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G20 Ministers Welcome UNWTO Recommendations for Tourism’s ‘Green Transformation’

G20 Ministers Welcome UNWTO Recommendations for Tourism’s ‘Green Transformation’

UNWTO has served as tourism’s global voice as the Tourism Ministers of the G20 nations met to devise a way forward for an inclusive, resilient, and sustainable recovery for the sector.

Upon assuming Presidency of the G20, Italy has drawn on UNWTO data to highlight the impact the pandemic has had on tourist numbers globally and how this translates into lost jobs and revenues, as well as lost opportunities for social development.

Addressing the meeting, UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili, stressed the continued need for coordination at the very highest level, in order to advance “common, harmonized criteria for the easing of travel restrictions, and for increased investment in systems that support safe travel, including testing on departure and on arrival.”

Common, harmonized criteria for the easing of travel restrictions, and for increased investment in systems that support safe travel, including testing on departure and on arrival

With the crisis far from over, the Secretary-General welcomed the G20 Rome Guidelines for the Future of Tourism and called for “schemes aimed at supporting the survival of tourism jobs and businesses to be sustained and, wherever possible, expanded, especially as millions of livelihoods continue to be at risk”.

Italy’s Minister of Tourism, Massimo Garavaglia, outlined the G20’s priorities, including safe mobility, supporting tourism jobs and businesses, building resilience against future shocks, and advancing the green transformation of the sector. Furthermore, the Tourism Ministers recalled that the current crisis represents an opportunity to rethink and restart tourism, with an emphasis on guiding the sector towards greater sustainability.

Rethinking tourism

In addition to ensuring the safe restart of international travel and supporting jobs and businesses, the G20 Tourism Ministers committed to taking action in driving the digital transformation of the sector, with particular reference to ensuring everyone has fair access to the opportunities that will come from greater innovation, and in promoting more investment in green tourism infrastructure.

The new UNWTO Recommendations for the Transition to a Green Travel and Tourism Economy, developed in partnership with the G20 Tourism Working Group, were identified as a key resource for advancing progress in the policy area of “Green Transformation” of the world’s leading economies. The Recommendations present the main lines of action and showcase frontrunning initiatives of tourism businesses and destinations leading the way in achieving greater sustainability while also outlining steps that can help tourism recover from the worst crisis in its history safely and responsibly.

UNWTO will continue to work with the Italian G20 Presidency as well as the previous and forthcoming presidencies, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia, in advancing the contribution of tourism to the G20 objectives.

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UNWTO and Google Partner to Guide Restart of African Tourism

UNWTO and Google Partner to Guide Restart of African Tourism

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) continues to advance its commitment to the African tourism sector by partnering with Google to help destinations gain expert insights into data management and digital marketing.


In a special capacity building event, researchers and marketing professionals from 20 African National Tourism Organizations (NTOs) benefitted from two days of training on themes designed to help them attract visitors and better manage their tourism sectors. As well as insights into data collection, analysis and management, the regional course also focused on digital marketing, with a particular emphasis on how digital content and storytelling can be powerful tools for restarting tourism and supporting recovery in the wake of the pandemic.

To put theory into practice, participants were able to learn more about UNWTO’s tools to provide market insights and to support recovery, including the UNWTO Recovery Tracker and its trusted dashboards. Alongside this, the NTOs were also shown how Google’s Insights Tools can help guide sustainable recovery.

By partnering with Google, we are ensuring our Member States are able to use data insights and digital marketing to recover from the current crisis, restart their tourism sectors and grow back smarter and better

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said: “The UNWTO Agenda for Africa aims to harness the power of tourism to drive sustainable development across Africa. By partnering with Google, we are ensuring our Member States are able to use data insights and digital marketing to recover from the current crisis, restart their tourism sectors and grow back smarter and better.”

Google’s Global Destination Marketing Partner Iva Kutle Skrlec added: As part of our strong commitment to the tourism sector recovery, we are proud to launch this one of a kind digital curriculum designed specifically for Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs), and to do so in Africa for the first time, acknowledging the needs of the region during this pandemic. We are confident that the curriculum will provide tourism organizations with tools and skills to navigate the fast changing environment and expedite industry transformation.”

This capacity building event forms part of the wider partnership between UNWTO and Google. The two organizations are cooperating closely on matters of mutual interest in order to achieve common objectives, which include data, market research on consumer trends and forecasting, innovation, education and digital transformation, as well as capacity building.

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Ibero-American Leaders Urged to Embrace Tourism as Driver of Development

Ibero-American Leaders Urged to Embrace Tourism as Driver of Development

The unique power of tourism to drive sustainable development was made clear as UNWTO took part in the 27th Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government in Andorra.

With a special focus on the role of innovation in sustainable development, the hybrid summit united leaders of the 22 Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries of Latin America and Europe. Held against this backdrop, the Ibero-American Business Meeting brough together top executives from the region’s top companies, including from the banking and aviation sectors. Addressing this meeting, UNWTO highlighted its leading role in addressing the key challenges facing tourism. Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili noted the sector’s proven economic and social importance to all the participating countries and reiterated his strong call for clear leadership, coordination and joined-up action.

Coordinated restart and recovery

Coordinate the introduction of protocols for safe international travel to avoid adding uncertainty and undermining confidence

With tourism a pillar of development and employment in all Ibero-American economies, Mr Pololikashvili underscored “the opportunity for tourism to help us grow back better”. At the same time, he pointed to the pressing need to “coordinate the introduction of protocols for safe international travel to avoid adding uncertainty and undermining confidence”. The ‘Digital Green Pass’, which aims to restart tourism in the European Union by June or July, “should be an example for other global regions and countries to follow; the cost of more chaos is simply too high not to”, he added.

UNWTO outlined its new Destination Tracker, produced in partnership with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to address uncertainty and lack of confidence in travel. Participants were also informed of UNWTO’s enhanced partnerships with international finance organizations to ensure tourism jobs and businesses receive the support they need in this time of crisis. Looking ahead, UNWTO’s work with the Inter-American Development Bank and with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations will help ensure the restart of tourism delivers benefits for rural communities on both sides of the Atlantic.

Leaders united

The UNWTO Delegation joined His Majesty King Felipe VI of Spain, alongside the Head of Government of Andorra, Espot Zamora, the President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, the President of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, the President of the Dominican Republic, Luis Abinader, and the President de of Guatemala, Alejandro Giammattei, in Andorra for the biennial meeting. Leaders from across the other 17 Member States of the Ibero-American Community, as well as its Associate Observers and Consultative Observers from international organizations, joined in the proceedings virtually.

The Andorra summit followed on from high-level meetings between the UNWTO leadership and the Presidents of both the Dominican Republic and Guatemala. On the day before the start of the summit, President of the Dominican Republic, Luis Abinader, and the President de of Guatemala, Alejandro Giammattei both paid official visits to the UNWTO headquarters in Madrid.

In these meetings, UNWTO stressed the importance of cooperation in restarting tourism in a joined-up manner. The importance of tourism to both countries was also highlighted, including not just the sector’s economic importance but its contributions to rural development and the opportunities it creates for indigenous communities.

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UNWTO Welcomes EU Support and Urges Europe to Lead the Way in Tourism’s Restart

UNWTO Welcomes EU Support and Urges Europe to Lead the Way in Tourism’s Restart

Only with strong and coordinated political action can Europe reopen to tourism in time for the peak summer season. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has again stressed the importance of collaboration as it welcomed European Commission Vice-President Margaritis Schinas to Madrid for a high-level meeting focused on the joined-up response to the ongoing crisis, and on advancing plans for tourism’s vital restart.

As the latest data shows an 85% fall in tourist arrivals across Europe at the start of 2021, UNWTO has noted Europe can set a global example by restarting the sector. Given tourism’s huge socio-economic importance, the benefits that will accompany the return of tourism in time for the peak European season will be felt well outside of the sector itself. This heightened relevance of tourism was reflected in the visit of the highest-level European Union delegation to UNWTO headquarters to date. Meeting with the Vice-President, UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili further emphasised the need for harmonized protocols and digital solutions to make safe international travel possible.

UNWTO has congratulated the European Commission for taking the lead and advancing plans to launch its Digital Green Pass, recognizing its potential to restart tourism in a number of destinations. At the same time, the UNWTO leadership also credited the Commission’s intentions to support national recovery and resilience plans, as well as the recent launch of the ‘Re-Open EU’ website and mobile app, both of which effectively complement UNWTO’s own global #RestartTourism campaign. 

Tourism for economic and social wellbeing

Now more than ever, tourism needs strong political support and joined-up action. Harmonized travel and health rules are essential to restore confidence and restart tourism

Secretary-General Pololikashvili said: “Across Europe, millions of people and businesses are depending on the right decisions to be made so that tourism can restart. Today’s visit of Vice-President Margaritis Schinas is testament to the importance of tourism to economic and social wellbeing across the European Union. Now more than ever, tourism needs strong political support and joined-up action. Harmonized travel and health rules are essential to restore confidence and restart tourism.”

Vice-President Margaritis Schinas adds: “With vaccinations and better management of the crisis, there is no doubt this summer will be better than last. Reopening borders will have an impact beyond tourism. It will drive Europe’s overall recovery. And Europe will not return on its own. Europe is part of the world and we are ready find a way that the European Green Pass works with solutions provided by countries or groups of countries from outside the EU.”

Strong, ongoing collaboration

UNWTO has been working closely with the European institutions since the start of the pandemic. The UNWTO World Tourism Barometer and Travel Restrictions Report provide trusted data to guide the European Commission’s response, as well as the policies of individual EU Member States. In Madrid, Vice-President Schinas was advised of the progress UNWTO is making towards establishing a first International Code for the Protection of Tourists, a vital step towards restoring confidence in travel.

The Vice-President also signalled his availability to participate in the next meeting of UNWTO’s Global Tourism Crisis Committee, a cross-sector body established at the start of the crisis and now focusing on resuming safe international travel, restoring confidence and ensuring tourism businesses the liquidity they need to survive and protect jobs.  In recognition of his long-standing contributions to European tourism and his recognition of the importance of the sector to the European Way of Life, Secretary-General Pololikashvili presented Vice-President Schinas with a plaque to commemorate his visit to the UNWTO headquarters.

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Tourism’s Recovery Strategies Highlighted at WTO ‘Aid for Trade’ Event

Tourism’s Recovery Strategies Highlighted at WTO ‘Aid for Trade’ Event

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) partnered with the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to lead a conversation on what the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on global tourism means for development across the Asia-Pacific region. Held as part of the World Trade Organization’s Aid-for-Trade Stocktaking Event, the special session brought key sector representatives together to assess how the sector can be transformed to drive recovery and build sustainability.

According to the latest data from UNWTO, the pandemic led to a 73% fall globally in international tourist arrivals in 2020. The drop has been even steeper in Asia-Pacific where ADB estimates a decline of over 80% for 2020, as many Asian countries continued to impose strict travel restrictions. This sudden fall has placed the sector’s ability to drive sustainable development forward on hold.

Building Sustainability and Resilience

The special event at WTO, moderated by Anna Fink, Economist at ADB, explored how ‘aid-for-trade’ can be used to build greater sustainability and resilience in the tourism sector. Joining Matthias Helble Senior Economist at the Asian Development Bank and Zoritsa Urosevic Director of Institutional Relations and Partnerships at UNWTO were representatives from the governments of Azerbaijan and New Zealand, and Suzanne Becken, a tourism expert from Griffith University.

ADB’s Matthias Helble shared that, according to latest ADB estimates, a full recovery for the sector is only expected by 2023 at the earliest. Promotion of domestic tourism, as well as the creation of ‘travel bubbles’ that would allow travel to resume between certain destinations, were highlighted as potential strategies for driving recovery in the short-term. The introduction of vaccine passes could further accelerate recovery. However, these measures should only be temporary, and countries ultimately need to prepare for a full opening.

Short and Long-Term Support for Tourism

ADB’s Matthias Helble stressed that a prolonged pandemic puts the survival of large parts of the tourism sector at risk. To help governments finance policy measures that facilitate targeted aid to households and firms most severely affected by the pandemic, ADB launched a $20 billion support package in April 2020. By the end of 2020, ADB had committed $16.3 billion of this package in the form of grants, technical assistance, and loans to developing member governments and the private sector. At the same time, UNWTO has expanded on its support to Member States across the region, including through the launch of the UNWTO Tourism Recovery Technical Assistance Package, delivering expert support to destinations across the historic Silk Road.

For longer-term recovery, UNWTO’s Zoritsa Urosevic stressed the importance of developing a new finance architecture to to adopt and build innovative, low carbon, circular, safe, and inclusive business policies, and instruments for recovery. At the same time, both ADB and UNWTO reiterated the importance of international cooperation and the harmonization of policies, both to restart international tourism and then to monitor and guide future growth to ensure the sector delivers on its potential to drive sustainable development. 

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Meeting of the Ministers of Tourism of the Americas

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The meeting of Ministers of Tourism of the Americas will take place from 6 to 9 May 2021 in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
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UNWTO Calls for a More Equal and Sustainable Future for Tourism at ITB Berlin Now

UNWTO Calls for a More Equal and Sustainable Future for Tourism at ITB Berlin Now

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has returned to ITB Berlin to lead the conversation on the current challenges facing the sector, and the opportunities to be seized in the future.

As the United Nations specialized agency leads the restart of global tourism following the unprecedented crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, three virtual events brought together voices from across the sector at the leading trade fair. Against a backdrop of ongoing uncertainty, UNWTO outlined a positive narrative for tourism, stressing its historic ability to lead from the front and adapt to new challenges.

Less Waste, More Opportunity

On the opening day of ITB Berlin Now, UNWTO ensured sustainability was high on the agenda, leading efforts to ensure the sector lives up to its responsibilities for planet as well as people. “Eliminate. Innovate. Circulate: Strategies from the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative”, hosted jointly by UNWTO, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, featured key insights from both public and private sectors. The event showcased how addressing plastic waste and pollution within tourism can support the sustainable recovery of the sector in the aftermath of the pandemic, noting both the progress that has been made and the challenges still to face.

Alongside UNWTO’s commitment to greater sustainability, a commitment to gender equality is a key priority. On the second day of ITB Berlin, and against the backdrop of Women’s History Month, UNWTO hosted a special panel on “Gamechangers” and female entrepreneurs within tourism. The event featured presentations by the five female winners of the UNWTO SDGs Startup Competition, outlining how their enterprises can contribute to addressing key issues such as gender equality, poverty alleviation and providing decent work for all.  

Communications for Tourism’s Recovery

Also at ITB Berlin, UNWTO looked ahead to tourism’s restart, bringing together leading voices from across the media to explore the need for a new narrative to fit the rethink and restart of tourism with sustainability as the driving goal. The “Communications for Recovery” event featured expert participants from Google Arts & Culture, the BBC, Euronews and Voyages Afrique, alongside high-level private sector participants from Expedia and Stark Communications. The panel identified how the pandemic has changed the way the media present tourism and promote destinations, with members universally expressing their optimism in tourism not only returning to growth but also both tourists themselves as well as stakeholders across the sector taking a greater interest in the impact of tourism on communities and people and planet.

Alongside hosting events, UNWTO also contributed expert insights to a discussion on Tourism for Sustainable Development. The event was organized by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German Corporation for International Development (GIZ).

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UNWTO and CNN Partner for Global #RestartTourism Campaign

UNWTO and CNN Partner for Global #RestartTourism Campaign


After partnering back in May for a campaign asking the world to be patient, responsible and “travel tomorrow”, the World Tourism Organization and CNN International Commercial (CNNIC) have teamed up again to celebrate the transformative power being unleased as the restart of tourism gets underway. Centred around a 45-second film launched today and broadcast exclusively on CNN International until January 2021, this message will reach millions of households. The campaign affirms UNWTO as the unifying voice behind the global restart of tourism while harnessing the influence and prestige of the CNN brand to reach global audiences at scale.

The #RestartTourism video highlights tourism’s unique ability to adapt and innovate and generate opportunities for sustainable development. CNNlC has long committed to these same values and the partnership between UNWTO and CNN is further strengthened through this broadcast.

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said: “The restart of tourism brings new hope and new opportunity for millions around the world. We are proud to be working again with CNN to send such a positive and inspiring message. Tourism has the power to bring us back together, giving us unforgettable experiences while also supporting jobs, helping businesses and protecting culture and our natural heritage.”

The restart of tourism brings new hope and new opportunity for millions around the world. We are proud to be working again with CNN to send such a positive and inspiring message

Rani Raad, President, CNN Worldwide Commercial, said: “As part of our long-standing partnership with the UNWTO, CNN is proud to beam this message of travelling again and restarting tourism into over 300 million households around the world. Whilst Travel & Tourism has suffered an enormous impact in 2020, we are standing with our partners, providing counsel and supporting their efforts as they now plan ahead to welcoming travellers back in 2021 with a sense of hope, growth and reconstruction for the sector.”

Launched today, #RestartTourism will be aired regularly until 10 January 2021, bringing this message to more than 337 million households across CNN’s feeds to Asia, South Asia and EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa). It will also be amplified by UNWTO’s own media channels, as well as those of its Members in every global region, reinforcing a message of positivity at the end of a challenging year.

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UNWTO in Uruguay: Celebrating Resilience and Supporting Tourism’s Sustainable Restart

UNWTO in Uruguay: Celebrating Resilience and Supporting Tourism’s Sustainable Restart

The Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has concluded his official visit to the Americas with a series of high-level meetings in Uruguay. Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili met with President Luis Lacalle Pou to learn more about his government’s work to support tourism businesses and workers, and to agree on deepening UNWTOs collaboration on the ground. This was followed up with meetings with key private sector leaders.

As a long-standing UNWTO member and as one of the co-hosts of World Tourism Day 2020, Uruguay has long shown its commitment to harnessing the power of tourism for growth and opportunity. Secretary-General Pololikashvili thanked President Lacalle Pou for his strong support for the sector during the pandemic and his efforts to restart tourism safely and responsibly. This includes a focus on growing domestic tourism and, in line with the theme of World Tourism Day, using this to provide opportunities for rural communities across Uruguay. 

UNWTO cites example of Uruguay

Uruguay showcases just how resilient tourism is and how it can bounce back and drive recovery when given the right support, benefitting both the overall economy and local communities

Over the past decade, Uruguay has emerged as one of the strongest destinations in the Americas region. In the wake of the 2009 Global Financial Crisis, UNWTO singled the country out as an example of the sector’s unique resilience. Now, on this latest official visit to the country, the UNWTO leadership recognized the ongoing commitment to tourism, with the sector remaining a priority throughout changes in government.

Mr Pololikashvili said: “Uruguay showcases just how resilient tourism is and how it can bounce back and drive recovery when given the right support, benefitting both the overall economy and local communities. I thank President Lacalle Pou and his government for their unwavering support for UNWTO and for our sector, and I look forward to continuing working together to strengthen cooperation over the challenging months ahead.”

Collaboration key to recovery

The UNWTO delegation also met with Minister of Tourism Germán Cardoso to hear his plans to support and restart tourism with a focus on sustainability and inclusivity. This also presented UNWTO with the opportunity to share the outputs of the most recent meetings of the Global Tourism Crisis Committee, including plans to bring governments and private sector leaders together to boost confidence in international travel, most notably through the creation of a first International Code for the Protection of Tourists.

Further highlighting UNWTO’s determination to foster high-level collaboration in order to accelerate the restart of tourism and ensure that innovation and sustainability are at the heart of future recovery, Secretary-General Pololikashvili brought together the Tourism Ministers of both Brazil and Uruguay for a special meeting with President Lacalle Pou. The two Ministers signalled their commitment to working together towards shared goals, including not just greater sustainability but also promoting investment in tourism so as to drive economic growth and job creation.

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