UN Tourism systematically collects tourism statistics

Tourism Statistics Database

UN Tourism systematically collects tourism statistics from countries and territories around the world in an extensive database that provides the most comprehensive repository of statistical information available on the tourism sector. This database consists mainly of more than 145 tourism indicators that are updated regularly. You can explore the data available through the UN Tourism database below:

145 Key Tourism Statistics

145 Key Tourism Statistics

Data on inbound, outbound and domestic tourism, international tourism flows, tourism industries, employment and other indicators.

145 Key Tourism Statistics

Economic Contribution and the SDGs

Economic Contribution and the SDGs

Data on the economic contribution of tourism and the implementation of relevant standards, such as the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) and the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA).

Economic Contribution and the SDGs

Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism

Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism

Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (MST)

The Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (MST) is an internationally agreed reference framework for measuring the economic, social and environmental aspects of tourism.

As a living example of going beyond GDP, MST supports the production in countries of reliable, internationally comparable data on the performance of countries and subnational tourism destinations when it comes to the sustainability of tourism.  

All in all, MST leads to more robust data to ensure that tourism action on the ground really contributes to the betterment of people’s lives now and into the future.  

The MST Statistical Framework has been developed by UN Tourism in partnership with leading countries, and with the support of the United Nations Statistics Division, the International Labour Organization and others. 



Under the auspices of the UN Tourism Committee on Statistics, the development of the Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism was led by the Expert Group on MST with the technical guidance of the Editorial Board on MST.


Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism

Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism

The Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (SF-MST) is an organizing structure for integrating statistics on the economic, environmental and social dimensions of sustainable tourism.

Statistical Framework

Pilot studies and country experiences

Pilot studies and country experiences

Country pilot studies have contributed to the design and development of the statistical framework by testing its relevance and feasibility.

Pilot Studies


Sustainable Development Goals Indicators

Sustainable Development Goals Indicators

UN Tourism Committee on Statistics liaises with the official UN process (IAEG-SDGs) on the development of statistical indicators for the measurement of tourism's role in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

SDG Indicators

ESG Framework for tourism businesses

ESG Framework for tourism businesses

While a number of ESG reporting and disclosure initiatives already exist, they have been developed relatively independently, meaning the comparability and scalability of ESG reporting is limited. In this context, UN Tourism is joining efforts to provide a single ESG framework that can be used as a single reference by all kinds of tourism businesses.

ESG Framework


Events related to MST

MST in the media

Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism

Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism


The Statistical Framework for MST is an internationally-agreed framework describing the main concepts, definitions and data organization structures to support the production and organization of data on the impacts and dependencies of tourism on the economy, society and the environment. The Framework has been endorsed by the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) at its 55th session (27 February – 1 March 2024). The final version (subject to official editing) is available at: https://unstats.un.org/UNSDWebsite/statcom/session_55/documents/BG-4a-SF-MST-E.pdf.

Quick overview of contents:

Global Consultation on the SF-MST

Global Consultation on the SF-MST

The global consultation was undertaken with the objective to present the Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism to the United Nations Statistical Commission for its endorsement

Global Consultation SF-MST

Consultation on past versions of SF-MST

Consultation on past versions of SF-MST

Several rounds of consultation on the different versions of Statistical Framework for MST have been carried out among the Expert Group on MST and the UN Tourism Committee on Statistics.

Consultation past versions SF-MST


System of Tourism Statistics is embedded in the National Statistical System, providing of reliable, consistent and appropriate statistical information on the socio-economic aspects related to tourism, integrated within the economic and social statistics related to other fields and at different territorial levels.

UN Standards for Measuring Tourism

UN Standards for Measuring Tourism

With the support of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), UN Tourism has launched the initiative Towards a Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (MST). The aim is to develop an international statistical framework for measuring tourism’s role in sustainable development, including economic, environmental and social dimensions.

UN Standards for Measuring Tourism

UN Tourism Statistics - UN System

UN Tourism Statistics - UN System

The United Nations Statistical Commission, established in 1947, is the apex entity of the global statistical system. It brings together the Chief Statisticians from member states from around the world.

UN Tourism Statistics - UN System

International Conferences on Tourism Statistics & Other Events

International Conferences on Tourism Statistics & Other Events

Over the years, UN Tourism’s Statistics Department has coordinated important developments relating to the conceptualization of tourism and its measurement, progressively building consensus amongst the international statistical community.
