English 2014 University Course Tourism and International Cooperation for Development
The George Washington University and the UNWTO.Themis Foundation offer the
2014 English edition of the
University Course Tourism and International Cooperation for Development
"The course was a great opportunity to get involved in sustainable tourism development alongside international lecturers and classmates from all over the world. Thanks to this course I have been selected for a 10 month mission in Burundi as an UNWTO.Volunteer to strengthen the participation of youth and women in tourism. The knowledge on international cooperation and the diverse learning experiences shared during the course have broadened my career choices.”
Antoine Audet, 2013 Course Participant
This intensive course trains university graduates and professionals in subject areas related to international cooperation and development through tourism. Participants are given an opportunity to achieve specialization in this area of work in order to take advantage of international development opportunities including the UNWTO.Volunteer Corps which supports UNWTO international technical assistance projects and those of other agencies of the UN System.
- To provide participants with basic knowledge and tools to take part in international cooperation projects or development programmes through tourism.
- To disseminate UNWTO's principles and guidelines, especially tourism's role as an instrument of development and poverty alleviation;
- To disseminate the ideals of service and solidarity rooted in the essence of volunteerism;
- To foster opportunities for networking and community building between course participants, industry professionals and key tourism stakeholders
University graduates, young professionals and early retirees from disciplines relevant to development cooperation, over 21 years of age, demonstrating interest in participating in projects of international cooperation for development related to tourism. A basic introduction to tourism module will be provided for participants with no academic or experiential background in tourism.
The official on-line application form of the University Course on Tourism and International Cooperation for Development must be submitted and the required documentation must be sent in PDF or JPG format to cigw@unwtothemis.org, with subject: "CoopInt14GWU-Surname", before 31 July 2014.
Documentation required:
- Copy of your highest academic degree.
- Professional resume.
- Photograph.
- English certificate for non-native speakers only (TOEFL and IELTS are preferred).
- One letter of recommendation (Professional or Academic).
- Letter of motivation stating why you want to participate in this course.
- Copy of your passport (biographical page).
*Visa formalities are the sole responsibility of the participant.
The total cost of the course is US$2,900.
This fee will cover costs for the on line and on site portions of the course, and the provision of course materials, lunch and refreshment breaks during the course.
Costs of travel to and from Washington, DC, additional meals and accommodations are not included.
GW will provide information to assist participants in finding appropriate accommodations as needed.
Payment Deadline:
Tuition fees, for all admitted participants, must be paid before 31 July 2014 directly to the Themis Foundation located in the Principality of Andorra. The admission of the participant will be formalized with the payment.
Part 1: On-line
From August 18 to September 26, 2014
Estimated hours: 90-100 hours
Part 2: On-site
George Washington University (GW), Washington DC, USA
From October 4 to 16, 2014
Hours of instruction and field studies: 100 hours
The on-site component of the course follows a practical methodology based on specific knowledge on issues relevant to tourism and international cooperation for development, so that the participant acquires hands-on tools used in tourism related International Development projects.
The on-site course includes the development of a concept design for a sustainable tourism project as well as a rapid-destination assessment fieldwork in the DC Metropolitan area. Case studies and best practices will be presented by GW professors, tourism experts from international cooperation or development agencies, and UNWTO/Themis officers.
Also, a briefing will be provided on PM4SD-a new methodology and qualification developed in Europe for designing and managing successful tourism projects.
A detailed agenda and outline of the course content will be provided before the GW on-site component begins.