Vaccines and Reopen Borders Driving Tourism’s Recovery

Vaccines and Reopen Borders Driving Tourism’s Recovery

International tourism enjoyed signs of rebound in June and July 2021 as some destinations eased travel restrictions and the global vaccination rollout advanced in many parts of the world.

According to the latest edition of the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer, an estimated 54 million tourists crossed international borders in July 2021, down 67% from the same month in 2019, but the strongest results since April 2020. This compares to an estimated 34 million international arrivals recorded in July 2020, though well below the 164 million figure recorded in 2019.

Moderate rebound for most destinations

Most destinations reporting data for June and July 2021 saw a moderate rebound in international arrivals compared to 2020. Nevertheless, 2021 continues to be a challenging year for global tourism, with international arrivals down 80% in January-July compared to 2019. Asia and the Pacific continued to suffer the weakest results in the period January to July, with a 95% drop in international arrivals compared to 2019. The Middle East (-82%) recorded the second largest decline, followed by Europe and Africa (both -77%). The Americas (-68%) saw a comparatively smaller decrease, with the Caribbean showing the best performance among world subregions. Meanwhile, some small islands in the Caribbean, Africa, and Asia and the Pacific, together with a few small European destinations recorded the best performance in June and July, with arrivals close to, or sometimes exceeding pre-pandemic levels.

The true restart of tourism and the benefits it brings, remain on hold as inconsistent rules and regulations and uneven vaccination rates continue to affect confidence in travel

Confidence in travel slowly rising

This improvement was underpinned by the reopening of many destinations to international travel, mostly in Europe and the Americas. The relaxation of travel restrictions for vaccinated travellers, coupled with progress made in the roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines, contributed to lifting consumer confidence and gradually restoring safe mobility in Europe and other parts of the world. In contrast, most destinations in Asia remain closed to non-essential travel.

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said: “There is clearly a strong demand for international tourism, and many destinations have started welcoming visitors back safely and responsibly. However, the true restart of tourism and the benefits it brings, remain on hold as inconsistent rules and regulations and uneven vaccination rates continue to affect confidence in travel.”

Tourism Earnings

Although destinations continued to report weak international tourism revenues in the first seven months of 2021, several did record a modest improvement in June and July, and some even surpassed the earnings of 2019. Among the larger destinations, Mexico earned roughly the same tourism receipts in June 2021 as in 2019, and in July posted a 2% increase over 2019.

The same is true for outbound travel. Among the larger markets, France (-35%) and the United States (-49%) saw a significant improvement in July, though tourism spending was still well below 2019 levels.

Looking Ahead

Prospects for September-December 2021 remain mixed, according to the latest UNWTO Panel of Experts survey, with 53% of respondents believing the period will be worse than expected. Only 31% of experts expect point to better results towards the end of the year. The survey also shows that most tourism professionals continue to expect a rebound driven by unleashed pent-up demand for international travel in 2022, mostly during the second and third quarters.

Almost half of all experts (45%) continue to see international tourism returning to 2019 levels in 2024 or later, while 43% point to a recovery in 2023. By regions, the largest share of experts pointing to a return to 2019 levels in 2024 or later are in Asia and the Pacific (58%). In Europe, half of respondents indicate this could happen in 2023. The Middle East is the most optimistic, with a full recovery expected by 2022.

Iternational tourist arrivals: Scenarios for 2021
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UNWTO and Netflix Partner to Rethink Screen Tourism

UNWTO and Netflix Partner to Rethink Screen Tourism

UNWTO and Netflix have partnered on the publication of a report which looks at the role of film and series as drivers for tourism and cultural affinity. The Global Report on Cultural Affinity and Screen Tourism explores the growing affection one has towards a particular country or culture displayed on the screen.


The findings of the research were presented in Madrid against the backdrop of the Iberseries Platino Industria - the largest international event for professionals linked to the audiovisual industry in Spanish and Portuguese.

The report’s ultimate goal is to support policymakers and key stakeholders within the tourism sector to implement policies that make their destinations attractive for audio-visual producers. At the same time, it aims to help in the building of focused strategies to promote tourism and consumption of local culture, investing in skills and training to develop the local film and creative sectors to ensure a high level of talent, infrastructure and production capacity and integrating tourism and showcasing culture at film festivals to deepen the global audiences’ knowledge.

The joint work of UNWTO and Netflix will help destinations realize the potential benefits of screen tourism

UNWTO Secretary General Zurab Pololikashvili says: “Both tourism and the audiovisual sectors celebrate and promote culture, support jobs and provide opportunities in diverse locations. The joint work of UNWTO and Netflix will help destinations realize the potential benefits of screen tourism.

Dean Garfield, Vice-President, Public Policy, Netflix: “As highlighted in this research, we have been able to demonstrate conclusively what we instinctively already believed, which is that alongside the desire to travel and visit destinations, exposure to screen content also leads to greater interest in heritage, culture, language, and developing interpersonal relationships. This truly demonstrates that the creative industries, cultural exchange, storytelling, and tourism are all interlinked and can transform the way communities perceive and connect with each other.”

Following the presentation of the Global Report, experts on tourism and the audio-visual industry shared their knowledge and insights into changing trends in screen tourism, its positive impacts on strengthening cultural affinity and the role of online streaming services in promoting tourism and cultural affinity between people, cultures and countries in line with the 2030 Agenda. The event also served to underline how public-private partnerships can support destinations to promote themselves as attractive locations for audio-visual producers.

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Winners of UNWTO Students’ League Announced

Winners of UNWTO Students’ League Announced

Students from around the world have been recognized for ideas to make tourism more responsible and sustainable. The 2021 Global UNWTO Students’ League Competition focused on addressing the issue of plastics pollution within the sector, as well as maximizing tourism’s contributions to rural development.

The competition attracted over 1,000 students. From these, 155 teams, representing 124 educational institutions in 45 different countries put forward their ideas. As well as being judged on how well their idea would contribute to a specific Sustainable Development Goal, the students were also assessed on the feasibility of their solutions and on their level of teamwork.

The eight winning solutions included works of art, calls to action, Instagram and other digital marketing campaigns, and potential strategies to help both destinations and tourism accommodation providers reduce plastic waste and consumption. Several of the ideas submitted to the competition have already been picked up and implemented by stakeholders across the tourism sector.

The UNWTO Students League is a unique chance for students from around the world to help lead this change

Youth empowerment for tourism’s future

The UNWTO Students League aims to empower and motivate tourism students by giving them real-time experience working in creating and implementing innovative and sustainable solutions for the challenges that the sector is facing.

At the final, UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said: “The tourism of tomorrow must be inclusive, sustainable and embrace local values. The UNWTO Students League is a unique chance for students from around the world to help lead this change.”

This initiative bridges the gap between students’ education and training and the realities of the sector. It also enables young people to enter the labour market as highly qualified and skilled professional.

Student Testimonials

“From the moment that I decided to join this competition, I came into the world of SDGs. It is incredible to me that tourism has an intersection with so many different topics, …a sector that is amazing not just because of what it is about but also because of the many things that make it up.

Vildan Soguktas, from Kinawa Middle School, Michigan, US”
(Rural – Middle School)

“…history has proven and will continue to prove that natural disasters or wars, including the pandemic, will never prevent people from travelling freely... As a team of teenagers who love travelling, we shall do our best for a better world!”

Xin Tong, Ma’anshan No. 7 Middle School, Anhui Province
(Rural Challenge, Middle School 11-13)

We learnt a lot about working together as a team to tackle plastics pollution. As travel and tourism students, it helped us comprehend the scope about this problem. Thank you for this incredible opportunity.

Team Thaajuddeen, Thaajuddeen School, Maldives (Plastics Challenge, High-School 14-18)

“Being able to find new ideas to develop a tourist offer and a positioning for Tabant was an incredible experience for us! Thanks to UNWTO for giving us this opportunity”.

Lucia Tucci & Salvatore Cavallaro, Team Off Beat - Master in Economia del Turismo, Bocconi University
(Rural CHallenge -Undergraudates)

The winners are as follows:

Tourism and Rural development Challenge

  • Rural Middle School – 11-13
    Ma’anshan nº7 Middle School, China
  • Rural High School – 14-18
    Team Um Mabbad Alkuzia School, Um Mabbad Basic Education Girls School, Oman
  • Rural Undergraduates
    Team Climate Crew, NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
  • Rural Masters
    Team Off Beat, Università Bocconi - Master in Economia del Turismo, Italy

Plastics Pollution Challenge

  • Plastics Middle School – 11-13
    International School of Choueifat-Muscat, Oman
  • Plastics High School – 14-18
    Team LBPC, Collège Notre Dame du Mont Carmel Lebanon
  • Plastics Undergraduates
    Team Walkie Talkie, RMIT University Vietnam, Vietnam
  • Plastics Masters
    Team Swift Action, Beijing International Studies University, China

Sector-wide support

The UNWTO Students League was made possible thanks to the support and experience from partners the Cullinary Tourism Alliance, Digital Tourism Think Tank ,Eurecat, Exo Foundation, Google, Iberia, Instagram, International Trade Center, NH Hotels International, Rusticae, Tress4Humanity, Verne Tourism Experts, and the Ministry of Tourism of Morocco, as well the Plastics Initiative signatories: Bharhka Countryside Cottage Resorts, Chumbe Island Coral Park Zanzibar, Cyprus Sustainable Tourism Initiative, Dark Sky Association, El Rio Foundation, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Fundación Banco Santander, Global Sustainable Tourism Council, Guava Amenities, Hostelword Group, Indonesian Waste Platform, Positive Impact Forever, ProAmpac, Radisson Hotels, Sustainable First, Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, University of Tasmania, and UNEP

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Commitment Signatory: Palladium Hotel Group

Commitment Signatory: Palladium Hotel Group

Date signed: 27 September 2021, Madrid, Spain
Signed by: Mr. Abel Matutes Prats, President
Photo of the signing:

Commitment Signatory: Palladium Hotel Group



On behalf of Palladium Hotel Group, the enterprise’s President, Mr. Abel Matutes Prats Signed The Private Sector Commitment to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism  on 24 September 2021 at the UNWTO headquarters in madrid, spain, in the presence of the unwto secretary-general, Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili and Palladium Hotel Group CEO, MR. Jesus Sobrino.

See also:

Private Sector Commitment to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism

List of Signatory Companies and Associations

Global Code of Ethics for Tourism

Website of TripAdvisor


World Tourism Day 2021: Inclusive Growth at the Centre of Tourism’s Restart

World Tourism Day 2021: Inclusive Growth at the Centre of Tourism’s Restart

Global tourism has reaffirmed its commitment to making the sector a pillar of inclusive growth. At the official World Tourism Day 2021 celebrations in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, political and business leaders united behind a common message of solidarity and determination to ‘leave nobody behind’ as tourism restarts and grows back.

Prime Minister Patrick Achi and Minister of Tourism Siandou Fofana welcomed international delegates, signalling Cote d’Ivoire’s firm support of tourism and Tourism Ministers from 12 countries, the biggest Ministerial participation for an official World Tourism Day celebration. The day featured 1,500 participants, including representatives of international organizations and the private sector.  

“Showing tourism’s human face”

Commitment to inclusive growth so that tourism’s restart brings hope for millions worldwide and ensures that everyone who has a stake in tourism also has a say in its future

The Prime Minister said that “Cote d’Ivoire is proud to host a World Tourism Day like no other. It is important that we realign tourism so the sector meets the hopes and expectations of people. Tourism is a key sector for Cote d’Ivoire’s growth and development. And the right path for Cote d’Ivoire is also the right path for all of Africa, using tourism as a locomotion to drive our economies forward and create jobs for women and youth.” Minister of Tourism Siandou Fofana added that World Tourism Day 2021 “showed the human face of tourism,” stressing the sector’s unique ability to lead recovery from the impacts of the pandemic, in Africa and worldwide.

Innovation, investments and inclusion

Ministers and experts explored how the pledge to drive inclusive growth can be achieved. The importance of innovation, targeted investments and of strengthened collaboration between public and private sectors was made clear. The speakers also underscored the need for inclusive policymaking as tourism slowly returns and looks to the future.

Opening the day, UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili stressed the sector’s “commitment to inclusive growth so that tourism’s restart brings hope for millions worldwide and ensures that everyone who has a stake in tourism also has a say in its future”.

A future built around shared values

In addition to recognising the challenges of the present, World Tourism Day also looked to the future. In Abidjan, “The Future of Africa” focused on the potential of the continent’s youth as well as its innovators and entrepreneurs. Against the backdrop of World Tourism Day, UNWTO signed two Memorandums of Understanding, reflecting the broad scope of tourism’s reach and relevance. The Didier Drogba Foundation, chaired by one of Africa’s most-recognized and celebrated athletes, agreed to actively commit to UNWTO’s goals and values, above all to providing opportunities for African youth and those living in rural communities. Stressing the importance of tourism as a driver of opportunity for the continent, Channels TV of Nigeria joined as a new UNWTO media partner and will now actively incorporate the theme of tourism for development within its editorial commitments.

Underscoring UNWTO’s leadership in uniting all of the tourism sector, its Affiliate Members also met in Abidjan, bringing together African businesses as well as civil society leaders, academics and destination management organizations. The side event showcased the benefits of being part of the global Affiliate Members Network and the technical support and networking opportunities available through being part of UNWTO’s work.

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UNWTO and Didier Drogba Partner to Build Opportunity for African Youth

UNWTO and Didier Drogba Partner to Build Opportunity for African Youth

UNWTO and the Didier Drogba Foundation have teamed up to highlight the potential of African youth and ensure that both tourism and sport deliver on their potential to provide opportunities for all.

Against the backdrop of World Tourism Day 2021 – held under the theme of “Tourism for Inclusive Development” – the United Nations specialized agency signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the former Chelsea and Côte d'Ivoire footballer. 

Didier Drogba is one of the most celebrated and decorated athletes of this century, and the work of the Didier Drogba Foundation is true to the goals of UNWTO

The agreement recognizes that both sport and tourism can play a key role in advancing many of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including through promoting cooperation and understanding, as well as through creating frameworks for inclusive economic growth. It also recognizes the shared goals and values of both UNWTO and the Foundation.

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said: “Didier Drogba is one of the most celebrated and decorated athletes of this century, and the work of the Didier Drogba Foundation is true to the goals of UNWTO – to provide opportunity to the women and youth of Africa and build a better future for the continent.”

Didier Drogba was appointed a UNWTO Ambassador for Responsible Tourism in October 2019. In this role, he provides a bridge between tourism and sport – both sectors with the power to bring people together and promote cultural exchange and mutual understanding.

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UNWTO Joins as Co-Organizer of Barcelona Future of Tourism World Summit

UNWTO Joins as Co-Organizer of Barcelona Future of Tourism World Summit

Fundación Advanced Leadership
Fundación INCYDE

UNWTO will be a co-organizer of the Future of Tourism World Summit, presented by the Advanced Leadership Foundation and the INCYDE Foundation of the Spanish Chambers of Commerce with the support of Barcelona City Council, the Barcelona Provincial Council and the Zona Franca Consortium (CZFB). The event will be held in a hybrid format on October 26 and 27 at La Llotja de Mar and will bring together more than 80 speakers from 70 countries.

After announcing their incorporation as co-organizers of the summit, UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili stressed that it represents "an opportunity to rethink tourism development, ensuring the fairer distribution of its benefits and advancing the transition towards a carbon-neutral and more socially resilient tourism economy."

An opportunity to rethink tourism development, ensuring the fairer distribution of its benefits and advancing the transition towards a carbon-neutral and more socially resilient tourism economy

For two days, experts will explore creative ways out of the crisis caused by the pandemic. They will also address issues related to sustainability, cultural identities, accessible tourism, wine tourism and personalized travel experiences, among others.

The event will be attended by 20 Ministers of Tourism from around the world, alongside former heads of state and government, as well as representatives of international organizations, business associations and global knowledge networks, including UNWTO, the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), the International Youth Organization (IYO), the Organization of American States (OAS), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the European Commission (EC).

The aim of the Future of Tourism World Summit is to find solutions to the challenges facing tourism worldwide in the aftermath of COVID-19, to develop collaborative systems to turn this crisis into an opportunity for shared progress and to contribute to the global economic reactivation of the sector.

The event will culminate in the signing of the Barcelona Declaration, which aims to become an international benchmark, establishing a framework for a new, more ethical and sustainable tourism model.

First forum on the future of post-pandemic tourism

The vice-president of the Advanced Leadership Foundation, Jorge Brown, explained that the summit aims to make tourism visible as "a central driver of the economy in all countries worldwide" and "must take measures to adapt to all contemporary challenges, especially after the pandemic". "It is the first forum exclusively dedicated to addressing the future of tourism, and we are gathering leading decision-makers from all over the world," he added. Brown also stressed that they have chosen to host the Summit in Barcelona because it is a "dynamic, diverse and inspiring city that looks to the future as an opportunity, while at the same time embracing its history."

For the president of the INCYDE Foundation, José Luis Bonet, this Summit is "a sign of our ability to promote a global debate on how tourism can contribute to making the whole planet prosper in a sustainable and inclusive way, and of Spain's firm commitment to UNWTO, whose headquarters are located in our country". According to Bonet, "this summit means turning Barcelona, one of the world's leading tourist destinations, into an area for reflection, debate and the generation of new proposals for the recovery, modernization and reinvention of tourism, a position that will be extraordinarily reinforced with the signing of the Barcelona Declaration.”

The forum also aims to identify and promote leadership in the tourism sector to contribute to the future of the economy. As part of the summit, there will be an international call for 300 leaders who will be trained during the two days of the congress and then virtually for a further 12 months. The selected participants will work to replicate the knowledge they have learned, as well as to seek new allies for the Barcelona Declaration.


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UN TOURISM NEWS – #29 | Join World Tourism Day!

UN TOURISM NEWS – #29 | Join World Tourism Day!

UN Tourism News

UN Tourism News #29 | 23 SEP 2021

Join World Tourism Day!
Tourism for Inclusive Growth

27 September

Official message by
UN Secretary-General António Guterres

World Tourism Day 2021 - Tourism for inclusiva growth

Glasgow Declaration

Glasgow Declaration: Taking Climate Action in Tourism

In preparation for COP26, two information sessions were held today on the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism. The Declaration, developed by a collaborative group of leading organizations, is an urgent call for all stakeholders to commit to a decade of climate action in tourism.

Investors with Tourism Leaders at Cabo Verde Forum

Joining Investors with Tourism Leaders at Cabo Verde Forum

UNWTO has celebrated the second edition of the Global Tourism Investment Forum. Joining Ministers of Tourism for the event in Cabo Verde were business leaders, entrepreneurs and investors, with a special focus on innovation and sustainable recovery from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Wine Tourism

Making Wine Tourism a Driver Rural Development

Innovation, partnerships and enhanced coordination are essential for making wine tourism a driver of rural development. That was the takeaway message from the 5th UNWTO Global Conference on Wine Tourism, held this week in Alentejo, Portugal, around the theme “Wine Tourism – a driver for rural development.”

Regional Commissions

Investments Are Key to Sustainable Recovery in Africa

Investments Are Key to Sustainable Recovery in Africa

Restarting Tourism Across Asia and the Pacific

Restarting Tourism Across Asia and the Pacific

Upcoming UNWTO events:

6th World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism Ministers’ Summit – World Travel Market

6th World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism

31 Oct. – 2 Nov.

Ministers’ Summit – World Travel Market

2 November

World Sports Tourism Congress 24 UNWTO General Assembly

World Sports Tourism Congress

25-26 November

24 UNWTO General Assembly

30 Nov. – 3 Dec.

Tomorrow Today - What's new in UNWTO's Innovation, Education and Investments Department?



  • UNWTO x ProColombia New Touristic Experiences- Challenge: New sustainable, inclusive, and innovative tourism experiences in Colombia will have the opportunity to win one of the 100 scholarships that UNWTO and ProColombia have created to continue supporting the Colombian business community. Applications by October 30.
  • 2000 Scholarships: UNWTO has granted 2,000 scholarships for Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries to course the MOOC Introduction to Tourism-Industry Management available at UNWTO Tourism Online Academy.
    More scholarships will be granted to UNWTO Member States to help them restart tourism education.


UNWTO media highlights:

Modern Diplomacy The future of travel – an all-hands-on-deck effort

India Times 3 Indian Destinations Are Among Entries For UN's 'Best Tourism Village': All You Need To Know

NY Times Africa’s Tourism Leaders Identify Investments as Key to Sustainable Recovery

Most Popular On Social Media:

UNWTO We're proud to announce 2,000 scholarships for Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries!
More scholarships will be granted to UNWTO Member States to help them #RestartTourism through education!

UNWTO The #UNGA week is on - a great opportunity to highlight tourism's ability to achieve the #GlobalGoals.
To reduce inequalities
To fight poverty
To foster partnerships
To boost economic growth
To build sustainable cities and communities

UNWTO Tourism is the world’s most powerful tool for connecting people.
Share your tourism story with the world, show why tourism matters by becoming a #UNWTOStoryteller.
Record your ideas, make them travel the world!

UNWTO Hands up for the first edition of #BestTourismVillages by #unwto! Thanks to everyone joining UNWTO's mission to foster rural development!
Key takeaways:
Almost 80 countries submitted their applications
+170 villages from all over the world
Villages awarded with Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO and those included in the Upgrade Programme be announced at the 24 General Assembly in Marrakesh (30 Nov. - 3 Dec.)

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The World Tourism Organization and the Catalan Tourist Board of the Government of Catalonia launch the first World Sports Tourism Congress to discuss the future expectations of the sector

The World Tourism Organization and the Catalan Tourist Board of the Government of Catalonia launch the first World Sports Tourism Congress to discuss the future expectations of the sector

  • The Congress will take place in Lloret on 25 and 26 November
  • The programme will feature renowned speakers such as Petra Stusek, Kattia Juarez Dubón, Edwin Moses and Marco Mazzi
  • The event will be in a hybrid format and will use advanced technology to enhance the virtual presence of some speakers through holograms
  • Registration for the event is now open at the World Sports Tourism Congress website

The Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Zurab Pololikashvili, and the Minister of Business and Labour of the Government of Catalonia, Roger Torrent, presented the first World Sports Tourism Congress and its programme, within the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, at a press conference held in Lloret de Mar and Barcelona.

The Congress, which previously had to be postponed due to the pandemic, will take place on 25 and 26 November at the Olympic Conference Centre in the Catalan town of Lloret de Mar. The presentation was attended by Marta Domènech, Director-General of Tourism, Ion Vilcu, Director of the Department of Affiliate Members of UNWTO, Narcís Ferrer, Director of the Catalan Tourist Board, and Jaume Dulsat, Mayor of Lloret de Mar.

The Congress will have a total of 62 speakers from different countries such as the United States, Canada, France, Wales, Northern Ireland and Croatia. Leading figures from the world of sport and tourism, representing entities that are also UNWTO Affiliate Members, have already confirmed their attendance as speakers, such as Petra Stusek, President and CEO of European Cities Marketing; Kattia Juarez Dubón of the Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme; Edwin Moses, Olympic medallist; Marco Mazzi, Vice- President of the International Sports Travel Agencies Association, and Mafalda Magalhaes, Director of FC Porto Museum.

Registration is now open at The Congress will be a hybrid event, allowing both in-person and virtual participation, and aims to strengthen the relationship between sports tourism and sustainable and inclusive development, diversification, differentiation and de-seasonalization. Also collaborating in the organization of the event are the Costa Brava Girona Tourist Board and the City Council of Lloret de Mar through Lloret Turismo.

The Congress, which already had almost 400 pre-registered participants before the official opening of registration, will address topics such as the challenges for the sector posed by COVID-19; trends in sport and physical activity; innovation in the development of sports tourism; mass attendance at sporting events; as well as the environmental framework, diversity and inclusion in the world of sport.

The programme also includes other aspects, such as different public-private governance strategies, the digital transformation of the sector, e-sports, digital marketing, communication and commercialization. Over the two days of the Congress, there will be different sports activities for the participants, academic presentations and technical visits; in addition, spaces will be set up for networking to maximize synergies among the attendees.

Telepresence at the Congress through holograms

Among the innovations that the Congress will bring, as presented at the press conference, are two hologram booths to enable the participation of different speakers who will not be in Lloret de Mar in person. It will be the first event in Catalonia to use this advanced technology, presented at the Mobile World Congress 2021. Fibre-optics and 5G connectivity will make it possible to bring personalities from all over the world closer to the Congress remotely and in real time, through giant screens.

Tourism and Sports, a priority line of action for UNWTO

For the World Tourism Organization, Tourism and Sport represents a priority that it has been actively developing over the past two years. In addition to organizing this World Sports Tourism Congress together with the Catalan Tourist Board, UNWTO has supported other projects focused on this line of action.

UNWTO recognizes the beneficial bond of mutual reinforcement that unites tourism and sport. Key indicators such as employment linked to sport, the percentage of trips initiated for sports reasons, the total expenditure associated with these trips and public spending linked to sport, have been registering remarkable growth in recent years. Sports tourism also raises the visibility of destinations and encourages investment in infrastructure, with its positive multiplier effects at the economic and social levels.

In the current context of crisis that the tourism sector, in particular, and all other sectors of society and the economy are experiencing, the contribution of each component and subsector will be very important, and the area of tourism and sport will be no exception.

Beyond the economic indicators mentioned above, it is imperative to highlight the values that sport inspires and promotes, and that apply to all aspects of economic and social life, including tourism.

The Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization, Zurab Pololikashvili said: “... the gradual resumption of the calendar of competitions and major sporting events is an important driver of the restart of tourism after the unprecedented shock of the pandemic. Sporting events can play a decisive role in the tourism development in destinations”.

Lloret de Mar – Costa Brava

In recent years, sports tourism has become a strategic sector in Catalonia thanks to its state-of-the-art facilities and the wide range of possibilities it offers for sports-themed stays for individuals and teams alike. In 2003, the Catalan Tourist Board created its Sports Tourism Brand, a distinction that is granted to municipalities, facilities and specialized companies that meet quality standards in the different sports disciplines and recognizes excellence in resources and services to practice sports or enjoy events and championships for elite athletes, professionals and fans of major sporting events.

Since 2006, Lloret de Mar has been recognized by the Catalan Tourist Board as a certified Sports Tourism Destination in the disciplines of football, athletics, swimming, group sports, triathlon and cycling. The municipality has an extensive hotel infrastructure to accommodate all attendees of the Congress and the different parallel events. Each year it receives more than 60,000 athletes and accompanying persons, and during 2019, it hosted a total of 446 sports events and competitions.

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Technical INSTO Webinar on: Climate Action

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