on rural tourism objectives (2002)
- Sustainable Tourism for Rural Development (2011-2012)
- Review on rural tourism objectives (2002)
- Tourism Training Course for SNV Balkans Tourism Advisors (2008)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1981)
- Tourism statistics (1988)
- Promotion of tourism investment (1982)
- Alliances for Cultural Tourism (ACT) in Eastern Anatolia (2011-2012)
- Strategic tourism development plan, capacity building and marketing plan (1997)
- Preliminary mission for a tourism master plan (2001)
- Project Formulation Mission for the Development of Ethnographic Tourism in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (2006)
- National Statistical Capacity-Building Programme (2011)
- WTO/UNESCO Cultural Heritage mission (1993)
- Capacity building and strengthening of the tourism sector (2005)
- Action plan for sustainable tourism development (1996-1997)
- National Statistical Capacity-Building Programme (2010)
- Road Map for the Integrated Development of the Tourism Potential of Khiva and the Khorezm Region (2018)
- Preparation for tourism reconstruction in Montenegro (1979)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1982)
- Classification of tourism facilities (1989)
- Tourism development in the Danube region (1990)
- Tourism reconstruction in Montenegro (1980)
Azerbaijan/Kazakhstan/Russian Federation
- Pre-feasibility Study for Cruise Tourism Development in the Caspian Sea (2011)
Mediterranean Basin (9 countries)
- Preparatory assistance in environmental management and tourism development (1988-1989)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1980)
- Tourism development strategy (2002)
- Organizational structure for tourism (2002)
- Two-day Training Programme on Feasibility Studies for Hotels and Service Delivery (2007)
- Project Formulation Mission for the Review of the System of Tourism Statistics and Development of a Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) (2008)
- Updating the Tourism Development Strategy (2015)
- Classification and Grading System for Hotels and Accommodation Establishments (2008)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1981)
- Review of the tourism development plan (1984)
- Setting up an international Hotel and Tourism Institute (1988)
- Marina development project (1990)
- Tourism statistics system (1993)
- Tourism development policy (1994)
- Programme of staged development towards TSA (1996)
- Statistics and development of TSA (2001)
- Statistics and the development of a TSA (2003)
- Crisis management (2004)
- Project Formulation Mission for the Review of Hotel Classification System and Development of an Implementation Framework (2008)
- Action Plan to Implement an Arab Tourism Strategy, League of Arab States (2014)
- Assessment of Tourism Route “Holy Family Path” (2014)
- Development and Promotion of the “Holy Family Path”(2014)
- Development of a risk assessment and crisis management system for tourism (2015)
- Upgrading the Tourism Development Strategy (2015)
- Review and Implementation of the New Hotel Classification System – Phase I and Phase II (2008-2012)
- The Dahshur World Heritage Site Mobilization for Cultural Heritage for Community Development (2011-2012)
- Tourism Re-development in Al-Montazah Needs Assessment (2017)
- Evaluation of Hotel Classification Scheme (2018)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1980)
- Collection, processing and dissemination of tourism statistics (1994)
- Overall assessment of human resource development (2001)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1980)
- Transport problems of Petra (1981)
- Regionalization of the Hotel Training School (1981)
- Feasibility study for a camping/caravanning site in the Wadi Rum District (1988)
- Conservation of corals and development of lagoons at Aqaba (1989)
- Support to the Amon training college (1996)
- Tourism hospitality curriculum development (1998)
- Statistics and development of TSA (2001)
- Assessment of the contribution of sustainable development projects at Afra and As Silaa to poverty alleviation (2003)
- Hotel classification system (2004)
- Review and assessment of the national system of tourism statistics (2005)
- Formulation of a Tourism Awareness Campaign (2005)
- Formulation of a Human Resource Development Plan (2005)
- Technical Assistance Mission on Branding and Positioning of the Traditional Handicraft Industry (2006)
- Development and Promotion of the “Holy Family Path” (2014)
- National Seminars on Hotel Classification and Chinese Outbound Travel (2016)
- Formulation Mission for Tourism Awareness Programme (2017)
- Tourism development plan for Azraq and Dead Sea Shore areas (1978)
- Feasibility and marketing study for a joint Jordanian/Syrian tourism transport company (1979)
- Youth Career Initiative Project (2012)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1980)
- Formulation of a tourism development master plan (2002)
- Review of the implementation of Phase I of the tourism master plan (2003)
- Classification and Grading System for Accommodation Establishments (2014)
- Kuwait national tourism master plan (Phase I) (2002-2004)
- Kuwait national tourism master plan (Phase II) (2004 - 2005)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1980)
- Preparation of a project proposal for a tourism development master plan (1992)
- Revise and update project document on tourism sector reconstruction and development plan (1994)
- Statistics (1998)
- Tourism capacity building, marketing and tourism awareness (2000)
- Statistics and development of TSA (2001)
- Development of a promotional campaign with a view to enhancing the country’s image as a tourist destination (2003)
- Preparation of sustainable eco and rural tourism regional development plans (2003)
- Review and assessment of the national statistical system , capacity building programme in this area and preparation of a feasibility study for the development of an experimental TSA (2004)
- Technical Assistance Mission on Restoring Market Confidence and Image Rebuilding (2006)
- Technical Assistance Mission for the Assessment and Evaluation of the Economic Impact of the Recent War on the Tourism Industry (2006)
- Technical Assistance Mission on Revisions to the Tourism Master Plan 1996 (2007)
- Tourism sector reconstruction and development plan (1994-1995)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1981)
- Setting up a hotel school (1981)
- Tourism planning and development (1993)
- Statistics (1998)
- Tourism planning and development (1998)
- Investment promotion (1999)
- National parks (1999)
- Hotel management (1999)
- Investment promotion (2001)
- National tourism development structure plan (2001)
- Economic cost benefit analysis of tourism development (2001)
- Legislation and regulations (2001)
- Investment promotion programme for High Authority for Tourism and Antiquities (HATA) (2002)
- Training course for tour guides (2002)
- Formulation Mission for the Review of the System of Tourism Statistics in Libya for the development of a TSA (2009)
- Assessment of Tourism Marketing in LIBYA and Preparation for an Action Plan (2009)
- Tourism planning and development (1996-2001)
- Tourism development and institutional strengthening (2000)
- Tourism development and investment (2002)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1981)
- Tourism development planning and training (1988)
- Development of comprehensive tourism legislation (1994)
- Tourism statistics (2000)
- Capacity building and development of TSA (2002)
- Review and assessment of the national system of tourism statistics (2005)
- Project Formulation Mission for a Human Resource Development Plan (2006)
- Technical Assistance Mission on Evaluation of Cruise Tourism as an Option for Product Diversification (2006)
- Technical Assistance Mission to Review the Progress on the Development of a Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) (2007)
- Tourism planning and training (1989-1991)
- Implementation of a Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) (2008)
- Tourism Manpower Needs Analysis and Medium-term Human Resources Development Action Plan (2010-2011)
- Development of a Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) (2010-2011)
- Development of Tourism Statistics (2015-2018)
- Updating of tourism master plan projects proposal (1994)
- Tourism development strategy (2000)
- Technical Assistance Mission for the Recovery and Development of the Palestine Hotel Industry (2008)
- Preparatory assistance in the assessment of the tourism sector (1990)
- Tourism development and institutional strengthening (1996-2000)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1980)
- Planning and tourism development (1982)
- Assessment of the tourism development potential; provision of policy advice to the NTA; and identification of technical assistance requirements (1992)
- Development and promotion of convention and incentive tourism (1994)
- Project Formulation Mission for the Assessment of Tourism Statistics and Development of a Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) (2008)
- Assessment of business opportunities in the tourism value of Qatar (2012)
- Assessment of the tourism sector (1979)
- Phased Implementation of the New Tourism Strategy and Action Plan (2013-2016)
- Annual Tourism Experience Awards Program (2018)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1981)
- Assessment of manpower and training requirements the hotel industry (1994)
- Tourism development planning (2000)
- Review of licensing system and qualifications for tourism services providers (2005)
- Technical Assistance Mission on Review and Finalization of the Executive Regulations for the Administration of the New Timeshare Law (2006)
- Technical Assistance Mission on Assessment of Priority Areas in the Tourism Sector (2007)
- Review of the Legislation of Handicrafts (2014)
- Economic Impact of Cultural Heritage Tourism (2016)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1980)
- Marketing assistance to Dummer School (1980)
- Tourism statistics (1984)
- Updating of the tourism development plan (1986)
- Assistance to the Hotel and Tourism Training Centre (1989)
- Assessment of manpower needs in the tourism and hotel sector (1992)
- Technical assistance in tourism development planning (1994)
- Tourism planning and training (1996)
- Tourism statistics (1998)
- Tourism management programme (1998)
- Statistics and development of TSA (2001)
- Policy advice on investment promotion (2001)
- Heritage management for tourism (2001)
- Human resource development (2001)
- Preparation of an economic impact analysis of tourism and formulation of recommendations on ways of enhancing the sector’s economic benefits (2003)
- Assistance to the Ministry of Tourism in the formulation of a marketing strategy and promotional campaign (2003)
- Technical Assistance Mission on Assessment and Evaluation of the System of Tourism Statistics for the Development of a Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) (2007)
- Project Formulation Mission an Integrated Tourism Development Plan (2008)
- Review and Assessment of the Development of a pilot Resort Development Project (2009)
- Formulation Mission for the Development of a New Hotel Classification System (2010)
- Planning and organization of the tourism sector (1980)
- Improvements to tourism marketing and economic analysis (Part I) (2002-2003)
- Sustainable Tourism Development in Al-Ghab Phase I and Phase II (2010-2011)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1980)
- Review of the tourism sector (1984)
- Assessment of the tourism sector in Al-Ain region; identification of technical assistance needs; and marketing and promotion (1988)
- Hotel classification system for Dubai (1993)
- White Paper for the Implementation of the Arab Tourism Strategy (2014)
- Preparation of the project document for the formulation of the UAE Tourism Strategy (2016)
- Assessment of Tourism Statistics for the Compilation of a Tourism Satellite Account (2016-2017)
- Institutional support to Dubai Municipality (Phase II) – Hotel Classification (1994)
- Strategic development programme for Abu Dhabi (1996-1998)
- Multi-sectoral consultancy (Phase II) (1998-1999)
- Sustainable Tourism Development Needs Assessment Ras-al-Khaimah (2017)
- The Formulation of a Tourism Law (2018)
- Identification of technical assistance needs in the field of tourism (1981)
- Strengthening the institutional capabilities of the NTA (1982)
- Review of the tourism sector (1985)
- Tourism planning and training (1987)
- Support to the Hotel and Tourism Institute in Aden (1993)
- Tourism statistics (1998)
- Tourism planning (1998)
- Image building and communications campaign (2001)
- Crisis management (2002)
- Tourism development strategy plan (2002)
- Institutional and Legal Organization of Ecotourism on Socotra Island and preparation of a tourism development strategy outline for Yemen (2005)
- Assessment of requirements for tourism development (1979)
- Tourism planning and training (1989-1990)
- Survey on tourism potential (1989-1990)
- Support to the Hotel and Tourism Institute in Aden (1994)
- Sustainable environment management (1997-2000)
- Handicrafts, Heritage and Employment in the Highlands of Al-Mahweet (2011-2012)
Gulf Cooperation Countries
- Strengthening of Tourism Statistical Systems and Development of Tourism Satellite Accounts (2017)
- Tourism Statistics Needs Assessment (2017)