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UN Tourism Affiliate Members Corner: Insights into Key Outbound Tourism Markets

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UNWTO Affiliate Members Corner: Insights into Key Outbound Tourism Markets
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When: Friday, 26 January 2024, 11:00 – 13:00 <br/>
Where: Fiturtechy, Pavilion 10, IFEMA
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UNWTO Affiliate Members Corner
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AM News | VOL. 73 - February 2025 | Special Edition FITUR

AM News | VOL. 73 - February 2025 | Special Edition FITUR

Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to introduce the latest edition of the Affiliate Members Newsletter. This monthlypublication will keep you updated on the latest news, events, and initiatives related to yourmembership and the Affiliate Members network. Also included is a provisional calendar ofevents for 2025, featuring key UN Tourism events.

This particular edition of the Newsletter will have a specific focus on FITUR 2025. With over 255,000 visitors, including 155,000 professionals, and 9,500 companies from 156countries, FITUR reaffirmed its position as a global hub for the tourism industry. The eventgenerated an impressive €445 million in economic impact for Madrid, underscoring the vitalrole tourism plays in driving economic growth and development.

For UN Tourism and its Affiliate Members, this international tourism fair provided aninvaluable platform to advance our shared goals. From the launch of the report “ArtificialIntelligence Adoption in Tourism – Key Considerations for Sector Stakeholders” to insightfulpresentations on targeting traveler segments during a new edition of the Affiliate MembersCorner, we showcased the innovative ideas and collaborative efforts shaping the future oftourism.

I am especially grateful to the many Affiliate Members who actively participated in ourevents and bilateral meetings, sharing best practices, forging new partnerships, anddemonstrating the strength of our network. Together, we are building a more sustainable,innovative, and inclusive tourism ecosystem.

As we continue into 2025—a landmark year celebrating the 50th Anniversary of UN Tourism—I invite you to stay connected through the AMConnected+ platform, where you can findupdates, resources, and opportunities to collaborate with other valued members.

From the Affiliate Members and Public-Private Collaboration Department, we remaincommitted to supporting your projects and initiatives to the best of our abilities. We welcomeyour comments and feedback at any time.

Ion VilcuDirector

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VOL. 72 - January 2025

AM NEWS | VOL. 72 - January 2025

Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to introduce the latest edition of the Affiliate Members Newsletter. This monthly publication will keep you updated on the latest news, events, and initiatives related to your membership and the Affiliate Members network. Also included is a provisional calendar of events for 2025, featuring key UN Tourism events.

As we step into the new year, we foresee a year full of opportunities to strengthen Public- Private Collaborations in Tourism, starting with FITUR 2025 in Madrid. UN Tourism returns to the FITUR International Tourism Fair to advance its key objectives for the sector. Throughout the event, UN Tourism will welcome Member States, Affiliate Members, business leaders, and other key stakeholders for a series of high-level meetings and events aimed at advancing shared plans and strengthening partnerships. Dedicated events for Affiliate Members will include:

  • Publication Launch: Artificial Intelligence Adoption in Tourism - Key Considerations for Sector Stakeholders and UN Tourism Affiliate Members Roundtable
  • UN Tourism Affiliate Members Corner: Targeting Traveler Segments

2025 promises to be a landmark year for UN Tourism as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of our Organization. On this occasion, we will be organizing several dedicated activities and events for Affiliate Members. Stay tuned to the AMConnected+ platform for further announcements, updates, and news related to the Affiliate Membership.

I am also pleased to report that the new tools and functionalities of the AMConnected+ platform have been well received by Affiliate Members. The user-friendly interface, inspired by the most widely used social networks, enables easy navigation through Regional and Thematic Channels based on your interests. The mobile version and other available features reflect our commitment to delivering value to the UN Tourism Affiliate Membership.

The Affiliate Members and Public-Private Collaboration Department remains committed to supporting your projects to the best of our abilities. We welcome your comments and feedback at any time.


Ion Vilcu

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AM NEWS | VOL. 71 December 2024

AM NEWS | VOL. 71 December 2024

Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to introduce you to a new edition of the Affiliate Members Newsletter. Thismonthly publication will inform you about the latest news, events, and initiatives related toyour membership and the Affiliate Members’ network. Also included is a provisionalcalendar of events for 2025, featuring the main UN Tourism events.

As we conclude 2024, let’s reflect on a year filled with remarkable achievements for theAffiliate Members network while looking ahead to an even more exciting 2025.

I am pleased to announce the inclusion of 27 new Affiliate Members, bringing our networkto a record-breaking of more than 500 members. This milestone reflects the effortsundertaken by my department in order to increase the value of the membership whileachieving a quality-oriented and geographically balanced network of affiliates.

I am also excited to report the successful conclusion of the 3rd World Sports TourismCongress at the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium, a forum that brought together worldwideparticipants, including ministers, high-level officials, and sports figures, and of course,many of our Affiliate Members, to explore the transformative potential of sports tourism.

As we turn our focus to the new year, 2025 promises to be a landmark year for UNTourism as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of our Organization. We anticipate a yearrich in activities and events dedicated to Affiliate Members, beginning with FITUR 2025 inMadrid. Stay tuned for further announcements and details about the upcoming initiatives.

I am also pleased to report that the new tools and functionalities of the AMConnected+platform have been received positively by Affiliate Members. The user-friendly interface,inspired by the most widely used social networks, allows for easy navigation based oninterests through Regional and Thematic Channels. The mobile version and otheravailable features reflect our commitment to providing value to the UN Tourism AffiliateMembership.

The Affiliate Members and Public-Private Collaboration Department is committed tocollaborating and supporting our Affiliate Members’ projects to the best of our abilities. Weare always available to hear your comments and feedback.

Ion Vilcu

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UN Tourism Welcomes New Affiliate Members, Surpassing 500 Entities Globally

UN Tourism Welcomes New Affiliate Members, Surpassing 500 Entities Globally

UN Tourism has welcomed 27 new entities to its growing network of Affiliate Members.

The new Members combine a wide range of profiles with diverse backgrounds and types of business: Destination Management Organizations (DMOs), for-profit companies, associations and NGOs, universities and other profiles. In terms of geographical distribution, they come from 16 different countries, representing all the regions: 5 from Africa, 8 from the Americas, 2 from Asia and the Pacific, 6 from Europe, and 6 from the Middle East.
“The incorporation of such a valuable and solid group of new Affiliate Members reflects our commitment to amplifying and fostering a high-quality and geographically diverse global network of affiliated entities within the global tourism ecosystem, now comprising 505 entities. Strengthening connections across both public and private sectors is essential for building a more inclusive and responsible tourism sector.” said UN Tourism Director of the Affiliate Members and Public-Private Collaboration Department, Ion Vilcu.

The 27 new Affiliate Members are:

  1. ABAV - Brazilian Association of Travel Agencies
  2. Association of travel & tourism agents in Iraq
  3. Association Régionale de l'Industrie Hôtelière Marrakech-Safi
  4. Buró de Congresos y Visitantes de Aguascalientes
  5. China Tourism Group Corporation Limited
  6. Consejo Federal de Inversiones
  7. Corporación Turismo Cartagena de Indias
  8. Enjoytravel Corporate SL
  9. Escuela Universitaria de Hotelería y Turismo de Sant Pol de Mar (Barcelona)
  10. Fideicomiso de Promoción Turística del Estado de Nayarit
  11. Fujairah Tourism and Antiquities Department
  12. Gambia Tourism and Hospitality Institute
  13. Hospitality Association of Zimbabwe
  14. ICL Tours and Travels LLC
  15. International Masters Games Association
  16. Kuoni Global Travel Services (Schweiz) AG
  17. Levantur S.A.
  18. Navarra Impulsa Cultura, Deporte y Ocio S.L.
  19. Observatoire du Tourisme du Maroc
  20. Rocket DMC International - FZCO
  21. Royal Jordanian RJ
  22. Saudi Tourism Authority
  23. TORNUS Agencia Creativa de Turismo
  24. Universidad Ean
  25. University of South Florida School of Hospitality and Tourism Management
  26. World Tourism Alliance
  27. Zanzibar Association of Tourism Investors Ltd.

Under the current admission procedure, the candidatures were submitted for consideration and approval of the Executive Council. These candidatures are the results of the implementation of the expansion strategy of the Affiliate Membership, aiming at improving the quality and geographical balance of the affiliates’ network.

The admission of these new members was endorsed during the 122nd Session of the Executive Council, which took place in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 14 November.

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Kick-off in Madrid: 3rd World Sports Tourism Congress Set to Unite Global Leaders

Kick-off in Madrid: 3rd World Sports Tourism Congress Set to Unite Global Leaders

The third edition of the World Sports Tourism Congress (WSTC), organised by UN Tourism and the Government of the Region of Madrid, returns on 28 and 29 November at the famous Santiago Bernabéu Stadium.

For two days, under the theme "Tourism and Sport Creating a Lasting Legacy for Destinations", the congress will bring together leading personalities from the worlds of sport and tourism to share innovative ideas, best practices, and knowledge on the subject, including its economic impact, its contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and strategies to effectively promote destinations through sport events and sponsorships.

Sports Tourism has the potential to drive social, economic, and environmental initiatives, accelerate development, and create a lasting positive legacy on destinations. This year, the WSTC has crafted a comprehensive experience that will feature keynote speeches, panel discussions, and personal testimonials from key figures from the Sports Tourism industry and UN Tourism Ambassadors for Sustainable Tourism.

The focus will encompass a range of topics, including the integration of Sports Tourism into government agendas, the importance of the afterlife of sport infrastructures, key success factors for hosting sports events, effective sponsorship strategies, the growing trend of hosting amateur sports events among others. This year's edition will count on the knowledge and expertise of organizations such as the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), the International Basketball Federation (FIBA), the Global Sports Innovation Center, the International Master Games Association, and many other leading organizations

The World Sports Tourism Congress Over the Years

Following the success of the inaugural edition in Lloret de Mar in 2021 and the second edition in Zadar, Croatia, in 2023, the WSTC continues raising awareness about the vital role of Sports Tourism in driving economic growth and social development in various destinations. In addition to evaluating the impacts of this expanding sector, the Congress also examines its potential benefits, such as its connections to health and well-being, as well as its significance in promoting destinations to larger and more diverse audiences.

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AM NEWS | VOL. 70 Novembre 2024

AM NEWS | VOL. 70 Novembre 2024

Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to introduce you to a new edition of the Affiliate Members Newsletter. This monthly publication will inform you about the latest news, events, and initiatives related to your membership and the Affiliate Members’ network. Also included is the updated calendar of events for 2024, featuring the main UN Tourism events.

November promises to be an eventful month for Affiliate Members, with a rich lineup of events and initiatives. Kicking off with the World Travel Market in London, this global gathering serves as a vital platform for the travel and tourism industry. Following this, UN Tourism’s 122nd Executive Council will take place from 13-15 November in Colombia. Taking advantage of the presence of many Affiliate Members at this event, my department has organized dedicated networking sessions and activities. For more information, please refer to the AMConnected+ platform.

Further into the month, we look forward to the 9th UN Tourism World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism, which will convene in Manama, Bahrain, on 18-19 November. Closing the month on an exciting note, the 3rd World Sports Tourism Congress will be held on 28-29 November at Madrid's iconic Santiago Bernabéu Stadium. This congress will bring together ministers, high-level officials, sports figures, and key stakeholders to explore innovative approaches to sports tourism, with a focus on maximizing local impact, advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and leveraging sports events to boost tourism and support local economies.

I am also pleased to also report that the new tools and functionalities of the AMConnected+ platform have been received positively by Affiliate Members. The user-friendly interface, inspired by the most widely used social networks, allows for easy navigation based on interests through Regional and Thematic Channels. The mobile version and other available features reflect our commitment to providing value to the UN Tourism Affiliate Membership.

The Affiliate Members and Public-Private Collaboration Department is committed to collaborating and supporting our Affiliate Members’ projects to the best of our abilities. We are always available to hear your comments and feedback.

Ion Vilcu

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AM NEWS | VOL. 69 October 2024

AM NEWS | VOL. 69 October 2024

Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to introduce you to a new edition of the Affiliate Members Newsletter. This monthly publication will inform you about the latest news, events, and initiatives related to your membership and the Affiliate Members’ network. Also included is the updated calendar of events for 2024, featuring the main UN Tourism events.

Following the successful celebration of World Tourism Day—a significant occasion for tourism stakeholders from both the public and private sectors—UN Tourism is now preparing for upcoming events. Notably, the 122nd Meeting of the Executive Council will take place from 13-15 November. In this promising setting, and given the presence of many Affiliate Members in Colombia for the event, my department will organize dedicated activities and networking sessions. Please stay tuned for more details, which we will share soon on the AMConnected+ platform.

Looking ahead, I encourage you to mark your calendars for the 3rd World Sports Tourism Congress, scheduled for 28-29 November in Madrid, Spain, in the iconic Santiago Bernabéu Stadium. This congress will bring together ministers, high-level officials, sports figures, and stakeholders to exchange innovative ideas and insights on sports tourism, with a particular focus on its local impact, contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and strategic planning for leveraging sports events to boost tourism and local economies.

I am also pleased to report that the new tools and functionalities of the AMConnected+ platform have been received positively by Affiliate Members. The user-friendly interface, inspired by the most widely used social networks, allows for easy navigation based on interests through Regional and Thematic Channels. The mobile version and other available features reflect our commitment to providing value to the UN Tourism Affiliate Membership.

The Affiliate Members and Public-Private Collaboration Department is committed to collaborating and supporting our Affiliate Members’ projects to the best of our abilities. We are always available to hear your comments and feedback.

Ion Vilcu

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