Country: Japan


The Federation of JTB Group Workers´ Unions (hereafter termed ´the Federation´) comprises 15,785 members in 32 JTB Group company trade unions that endorse the basic philosophy and the Consitution of the Federation.

The Federation aims to to stabilize the work and livelihood of its members by enhancing unity and solidarity between the Federation and the affiliates and the Federation members, whilst establishing deeper mutual understanding. The Federation also aspires to make the collective will of the Federation members reflected in the corporate policies of the JTB Group companies, whereby it seeks to secure the development of democracy and improve the social and international status of workers.

In addition, as a trade union federation that organizes workers of JTB Group companies that engage in diversified global business operations and govern extensive supply chains, the Federations encourages the JTB Group companies to comply with internationally-recognized standards and act appropriately as a leading corporate group that steers the way forward to the growth and development of the tourism industry as a whole. At the same time the Federation aims at contributing to resolving various social issues including employment and labour related ones.