TECHNICAL SESSION - Session VI: Using TSA Data for Business and Policy Analysis
Chair: Mr. Romulo Virola, National Statistical Coordination Board, Philippines
Keynote by Mr. Alain Dupeyras, OECD: “Using TSA data for business and policy analysis” (text) (ppt)
- Ms. Anemé Malan, Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa and Mr. Joe de Beer, Statistics South Africa: “Linking government strategies and the TSA” (ppt)
- Mr. Tim Quinn, Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, Australia: “TSA and National Tourism Administration leadership” (text)
- Ms. Jamilja van der Meulen, Statistics Netherlands: "Tourism statistics and tourism policy" (ppt)
- Mr. P. K. Sharma, Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong, China (ppt) and Mr. Haiyan Song, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China (ppt): “Hong Kong experience moving towards the TSA project”
- Mr. Hassan Hamdouni, Ministry of Tourism and Crafts, Morocco: “Indicators resulting from the TSA and their use” (ppt)
- Mr. Steve MacFeely, Central Statistics Office, Ireland: “Push & Pull – Adopting TSAs in Ireland: User and Compiler Perspectives” (ppt)
- Mr. Salvador Marconi, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC): “A basic outline for the economic analysis of tourism” (spanish) (ppt)
Speakers profile and abstracts
Background documents
- oecd_eng.pdf
- oecd_pres.pdf
- southafrica_0.pdf
- quinn.pdf
- meulen.pdf
- sharma.pdf
- song.pdf
- hamdouni.pdf
- macfeely.pdf
- eclac.pdf
- macro_indicators.pdf
- speakers6.pdf