Ad Hoc Committee and Working Group
Ad Hoc Committee
As per the Guidelines for the adoption of the draft UNWTO Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics, an ad hoc Committee was entrusted by the 22nd General Assembly to review and prepare the final text of the Convention for its approval by the General Assembly. The Committee, which met on the 13 and 14 of September 2017 in Chengdu, China, was composed of the Member States that expressed their interest in participating:
AFRICA: Mauritius, Republic of Congo
AMERICAS: Argentina, Panama
ASIA: Bangladesh, Buthan, China, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Philippines, Samoa, Sri Lanka, Associate Member Macao, China
EUROPE: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Portugal, Russian Federation, Turkey
MIDDLE EAST: Egypt, Saudi Arabia
Working Group
In 2016, a special Working Group was established to examine the conversion of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism into an international convention in order to reinforce its effectiveness.The composition of the Working Group was based on the favorable responses received from UNWTO Full and Associate Members.
As of April 2017, the Working Group is composed by representatives of 36 Full and Associate Members:
AFRICA: Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Morocco, Republic of Congo
AMERICAS: Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Puerto Rico
ASIA: Bhutan, China, Indonesia, Japan, Macao (China), China, Philippines, Samoa, Sri Lanka
EUROPE: Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Flanders (Belgium), the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Slovenia, Turkey