Tourism data and matching priorities - Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan is the host country of the 25th session of the UNWTO General Assembly in 2023
UNWTO COVID-19 Tourism Recovery Technical Assistance Package with EBRD (ongoing)
Enhance the tourism offer of Uzbekistan and its promotion
(Match: Uzbekistan is emphasizing on the diversification and improvement of the product and intensification of the tourist experience, including the deploy of widespread advertisement campaign, which would allow the country to break into new markets while preserving existing markets and visitor flows).
- Support the promotion of Uzbekistan’s destinations through the organization of a Google Masterclass on improving the promotion of destinations through Google & use of Google analytics for state officials.
- Assist Uzbekistan in the development of the religious (ziyarat) tourism as the development of the religious tourism is a priority for the Uzbek Government. The Country well known as a centre of Islamic science. The country experienced so called two Islamic Renaissances in the past: in IX-XII centuries as well as in XV century.
- UNWTO.Academy: Organization of dedicated trainings on efficient promotion and marketing of destinations for destinations officials / Assist destinations on the development of marketing & promotion strategy of destinations
- UNWTO Rural Tourism Development Programme - Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO: International Label; Tourism Villages Upgrade Programme; Best Tourism Villages Network
- Uzbek villages were not awarded as the BTV in 2021 and 2022
Education & Training
(Match: The enhancement of skills of the tourism workforce, along with the creation of jobs in tourism, is identified as a key priority. Uzbek government is specifically interested in the capacity building programs for the workers of hospitality and guides as well as for managers of the medium level).
- Support through the UNWTO.Academy: UNWTO can support Uzbekistan in the development of tourism educational programmes (i.e, curricula), along with the delivery of tailored-made trainings (I.e., training for officials, training for tourism guides)
- Uzbekistan is interested in the TedQual certification, namely for the International Silk Road University in Samarkand.
- Uzbekistan is interested in organizing the UNWTO Students League in 2023
Digital transformation and technical assistance
(Match:Ministry of Tourism and Sports underlines the necessity of the development of the digital technologies in the field of tourism, including in the promotion area).
- Potential to collaborate on the advancement of SDGs through innovation.
- Uzbekistan request: support the country in the development of the system of tourism statistics and tourism satellite account (TECO has developed the relevant TORs and sent them to Ministry of Tourism and Sports for their consideration).
Attraction of foreign investment and development of tourism infrastructure
(Match:in order to implement all the reforms in the field of tourism, Uzbekistan needs financial resources. This can be done through the attraction of foreign private investments)
- Explore the possibility to provide support through the IEI programme.
- Support the country, including technical assistance, in the preparations of TORs for their further application to get financial aid from different financial institutions, i.e. World Bank, EBBR, ADB etc.
International tourism
Main Source Markets:
Main Outbound Markets:
Travel and Tourism Contribution
International Tourism arrivals
International Tourism Receipts
Concept for Development 2019-2025
The concept aims at:
- Achieving increased efficiency of the ongoing reforms to create favorable economic conditions and prerequisites - Developing priority goals and objectives for the accelerated development of the tourism industry
- Increasing its role and contribution to the economy
- Diversification and improving the quality of services
- Improving tourism infrastructure
- Main stages of development:
2019-2020 - institutional reforms to create a solid legislative basis for tourism development, modernization of infrastructure and promotion of the country's tourism brand
2020-2025 – 1. Increase the share of tourism in GDP to 5%
2. 9 Million Visitors
3. Promote tourism potential in the world market
- 4 UNESCO cultural sites
- Visa-free regime for 90 countries and 57 can use e-visa.
- 50% of all travelers fit in 31-55 age category
Source: National Database of Uzbekistan